
Peresyp is a miniature beach resort located in the north of the Taman Peninsula, 23 km from Temryuk. This picturesque village is the golden mean of the wide coastal strip Golubitskaya – Peresyp – Kuchugury, facing the Sea of Azov. Peresyp – a popular place for a quiet family vacation with children, attracting tourists spacious beaches, warm sea, plenty of sunshine and beautiful nature.


Video: Peresyp from a height



Tourists heading to Peresyp from the direction of Temryuk, already at the entrance are met by recreation centers, organized and spontaneous campsites, mini-hotels, which offer rooms of different comfort levels. In Peresyp itself, reminiscent of a quiet country village, resort guests are waiting for modern guest houses, nice restaurants and family cafes with homemade food.


Rest here will be to the liking of lovers of nature and peaceful pastime on the seashore. On the village beach is never pandemonium, and look for a place to quietly sunbathe, here will not be required. In the morning in Peresypi it is pleasant to fish, going out on a boat into the sea or heading to the nearby Akhtanizovsky estuary with its richest fauna. In the evenings, vacationers roast kebabs in the bosom of wonderful nature, away from the noise and bustle.


Peresyp neighbors the same small resort village Za Rodina, the border between them is almost conventional. In Peresyp better developed infrastructure and more options for accommodation, and in the village of Za Rodinu is a famous natural attraction – mud volcano Tizdar. Tourists who want to take healing baths rush here. Bored in Peresyp resort guests can go to the entertainment center “Poseidon” located at the entrance to it, in the village of Golubitskaya or on one of the many excursions on the Taman Peninsula.


History of Peresyp

The history and name of the settlement are related to the peculiarities of its location. Peresyp was founded near the Akhtanizovsky estuary. Once it was a vast lake, separated from the open sea waters by a sandy spit. At the end of the XVIII century, settlements of the Black Sea Cossacks – former Zaporozhians – appeared in these parts. They connected the closed reservoir with the sea by digging a narrow channel, which they called in their own way – “hirlo”. In bad weather, sea waves and wind created new sand deposits that prevented water exchange, and the locals had to clear the channel again and again. It is believed that the phrase “to pour sand” and gave the name to the settlement.


At the end of the XVIII century began construction of the Taman Shlach – a postal road connecting Taman and Ekaterinodar. One of the stations on the way of mail delivery was Peresyp, founded at the place of ferry crossing through the Akhtanizovskoye girlo. Initially Cossacks were responsible for the maintenance of the tract, many of them served as postmen. In addition, the locals were engaged in farming and fishing. Every year young Cossacks were sent in batches for military service. After the revolution of 1917, the Cossacks, who served as a stronghold of autocracy, fiercely resisted the establishment of Soviet power on the Taman peninsula. The Bolsheviks did not establish themselves here until 1920.


As a result of fierce fighting that shook Taman in 1941-1943 years Peresyp was almost completely destroyed. After the expulsion of the Germans in the only surviving here brick house housed the headquarters of the women’s aviation regiment, which participated in the breakthrough of the “Blue Line” – the defensive system of the Nazis.


From Peresyp yesterday’s graduates of flying clubs flew to night bombardment of enemy positions, for which they were nicknamed Night Witches. The girls were also jokingly called Dunka’s Regiment, after their combat commander Evdokia Bershanskaya. In Peresyp several streets bear the names of legendary pilots, in their honor there is a memorial sign. Not far from it are the burial places of the fallen pilots. The village also implements the project “Nezabudki Peresypy”, dedicated to the history of the regiment.


In the 60s of last century on the outskirts of the modern resort archaeologists found traces of an ancient settlement. Based on the historical reports of Strabo and Ptolemy, scientists have suggested that there was an ancient city of Tiramba, founded in the VI century BC. About 300 years later, its fortifications were destroyed, but people still lived here presumably until the III century. Along the coast, almost 1.5 km, stretched the necropolis of the ancient city. In the graves archaeologists found amphorae with cremated remains, rings, beads, bracelets, fibulae. Valuable artifacts are stored in the Taman Archaeological Museum.”


Near Peresyp is also a famous natural attraction – the Valley of Lotuses. In the 1950s from the seeds of rare Indian lotus on the marshy banks of the Akhtanizovsky estuary planted a whole plantation of these beautiful plants. They took root surprisingly easily and grew enormously, becoming an object of admiration for numerous tourists. Back in the days of the USSR in Peresyp were built tourist bases, and today the infrastructure of hospitality was replenished with private mini-hotels, cafes, entertainment centers.


Geography and climate

Peresyp is one of the three settlements that make up the Akhtanizovsky rural settlement. From its administrative center, the village of Akhtanizovskaya, to Peresyp is only 5 km. To the east of it is a small, quiet village Za Rodina, where families with children prefer to rest.


