Mount Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri, located in Crimea, is one of the most beautiful and popular peaks among tourists. It is part of the Ai-Petri yaila massif, which, in turn, is part of the Crimean Mountains. Ai-Petri itself rises directly above the city of Alupka and the village of Koreiz, on the territory that is part of the Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve.


Video: Cable car on Ai-Petri



Mount Ai-Petri is the calling card of the southern Crimea. The mountain peak captivates travelers with its unique lines of shaped teeth and unusual, somewhat even bizarre color scheme of rocks, so it is rightfully called the most picturesque on the peninsula. It is also the windiest place in the Crimea, where at one time was recorded record wind speed – 50 meters per second. It was here that meteorologists in 1970 recorded 215 foggy days a year, which was also a kind of record for the region.

Zubtsy Mount Ai-Petri

The main peak of Ai-Petri is 1,234 meters high. In the silhouette of the mountain, the Eastern and Western extremities are also clearly visible. In general, it consists of four large, 65-80 meters high, protrusions on the crest, as well as many smaller ones. The sea horizon line from the summit is viewed for about 130 kilometers, while from the Yalta coast for only 10 kilometers.


Often under Ai-Petri is understood as the entire mountain massif of the same name, but actually this peak is located in the south of the plateau. It is the most visited by tourists. Excursion program usually lasts 5-6 hours and includes a lot of interesting things. Only one climb on the cable car is worth it! In addition, travelers can visit the so-called “Yalta Cave”, walk through the beech grove up to the top of the mountain and even taste Crimean wines for free.

Ai-Petrinskaya yayla” alt=””/>Climbing to the top of Ai-Petri

To get to the most famous peak of the Crimea can be different ways, the most popular and comfortable of which is considered to be traveling by cable car from the resort of Yalta. But regardless of how you get to Ai-Petri, you are waiting for the most unforgettable impressions. And also – acquaintance with other attractions located here: the top of Bedene-Kyr, Ai-Petri meridian, weather station, mysterious local caves.


Looking closely at the mountain itself, you can see ancient coral deposits – fossils in the form of tubes and twigs, which are at least several tens of millions of years old. What secrets do they keep in themselves? Surely this is interesting to everyone, and everyone would like to solve them. Well, in this case you have nothing else to do but to come to Crimea and try your luck…

Clouds under Ai-Petri” alt=””/>Fossilized corals from the slopes of Ay-Petri

Nature and climate

Mount Ai-Petri is a rugged limestone with a homogeneous structure that emerged about 200 million years ago from the ocean waters that boiled in this place. Its summit has a jagged shape, is a single complex of large and small rock formations rising above the yaila. If you look at Mount Ai-Petri from the sea side, the profile of the peak resembles something like a medieval fortress tower, erected to protect the mountain plateau.

Panorama of Mount Ai-Petri from Alupka

The plateau is remarkable in itself, because here, as if clinging to the rocks, there is a relic beech and hornbeam forest. Walking along it, you can admire Crimean pines and even meet a berry yew. The main “residents” of the array, beech and hornbeam, the height is solid – 10-15 meters, and in diameter reach about half a meter. It is in this forest there is an unusual “flying pine”, nicknamed so due to its spreading branches.


There are in the vicinity of Mount Ai-Petri and the so-called “Drunken Grove”, which unites a family of pine trees. They seem to hover over the landslide-damaged slope, on which, in fact, and grow. Speaking in general, the flora of the most famous mountain peak of the southern coast of Crimea includes more than 600 species of trees and shrubs, including various herbs. Here is a real variety for lovers of flowers – lilies of the valley, crocuses, peonies, snowdrops, snowdrops, rezukh, crocus, violets and others, found here in abundance.

Drunken Grove.” alt=””/>Birds over rocks

One of the most nimble, agile and nimble reptiles is considered to be the Crimean rock lizard. In the summer days, tourists walking on the slopes of Ai-Petri, can meet her. Many are unknowingly afraid of it, but there is no need to do it, because the lizard is not poisonous and, accordingly, not dangerous. Another bright representatives of the local fauna – black vultures and white-headed vultures – can be seen majestically circling over the rocks. It is not excluded that in distant times the animal world of Ai-Petri was much richer. However, now our lesser brothers actually scattered from here, as this attraction due to the annual “invasion” of tourists has become a place noisy and crowded.


