
Partenit is a resort village within the Greater Alushta, which has gained popularity among Russian vacationers due to its sanatoriums, proximity to the Black Sea and amazing nature. Since recently Partenit is gaining popularity and is being built up at an accelerated pace. Here will certainly find something to please fans of recreation in the style of “all-inclusive”, private beaches and apartments of a higher level of comfort.

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General Information

From Partenit to Alushta is only 15 kilometers. Separated from the neighboring Gurzuf gray-green slopes of Mount Ayu-Dag, this Black Sea resort is interesting and its ancient past, periodically reminding of itself to tourists who are not lazy to wander into the former excavation sites. Vacation in Partenit today – it is, first of all, the enjoyment of climatic factors, trips to nature, sanatorium relaxation and field trips. Beach vacation here is also at the level. You can enjoy the space and privacy on the wild beaches in the vicinity of the village, and you can compete with other tourists for the best “square” of pebbles on the municipal areas for bathing. But the best thing is to meditate on a chaise longue on a closed for outsiders section of the shore, assigned to some hotel or sanatorium.


Weather. Best time for a trip

Partenit is located in a small gentle valley, cut off from the southwestern part of the coast by the slopes of Ayu-Dag, and from the northeast – forested ridge of the Crimean Mountains. As in any seaside resort, which is part of the subtropical climate zone, Partenit is most interesting in summer. Formally, the season in this part of the southern coast of Crimea opens in May. But to go here in late spring is advisable only in order to save on accommodation and food – for swimming in May is still too cool.


In June, the coast is already warmer. You can even organize swims, but you will have to put up with the occasional inclement weather, which is typical for the beginning of summer. If you want to “squeeze” from the rest in Partenit maximum impressions and pleasures, it is better to come to Crimea in July-August, when the sea meets comfortable +25 … 27 ° C, and there is almost no rain. The number of vacationers in these “golden” in all senses of the months is off the charts, so you will have to compete with other resorts in agility and ingenuity to have time to stake a place on a free beach.


September in Partenit gentle, alluring slowly cooling sea and gradually slowing down the pace of resort life. Consider the option of autumn vacation, if you do not like the beach crowd, typical of popular seaside resorts, and do not want to overpay for housing. Before the season closes, hotels and inns start to lower their prices.


History of the village

Life in Partenit has been booming since prehistoric times. If you believe archaeologists, the first settlements in this part of the South Coast appeared in the Paleolithic era. Then the Black Sea coast was invaded by the Taurians, to whom the resort owes its name. According to legend, in the vicinity of the settlement settlers were erected a temple in honor of the goddess Virgo. Later, when the Byzantines settled in the Crimea, the village was called Partenit, which was a reference to the Taurian beliefs – from the Greek “partenit” translates as “maiden.”


Over time, the small village grew to become a rather influential Black Sea town, known for its vineyards and craft workshops. As a result, beginning in the XIV century, to the walls of Partenit began to pull up new conquerors: first – the Genoese, who threw all their energies into the construction of the castle-fortress Kale-Poti, then – the Ottoman Turks, who burned almost to the ground rich Partenit settlement. In 1783, after the annexation of the Crimean territories to Russia, Partenit became part of the Simferopol district, becoming part of the then-formed Tauride region.


Partenit Sights

Attractions capable of arousing tourist interest are few in the resort, so the salvation from boredom will have to look for local sellers of excursions. Perhaps the most notable object, which willy-nilly will have to review throughout the vacation in the village – it is Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain. According to legend, before reaching Partenit, the Taurian tribes inhabited Ayu-Dag, as evidenced by the ancient statuettes and remains of household utensils found on it.


Of the larger traces of human activity, reminding of irrevocably bygone eras, the remains of the Basilica of the Apostles Peter and Paul are preserved on Bear Mountain. The ruins of the sanctuary are at the foot of the object, however, to get to them will have to get through the territory of the military sanatorium “Crimea”. Love to climb Ayu-Dag and visiting esotericists: according to rumors, the mountain has a very powerful energy, “enlightening” all who were not lazy to climb it.