The village is spread along the highway Temryuk – Port Kavkaz, slightly deviating from it and cozily nestled on a narrow strip between two bodies of water. The northern boundaries of Peresyp are facing the coast of the Azov Sea, and the southern boundaries are facing the Akhtanizovsky estuary, one of the largest freshwater bodies of water in the Krasnodar region. Its length at its longest section is about 18 km, maximum width – 8 km. Despite its vast area, the estuary is quite shallow: the average depth is 0.9-1.3 m, the maximum depth is 1.6 m.


Freshwater reservoir became in the first half of the century before last. Then Cossacks from the surrounding settlements dug with the help of primitive tools 32-kilometer channel that connected the estuary with the Kuban River. This branch was named “Cossack Erik”, it flows into the estuary in the northeast, taking away from the Kuban a sixth of its water flow and contributing to the accumulation of muddy sediments at the bottom of the reservoir. In the 19th century, the inflow of fresh water significantly enriched the estuary’s fauna. It became a kind of incubator for young sturgeons, mainly sturgeon. Cossack Yerik is also home to catfish, pikes, pike, crucian carp, perch, and taran. Its banks, overgrown with willows and reeds, are home to crayfish, turtles and snakes.


The banks of the Akhtanizovsky estuary is framed by reed grass, in the reed thickets nesting ducks, coots, build homes muskrat. Sometimes foxes, hares and even wild boars appear near the reservoir.


In Peresyp, literally surrounded by water, reigns a special microclimate. It is distinguished by comfortable equilibrium: light sea breezes soften the hot breath of the southern steppes, whose dryness, in its turn, reduces the humidity from vapor from the estuary and plavniye. The air, saturated with oxygen, elements of sodium chloride, bromine and iodine, is invigorating and has healing properties.


The best time for a beach vacation in Peresyp – from June to August. You can come here in May, when the air warms up to +21 ° C. However, the temperature of water in the sea at this time is no more than +18 ° C. In summer in the village usually +27 … +30 °С, but, sometimes, thermometer columns overcome 30-degree mark. The sea at this time is very warm: in shallow waters +26…+28 °С. It should be taken into account that in May and early June there are not infrequent rains and strong wind.


In the first half of September in Peresypi is summer hot. Then the temperature gradually decreases, making by the end of the month +24…+26 ° C. The water cools down from +26 ° C at the beginning of the month to +21 ° C in the last week of the month. In October it is still predominantly sunny, though the number of cloudy days increases. Daytime air temperature fluctuates slightly at +20 °С. The maximum water temperature is +20 ° C, the minimum – about +16 ° C.



Peresyp – a small village, so you can get to its central beach even from the most remote streets from the sea for 10 minutes by walking. On the eastern side, the coast stretches on the same level as the residential sector. Closer to the west there is a height difference, and the beach is below the village, under the cliff, behind a strip of trees and bushes. Several paths, civilized and spontaneous, lead to the shore. The central descent is located at the end of Morskiy Lane, to the western part of the beach you can go down from Bezymyanniy Lane.


Within the boundaries of the village Peresyp beach stretches for almost 3 km, in some places reaching a width of 100 meters. The shore and the seabed are covered with yellow sand with flecks of small shells, algae and stones are absent. The entrance to the water here is gentle, the depth is shallow. The sea on the coast of Peresypi clean, but in bad weather, the water becomes cloudy.


On the beach is never crowded and noisy, although sea attractions here are presented. Vacationers ride on “bananas”, hydro scooters, catamarans, fly over the sea on a parachute, play beach volleyball. At the water’s edge there are water slides and trampolines. On the beach there are changing rooms, toilets, several rental outlets for sun umbrellas. Most vacationers are located on the sand on their own beds or mattresses, food and drinks are brought with them.


To the beaches of Peresyp traditionally include coastal areas stretching from the village beach in the direction of the village of Za Rodina and the village Golubitskaya. In total, the length of this wide seaside strip is about 10 km. Its conditional boundary on the side of Golubitskaya – beach “Podmayachny”. On the same flank are landscaped beaches entertainment center “Poseidon”, a number of recreation centers, campsites. In the west, the coastal line of Peresypy closes with an almost wild beach of the village Za Rodina, behind which stretches the territory of the club complex Tizdar Family Resort & Spa 4 * with its own beach location.


