Parthenon in Athens
Parthenon in Athens is a famous ancient Greek temple that is over 2,500 years old. It stands proudly atop the Acropolis and is visible from almost anywhere in the city. In creating the Parthenon, the Greeks dedicated it to their favorite goddess, Athena. So they thanked the mighty daughter of Zeus for patronizing the city, as well as for its salvation during the Persian wars.

Video: the Parthenon in Athens
Contents- The road to the ancient temple
- As a gift to Athena
- Remains of luxury
Secrets of the Parthenon - Lost Statues
- The Age of Archaeology and Restoration
Road to the ancient temple
The Parthenon is located in the center of the capital, so it is impossible to get lost. Tourists are guided to two elevations: the Acropolis and Lykavitos Hill. It is necessary to get to the station “Acropolis” and from here along a small street go to the ticket office. They work from 8:00, and on weekends and holidays – from 8:30. The ticket costs 12 euros, it gives you the opportunity to visit four more local museums. Former travelers advise arriving in the morning for three reasons: the absence of crowds, silence and coolness. Near the ticket office you can buy a bottle of water to escape the heat. Souvenirs are also sold here – the choice is wide.
Some tourists try to grab a pebble from the Acropolis. The locals are familiar with this tradition and trick – “ancient souvenirs” are regularly brought to the territory. But if a visitor tries to pick up a pebble from the building itself, the price of such a “feat” will be great: they will be fined a considerable sum.
As a gift to Athena
To experience the full power of the Parthenon, one must mentally travel back to 447 BC. On the foundations of an earlier sanctuary, they began to erect a temple. The idea belonged to the Athenian ruler, a famous commander and reformer – Pericles. The design and construction were undertaken by the famous masters Iktin and Kallikratos, the artistic design was entrusted to the famous sculptor Phidias. All the people of Hellas participated in the creation of the masterpiece. From different parts of the country brought materials: snow-white marble, gold, ivory, cypress … Thousands of slaves were involved in the construction of the building. The authorities reported on all stages of construction to the public. Fragments of marble plaques with financial reports have been preserved. You can see them in the museum.
.It was not until 438 BC that the temple was completed. Since Athens was experiencing a period of the highest prosperity, money was plentiful, so the decoration and finishing of the masterpiece was the most exquisite. In the center was installed a statue of the goddess, made of marble and ivory. For many years, the Parthenon was at the center of Athenians’ social life – global issues were decided in the Acropolis.

Remains of luxury
During its life, the Parthenon was a Greek temple, treasury, church, mosque, fortress … The main hall was filled with streams of light entering through the doorway. Additional illumination was provided by lamps. Inside the building was divided into two parts. In the western part was the treasury, and the eastern side served as a temple – there was a sculpture of Athena.
Tourists can not appreciate the full beauty of the Parthenon – the ancient structure was destroyed. It was transformed into both a Christian church and a mosque. Most of the sculptures were stolen. In 1687 a shell hit the building, the explosion blew off the roof and part of the colonnade. The ambassador of England Lord Elgin, who visited here in the early XIX century, also left a “trace” in the history. With the permission of the Turks, who captured the place, he took away many sculptures. The locals scattered the marble blocks..

Secrets of the Parthenon

The Lost Statues

Most of the rest of the sculptures have also been lost. A few survivors can be seen in the Acropolis Museum and the British Museum in London. The corner elements of the Birth of Athena pediment, the statues of Helios and Selene are abroad. Instead of them placed casts-copies made of cement and marble chips. There are few genuine masterpieces left in the temple: two figures of the western pediment, as well as the frieze on one of the walls.

The Age of Archaeology and Restoration

The restoration process continues with mixed success. Thanks to the work done, tourists can see the northern colonnade – it was rebuilt in the early XX century. If possible, the pediment sculptures were restored. In the 50s the floor of the building was restored. The original statues were transferred to the museum and replaced with copies. Today, negotiations are underway with the British Museum to bring back to the country the exported remains of the temple.
Although only the west wall remains of the Parthenon’s central volume, it is still considered the pride of Athens. The ancient temple towers over the city, lending a special grandeur to the capital. Be sure to take a look at it at night, when the illumination is turned on.