A more “light” option, designed for all those who are not thrilled with tedious mountain climbs, is the rock Kuchuk-Ayu or Bear in the bay of Partenit. The history of the object is also outstanding, and it is easier to climb it. In ancient times on Kuchuk-Ayu there was a structure that served as a temple and a lighthouse, so today vacationers have a chance to look at the steps cut out in the rock. This is all that remains of the majestic structure.

Quite a twisted quest can be a climb to the cliff Kale-Poti in the eastern part of Partenit. It was here that the Genoese built a castle for their consul, and then created a small settlement in its vicinity. Today on the cliff you can find the foundations of the fortress, not to mention the pottery shards, which the land of Kale-Poti in some places just sprinkled. The only difficulty is the resort development, thanks to which the route to the cliff will have to be made through private property, not forgetting to obtain permission to enter from the owners.


At the address: per. Krutoy, 1, is a modest reminder of the times of Turkish domination in the Crimea – a small stone minaret. The structure is quite dilapidated, but, fortunately, not disfigured by thoughtless restoration, and therefore looks authentic. According to some information, the age of the building is about 300 years – the rest of the mosque was destroyed in the late XX century during the expansion of the village road. The structure has a small passage-arch and a stone ladder that allows you to climb to the top platform, but because of the miniaturized size of the minaret to enter the interior of few people will be able to.


Connoisseurs of shady recreational areas are recommended to get into the territory of the park sanatorium “Crimea”. Some of the trees were planted back in the XIX century, and the land itself belonged to the old noble family of Raevsky. Entrance is paid and strictly on passports, but the number of visitors such restrictions do not affect the number of visitors. Park sanatorium “Aivazovskoe” looks more “open” than its competitor – the green spaces are cared for by a staff of professional gardeners, in addition, with the financing of this resort facility is more fortunate. Entrance, as in the first case, by ticket, but the impressions received during the excursion, fully recoup its cost.


The territory of the park “Aivazovskoye” – 25 hectares, which are conditionally divided into 5 thematic zones. Be sure to find in it a glade with 25 olive trees. According to local guides, each of the trees is 500 years old.


Included in Partenit, but located to the northeast of the village palace and park ensemble “Utes-Karasan” is also able to pleasantly surprise. In addition to more than 200 species of exotic plants, brought at one time from Africa and South America, the location is interesting manor in neo-Mauritanian style, which belonged to the Raevsky clan.


Another example of architecture of the early last century awaits all comers on the territory of the sanatorium “Utes”, located in the village of the same name, near Cape Plaka. Housing health resort, reminiscent of a medieval castle, is the former palace of Princess Gagarina. The construction was completed just in the year of the death of its sanovitoy owner, and materials for the construction were delivered from Italy and France.


Travelers with children should look into the dolphinarium sanatorium “Crimea”. Marine mammals here are attracted to therapeutic programs, but shows are also sometimes arranged, so inquire about the cultural and entertainment program in advance. The facility has a “live” Instagram profile where you can get answers to all your questions.


Beach vacation in Partenit

Partenit beaches are predominantly pebble, although there may be places dotted with stones. As for accessibility, the most convenient parts of the coastline went to sanatoriums “Crimea” and “Aivazovskoye”. Now, to relax in these locations, you will have to either become a guest of one of these resorts, or pay for every opportunity to splash on the closed territory.


Both sanatorium beaches have a length of almost a kilometer, but on the territory of “Aivazovsky” infrastructure is more advanced – there are bars and restaurant, kayak and catamaran rentals, free Wi-Fi. True, and pay for these amenities will have to pay more – a visit to the beach is included in the price of a ticket to the park “Aivazovskoe” and can be from 600 to 1200 rubles, depending on the season.


If you want to party on the beach for free, you can go to the Central Beach, squeezed on both sides of the bathing areas of the same “Crimea” and “Aivazovsky”. Free space here is ridiculously small, so in the season you will have to organize battles for a place under the sun with other fans of sitting on warm pebbles – lying down, most likely, will not allow filling the location.


