
Pisac is a city in Peru that is an ancient Inca citadel. It is located 33 kilometers from the famous Inca settlement of Cuzco in Valle Sagrado, a sacred valley next to the Urubamba River. The city is built of stones and the way to it is an endless staircase.


The center of Pisac is divided into two parts, one is a settlement and the other leads from the village to a mountain plateau where the ruins of a temple are located. At the site of the ruined structure, a sacred stone called “intihuatana” can be seen, which is of special interest to all tourists. According to Inca beliefs, it is mystically connected to the sun.


Video: Pisac

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Historical Information

Slopes of the fortress

Fertile soil was necessary for these areas – it was lifted from the valley, so it was possible to grow a large amount of crops on such a high location.

According to one version, Pisac was built around 1440, destroyed by the Spanish a century later and then reconstructed. There is a different view that by the time the conquerors arrived, the city had ceased to be an important strategic site due to various political reasons. Archaeologists note that the bastions and palaces were not damaged by enemy warriors, but they themselves turned into ruins over time. The settlement died gradually, its decline taking place over many years.

View of the fortress

Tourist Information

Pisak. View from the fortress

There are many products made by folk artisans here. Among the souvenirs there are attractive silver jewelry with enamel, unusual dried and polished pumpkins of various sizes with carved drawings of folklore themes, mats and fabrics with national ornaments. The market offers a large selection of products made of wool of the local animal – alpaca, which is especially important for tourists. Even in summer, it is quite cool in these places, so warm sweaters, socks and hats will come in handy in the morning and evening.