Once at the top of Mount Ai-Petri, you can not help but appreciate the unimaginable beauty of the panorama that opens from this natural observation deck. You will see wonderful views of the southern coast of Crimea, starting from Simeiz and ending with Ayu-Dag. Especially strong impression is caused by staying at another observation deck, which is on the rock Shishko. Its uniqueness is that it is located right above the cliff. And the height is also decent: 1182 meters.

At the top of Ai-Petri, and this should never be forgotten, is much cooler than at the sea. The temperature difference is about 7-8 degrees. Even in summer, when the heat is all around, the mountain massif is now and then shrouded in fog. In addition, it can suddenly fall cold rain. Another notable feature of the Ai-Petrin climate is strong, penetrating winds, blowing for some reason in the hottest days. Their speed can reach 50 meters per second, which is quite tangible: the air flow can really knock you off your feet. Even a kind of record was recorded: in 1949, the wind blowing at a speed of more than 15 meters per second, did not subside for 125 days.


At some point, people decided to turn the power of the wind for their own benefit, installing a wind farm on the plateau. However, it did not let itself be tamed, ripping the blades off the structure. Now the wind farm is inoperable. At the same time, the complex of radar stations built in Soviet times on Bedene-Kyr (“Quail Mountain”), the wind did not touch. Apparently, it was not “up to its teeth”. The purpose of the complex is to carry out observations of the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space.


History and legends” alt=””/>

As for legends, the most famous and, we can say, “promoted” is considered to be the story of great love between two young people, very similar to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. And it began like this. In the vicinity of the mountain in the distant times lived two wealthy families, one of which grew a son, and in the other – a daughter. They fell in love with each other and decided to get married, but the parents were against their union. The girl’s family had long had their sights on a completely different guy as her husband. In the same way, and the young Crimean “Romeo” father and mother found a rich bride. The lovers were faced with a difficult choice: either they agree to a favorable marriage, approved by their parents, or they will be banished from home with the prospect of living a life of oblivion and poverty.


But the young people loved each other so much that they decided to leave their lives, considering it a deliverance, as neither of them wanted to tie their fate to an unloved person. They came to the top of Ai-Petri to jump down from it, holding hands. But when they reached the place, they saw that the narrow teeth could let only one person through. Peter – that was the young man’s name – decided to take the first step into eternity as a man. One moment – and he crashed on the rocks, after which his body was swallowed by the dark water. The girl was so horrified after what she saw that she could not repeat the jump of her beloved. The inconsolable bride sat on the edge of the cliff until morning, repeating through her tears: “Ay, Peter! Ay, Peter!” At dawn the girl calmed down and reasoned that she was too young to die. So she returned home. And the mountain itself, as legend has it, was named in honor of a courageous young man who preferred to part with his life rather than betray his love.


However, there is an official version of the origin of the name Ai-Petri. It is more plausible in comparison with the legend, as it is based on historical facts. In the Middle Ages there was a church of St. Peter. To our days it has not survived, but, apparently, it was she who gave the name of the future Crimean attraction. The word “Ai” means “Saint” and “Petri” means “Peter”. Both words are Greek. Thus, the name translates into Russian as “St. Peter’s Mountain.”


What to see on Mount Ai-Petri

The most famous attraction of the mountain is the famous cable car “Miskhor – Ai-Petri”. This transportation artery can not only be examined, but also use it. A trip on it leaves the brightest emotions, because in less than a quarter of an hour you find yourself at an altitude of 1153 meters, from where there are stunning views of the entire southern coast of Crimea. Here, on the plateau, each excursionist will be able to find a lot of things to do, starting from the usual walk in the reserve and ending with tasting the dishes of local cuisine, and above all Crimean Tatar.


