Palace of Sheki Khans

Palace of Sheki khans is a former residence of Sheki khans, located in Azerbaijan, in the city of Sheki, now a museum. It is a historical and cultural monument of world significance, part of the state historical and architectural reserve “Yukhari Bash”. The building of the palace, built in the 18th century in the Persian style, is located in the elevated northeastern part of the city on the territory enclosed by fortress walls.

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The palace, about 30 meters long, consists of two floors with a total area of about 300 m², has 6 rooms, 4 corridors and 2 mirrored balconies. The facade of the palace is painted with narrative designs depicting hunting and war scenes, as well as geometric and vegetal patterns. In the center is a huge window-vitrazh of multicolored glass mosaic. The windows of the palace are assembled from pieces of colored glass and fenced with openwork stone lattices.


Every room of the palace is unlike any other, and is masterfully decorated. All walls and ceilings are painted with miniatures: there are mythical birds in the Garden of Eden, unusual flowers and animals. Moreover, natural paints used in the creation of drawings, still delight visitors with their bright colors. Such decoration shows that in the second half of the 18th century in the Sheki Khanate the art of painting reached a high level of development, and wall painting was very popular.


It should be said that the miniatures of each room have their own meaning. For example, the rooms of the first floor – for guests simpler – demonstrate the wealth and power of the khan. On the walls and ceilings are depicted trees, flowers, animals and birds – symbols of fertility, noble origin.


The second floor is divided into two parts – female and male. The female half is painted with flowers and oriental ornaments.

In the male part is the reception hall. It is the richest room of the palace. Miniatures on the walls demonstrated the military power of the khanate, its attitude to friends and enemies. One can trace the whole history of Sheki Khanate through them: weapons of Khan’s troops and their enemies, clothes, banners, military customs and many other things. There are also scenes of hunting elephants, rare birds, even a dragon. The ceiling of the room is painted with images of the khan’s coat of arms and various symbols.


In front of the palace was once laid out a marvelous garden, from which remained only two giant branching chinaras – the same age as the palace. For over 200 years, like faithful servants, they have been guarding this architectural treasure of Azerbaijan.



The Palace of the Sheki Khans has been restored several times and today it appears before tourists in all its splendor, thanks to which famous travelers compared it with the famous Bakhchisaray Palace. It is considered one of the best examples of palace architecture of the XVIII century in the Caucasus and one of the pearls of the Islamic East. Along with the historic part of the city, the palace is a candidate for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Opening hours

The palace is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Sheki, Old Town, Palace of Sheki khans.

How to get there

Walk up Akhundov Ave. When you see the gate in the fortress wall, enter it. Then go straight ahead – on the only road.