Entertainment in Peresyp

Village entertainment is still represented only by marine theme and excursion programs. Tourists who do not want to limit their rest to water fun on the local beach, can go to the entertainment center “Poseidon”. It is located at the entrance to Peresyp from the side of Golubitskaya. Entrance to the territory – paid: 500 rubles per person. The price includes use of the parking lot, recreation on the landscaped beach, taking mud baths, tasting “live” wines. On the shore there is a playground, cafes, pavilions. Kids can look into the pet corner. For an additional fee are offered wine, honey, salt, beer spa procedures, a visit to a small oceanarium.


Those wishing to fly over the sea on a paraglider should head to the beach “Podmayachny”. It stretches at the foot of the hill, where the launching pad is located.


Popular travel to the mud volcanoes located within the Akhtanizovsky rural settlement. One of them – Tizdar (or Blue Balka), is located on the territory of the complex Tizdar Family Resort & Spa. Paying 800 rubles for entry, tourists can dive into a volcanic crater with liquid mud. Its diameter is about 15 by 20 meters. Such bathing is a very curious procedure, not only useful for health, but also fun. The price includes other services: wine baths, a visit to the mini zoo “Ark” and a children’s park with a complex of attractions. Tourists sunbathe on the local beach and choose souvenirs in local stores.


From the pier of Peresypy boats go to Lotus Valley. A water trip along the Cossack Yerik is akin to visiting a jungle. Over the canal hang willow trees, covered with vines, along the canal there are acacia trees, Kalina, alder and alder. The kingdom of lotuses opens at the place where this waterway flows into the Akhtanizovsky Bay. In all its glory Indian “migrants” appear in the period from mid-July to the end of August, when their active flowering occurs.


In Akhtanizovsky estuary you can gloriously fish. In the catch – catfish, pike, carp, pike-perch, carp, not to mention crucian carp and perch. On the banks overgrown with reeds, it is difficult to find a suitable place for fishing, so it is better to go here by boat.


With children you can go to Kuchugury, which is 20 km from Peresyp. Here on the territory of the tourist complex “Iskra” works amusement park with merry-go-rounds, swings, autodrome, Ferris wheel. Another amusement park is located in the village Golubitskaya, next to it is a dolphinarium. In Golubitskaya resort visitors are also expected restaurants and discos, working late.



Grocery and hardware stores in Peresyp are located on the main street named after pilot Anna Bondareva. There are also cafes, a post office, and a market selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Next to the post office is a specialized store “Cognac House”, which offers products of the cognac factory “Temryuk.”


Tourists traditionally buy as souvenirs specialty wines from local grapes, dry mud in kilogram bags, sea salt. These goods are abundantly presented in the entertainment complex “Poseidon” and in the stores located on the territory of Tizdar Family Resort.


Cafes and restaurants

The culinary establishments of Peresyp serve delicious and inexpensive dishes of predominantly Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian cuisine. Hearty dinners are offered by the colorful cafe “Cossack Harchevnya” (Kurortnaya Street, 34). The average check for two people here will amount to 1200-1400 rubles, including beer. Bank cards are accepted for payment. A full meal in cafe “Barin” (Sadovaya Street, 15) will cost a bit cheaper. In addition to the main menu, it offers dishes for children.


On Komsomolskaya Street, 42, there is a nice family cafe “Old Boat”. Here you should try homemade dumplings, pasta with cutlets, chebureks, pancakes. Seafood dishes are good, such as salad of rapans and mussels baked with cheese. The average cost is 700-1000 rubles for two people. Delicious pizza, excellent coffee, milkshakes can be ordered in the cafe “Cognac House”, which is on Bondareva Street, next to the store of the same name.


Where to stay

In Peresypy resort guests are usually accommodated in guest houses or rent individual rooms from locals. Modern, comfortable guesthouses are scattered throughout the village. As a rule, for breakfast guests are offered a buffet, and lunches and dinners are prepared by the vacationers themselves in a modern equipped kitchen. Daily accommodation costs from 1500 to 3500 rubles, depending on the level of service and season.


Those who wish can stay in the boarding house “Azov”. It opened back in 1984 and inherited from the Soviet era beautiful territory, which needs, however, in the improvement. Here for a standard room with vidavshaya species furnishings will need to pay from 1650 rubles per day.


On the coastline, which stretches towards the village Golubitskaya, are recreation centers and campsites. In the camping can go by car and camping tent, it will cost 500 rubles per day. Actually, fans of rest in tents better place than the coast in the vicinity of Peresyp, on the Taman Peninsula can not find.


How to get there

The nearest airport to Peresyp is located in Anapa. Trains from different regions of Russia arrive in this resort town in summer. From the Anapa bus station there is regular transportation to the Taman Peninsula, but to get to Peresyp, you must first go to Temryuk. At the local bus station, take bus number 107 or 110. The first one goes to the village of Kuchugury, the second one – to the village of Ilyich. Both make a stop in Peresypy.