The cable car is a Guinness Book record holder. It was listed there as the longest unsupported span in Europe. It is also one of the ten most unique cable cars in the world. Firstly, thanks to its length of 1670 meters and the angle of ascent near the mountains – 46 degrees. In its time the cable car “Miskhor – Ai-Petri” was modernized. She replaced and improved the technical part. There was made, even if not a major, but still repair of machine rooms, premises and stations. Relatively recently, in 2013, the carrying rope was replaced with a new one, specially made in Austria to meet the standards of this ropeway. The work on its replacement can be called unique, because in the territory of the former USSR such on such a long distance has never been carried out before.

.” alt=””/>” alt=””/>
‘ View from the cable car carriage on the ascent

At this facility, safety issues are not taken seriously just for the sake of ticking boxes. Every day the maintenance staff inspects all the units, assemblies and ropes, checks the electrical part and only then gives permission to carry passengers. In the cars, each of which is designed for 40 people, together with tourists is always an experienced conductor.


At the stations, where stands with information about the schedule of the ropeway, its history and contact numbers are posted, people are met by duty officers. To travelers in the waiting areas do not get bored, they are shown information and entertainment programs on the screens of modern televisions. There is also a fogging system that provides street air conditioning.

If you forgot warm clothes at home (as we have already said, at altitude is a little cooler than on the shore), you can buy them in the shopping rows located at the two stations of the cable car “Miskhor – Ai-Petri”: the lower and upper. Here you can also buy souvenirs, which will be a reminder of this trip. The trip itself, it should be said, is quite extreme. If you are in the front part of the cabin in the direction of movement, you can consider yourself lucky – the best view opens from here. When approaching Mount Ai-Petri, especially its peak, the delight is mixed with instinctive fear, although you realize with your mind that there will be no collision.


To distract yourself from unpleasant emotions, look more under your feet, under which you can see a coniferous forest. Or admire the views of the sea, from a height that seems truly boundless. Many tourists get seasick when traveling: ear stuffing and gag reflex. You can fight them in different ways. Some thoughtfully take a pill for motion sickness, others prefer to do without “chemistry” and are limited to the usual lollipop. But there are those who approach the problem in a truly creative way. They take their favorite person with them and as soon as they feel that the ear stuffing, start kissing. They say it helps.

Wagonchik in the fog” alt=””/>Upper station of the cable car” alt=””/>At the Ai-Petri observation deck

The Ai-Petri plateau is the very top of the mountain. It is quite large and surprisingly flat. You may even get the impression that you are not on the mountain top, but somewhere in the steppe area. Well, and if your strength allows, you can climb even higher, to the very peak, to the famous crenellations. There is a footpath leading to them, equipped with benches for rest. The ascent will take from half an hour to an hour. The trail itself is not difficult, there are no obstacles on it as such. However, it should be taken into account that due to the large daily attendance, the stones on the trail are being chipped. This has led to the fact that in some places the trail has become completely smooth and slippery like a skating rink. When stepping on the rocks, don’t let your guard down or you may fall.

After such an interesting and intense walk, as a rule, appetite is whetted. You can refresh yourself in cafes and restaurants located near the tourist route. There are quite a lot of them here, and they are practically the same. The closer to the cable car, the more visitors, and the prices, respectively, are higher. The menu is dominated by national Crimean Tatar dishes cooked in the European manner. However, the portions here, unlike the food establishments in a number of tourist centers of the Old World, are quite large, so it is better to order a little at a time, not all at once.

.” alt=””/>‘ Excursion in Geodesic Cave

Tourists on Ai-Petri are also attracted by caves. To date, they have been discovered more than a hundred. How many of them are actually, it is difficult to establish. Such caves as Geophysical, Cascade, Pearl, Danilcha-Koba, Trekhglazka, Crystal and others (12 in total), have the status of natural monuments. Cave cavities magnetically beckon speleotourists. Not all of them have mountaineering training, so they visit those caves that are specially equipped for excursions – it is already mentioned Trekhglazka and Yalta.

Cave of Trekhglazka” alt=””/>Nateki-v-Yaltinskoy cave” alt=””/>Zastezhennye slopes and the road to Ai-Petri

Climbing up the mountain, you can see the famous Ai-Petri meridian. It is a globe, on which the exact geophysical data are plotted. The unusual attraction is installed on a granite slab.


