Pissing Boy Fountain

The Peeing Boy is famous in all countries. It has become one of the most recognizable symbols of Belgium and probably the main attraction of Brussels. There are always many tourists near this monument with a fountain. It is indeed surprising that this sculpture gets so much attention.


How did the peeing boy appear?


When exactly the Manneken pee, as the Brussels people call it, was created is unknown. But there are a lot of legends about it, and among them, perhaps, there is a true story. The most fabulous of them tells about a naughty boy who was not ashamed to relieve himself right on the porch of a house belonging to a fairy. The landlady, naturally, was very angry and turned the little boy into a statue so that he would pee forever.


There is also a patriotic version, which tells about a boy who saw how the enemy laid shells near the city and lit the wicks, and who was able to extinguish them with the help of … their own forces, and thus became a city hero, the memory of his feat decided to immortalize in a statue with a fountain.


There is a legend about a father’s love. Allegedly, a local merchant was walking with his son through the city streets, but he was lost. The boy was looking for, but could not find, the father is already completely exhausted and lost hope. Suddenly his son was found at the intersection of Dubovaya and Bannaya streets, when he went to the bathroom. The happy father could not contain his emotions and decided to erect a monument at the place where he was able to reunite with his son. It has stood there ever since.


The next version tells of Duke Gottfried, who decided to be attacked by his own vassals. The battle with the rebels was hard, the duke’s soldiers were quite downhearted and at that moment Gottfried’s servant ran to his master, shouting that his son had gone to the bathroom. This episode was so ordinary and comical that the soldiers instantly perked up, shouting “Manneken pis”. Having gotten the release they needed, the soldiers rushed into battle and were victorious.


Most researchers believe that the peeing boy was created by sculptor Jérôme Duquenois – the father. But who was the customer, they can not say. The most probable year of creation of the monument is 1619, although there are earlier dates, for example, 1388. Even though most scientists assume that there could have been earlier sculptures of the peeing boy, they are sure that the modern form of the Brussels varmint acquired exactly in 1619, thanks to Duquesnoy.



The Pissing Boy himself and the fountain into which he urinates have acquired many traditions over the years. One of the main ones is the regular changing of Julien’s clothes. That’s the name of the famous prankster. He has already changed an untold number of outfits. Moreover, not everyone who wants to dress up a peeing boy in clothes. Changing his closet is a whole event, and the clothes for him are carefully selected. Usually they are donated by famous or authoritative personalities. Julien often wears the national costumes of countries friendly to Belgium.

It is said that the tradition was started by the Elector of Bavaria in 1698. Apparently, he was the first to want to dress up a naked boy, followed by Louis XV, who didn’t skimp on a gold brocade outfit for the statue. After that, the case went friendlier. Now no famous couturier will not refuse to sew clothes fashionista Julien.


Outfits collected so many that they had to open a museum next to the peeing boy himself. Previously, the clothes were in the Brussels History Museum, but now, apparently, do not fit there. By the way, Julien also wears clothes of different professions, for example, on April 12 he was an astronaut.


Another tradition – on holidays from the “tap” Julien let not water, but real beer or cider. Thus, those who happen to be near the fountain can try the drinks for free and celebrate the festivities together with the people of Brussels.

The city is very fond of its own beer and cider.

The city is very fond of its symbol, and this love is sometimes excessive. Apparently, for this reason, the statue has been stolen more than once and now the peeing boy is no longer the original, but just a copy. And so that the kid was not lonely, the townspeople created a statue of a peeing girl and even a dog. So Julien is not bored now.


How to get there

The Peeing Boy is located in Brussels near the Grand Place, at the intersection of Bath and Oak Streets (Rue de l’Étuve/Stoofstraat and Rue du Chêne/Eikstraat).