A temporary compromise between sanatorium beaches and village beaches can be a section of the coast between the parks “Aivazovskoe” and Karasan. The most convenient part of it – at the hotels “Europe” and “Ayu-Dag”, ennobled the territory of the bathing area and even in some places covered it with sand. So far, tourists “from the street” here are allowed freely, charging only for sun beds and other beach equipment.


Purely symbolic beaches can be found even on Bear Mountain. Descents to them extreme, but and compete for a narrow strip of pebbles mixed with boulders with no one will not have to. If you need absolutely wild places – move to the opposite side of Ayu-Dag, to Cape Plaka. The coast in this part of the resort is rugged, in some places pebble, in some places stony, but privacy, silence and freedom in abundance.


Restaurants and cafes

Partenitsky public catering is mainly fast food, sold literally at every step. Accordingly, the most comfortable at the resort will be comfortable for fans of all kinds of chebureks, pizza and sausages in dough. In the village there are several canteens, but not all have an ideal reputation, so before visiting them it is useful to read reviews about the quality of products and service.


If you need not just a snack, but also the appropriate atmosphere, you can spend a couple of hours in “Poseidon by the Sea”. The restaurant of local cuisine belongs to the sanatorium “Aivazovskoye”. Besides, the institution is known for the fact that it is there that you can taste dishes with olives picked from 500-year-old trees growing in the sanatorium park. In addition to a traditional lunch, you can order a gastrotour in “Poseidon”, which is not cheap but memorable. Among the cafes the most popular among vacationers in Partenit are “Sunflowers” and “Alice”.


Where to stay

Partenit every year is built up more and more, and not only standard boarding houses, but also pretentious hotels and vacation homes. For example, now within the village can be found two “four-star” – hotels “Europe” and “Ayu-Dag”, a stay in which will cost from 15 500 rubles. per day. Resorts, in love with the all-inclusive system, will like it in “Majestic”. The price of the question – from 9500 rubles. for a double room.


A day’s stay in the guest houses of Partenit at the height of summer cost about 3000-3500 rubles. And a sharp price jump is observed in August, and the decline – in September. In search of cheaper accommodation options you can go to the private sector: prices for rooms in the peak of the bathing season start from 1500 rubles.



The main “deposit” of Partenit souvenirs is the village market. In addition to all sorts of small things from shells and legendary herbal teas, here you can stock up on homemade wine (be sure to be picky tasting, so as not to run into a surrogate) and fruit jam. It is not difficult to find also Crimean cosmetics and myrtle syrup – a unique eco-product, which is produced by Nikitskaya laboratory known on the peninsula. By the way, the manufacturer has a very informative website detailing the syrup and the correct ways to use it.



Partenit is not difficult to get around on foot, but if getting to the right point in the heat seems problematic, you can negotiate with local cab drivers. There are no firm rates, so for the same distance you can pay as 200 rubles, or all 400 rubles. For example, a trip to Simferopol airport in the company of a local daredevil costs 1500-2000 rubles. If you want to ride with less damage to the budget, choose a ticket for bus number 1, running between Alushta and the neighborhood of Wiener, passing also through Partenit. It is especially recommended to pay attention to this option if you need to quickly get to the park of the sanatorium “Crimea” and the dolphinarium.


How to get there

The main modes of transportation for tourists whose way to Partenit begins from Simferopol, or rather, from its airport, are cabs and buses. From the city bus station “Kurortnaya 2” in the direction of the village leaves several bus trips a day, starting at 06:13 am. Travel time is 1 h. 40 min. From Alushta to Partenit can be reached by shuttle buses № 110, 111 and 127.


The famous Crimean trolleybus, following the route Yalta – Simferopol, also makes a stop near the turn to Partenit. For those who crossed the Crimean Bridge by private car and the same way plans to do the rest of the way, it is recommended to stick to Feodosia direction, then through Koktebel to Alushta and from there on the South Coast Highway to Partenit.