You may get the impression that Mount Ai-Petri is a popular place exclusively for summer vacation. But this is far from true. It is equipped with a full-fledged skiing complex, so connoisseurs of winter vacation will also find something to occupy themselves on arrival. When the cold season comes, several ski tracks are laid. They are equipped with automated elevators. If you do not have your own equipment – skis, sleds, snowboards – you can rent them right on the spot.


Pistes are provided for both experienced and beginner skiers. Every year there are competitions in freestyle skiing. And also the Winter Festival is celebrated, traditionally gathering a lot of spectators. By the way, the snow cover on Ai-Petri does not come down until mid-April. Tourists-beginners worry: is there a place to stay during winter vacation? Of course, it is provided for. At the service of holidaymakers – small cozy houses.

Seeing off winter on Ai-Petri” alt=””/>Grand Canyon of Crimea

Separately it should be said about the Grand Canyon of Crimea, to which you can go from the Ai-Petri plateau. To get to it, on the road from Yalta to Bakhchisarai you need to move towards the latter through the entire plateau. Further you are waiting for a descent from the mountain. The road here is a real serpentine, and it is very similar to the ascent from Yalta. And here at the very foot of Ai-Petri you will see the cherished sign, following which you will get to the canyon. You can walk along it only on foot, being glad that the path is flat, so you won’t get tired as it would be in the presence of ascents. The entire route follows a stream bed created over millennia by nature itself. It is she who persistently polished stone rocks, forming in them bizarrely shaped cascades, funnels and even waterfalls. The final point of the route is the so-called “Bath of Youth”, on the way to it you will see the waterfall “Silver Jets” and many lakes. And this is not to mention the magnificent panorama of the mountain river and the mountains themselves.

River valley in the Grand Canyon of Crimea
Bath of Youth” alt=””/>Suspension bridges on the prongs of Ai-Petri

Another popular attraction of Ai-Petri is the Silver Arbor, which appeared here at the end of the century before last. It was erected in honor of a significant event – the commissioning of the road that connected Yalta and the former capital of the Crimean Khanate. The gazebo, which is about 5 minutes drive from the top of the mountain, is located above the cliff. Looking down, literally under your feet, you will see the magnificent mountains and forest massif.


While descending from the Silver Arbor, you will come across a large restaurant. Right behind it you will see the famous Uchan-Su waterfall (the name from Crimean Tatar translates as “Flying Water”) – the largest on the peninsula and one of the largest on the European continent. You can see it in all its glory only in spring, because in summer it is low-water. The water falls with such noise that its roars can be heard within a radius of several kilometers.

The Silver Arbor” alt=””/>Road to Ai-Petri

How to get there

There are two roads leading to Mount Ai-Petri – one from Yalta and the other from Bakhchisarai. The first way is more popular among tourists, as it allows you to visit a number of other attractions of Crimea before arriving at Ai-Petri, such as the Ai-Petri Plateau, Shishko Rock and the already mentioned Uchan-Su Waterfall.


‘ class=”fancybox” >Steep turns on the way to Ai-Petri

Leaving Yalta by car, head west towards the village of Simeiz. Orient yourself at the stop “Uzbekistan” – by the name of a popular Crimean health resort. Here you will see a branching of roads with signs. Turn on one of them, which indicates the direction to Ai-Petri. You will have to drive along the slopes of Mogabi Mountain, the ascent here is winding and steep. On the way on the right there is the sanatorium – “namesake” of the sunny Central Asian republic. Moving from “Uzbekistan” towards Ai-Petrinsky pass, you will not meet any significant settlements. The road to the famous mountain, running through a low-growing deciduous forest, throughout its entire length will literally twist among the trees.


An alternative way to get to Ai-Petri is the military road. This way is longer, and with seasickness attacks here are faced more often than when traveling on the cable car. Travelers who rode on it claim that there are 365 turns. Some of them are so steep, almost equal to 180 degrees, that a tour bus fits into them with great difficulty. Traveling along the military road takes about an hour. Compared to the cable car, which takes passengers to Ai-Petri Mountain within 20 minutes, this is a very long time.
