Malye Korelys

Malye Korely is one of the most famous open-air museums in the Arkhangelsk region. On the territory covering an area of 140 hectares, bright examples of folk art and wooden architecture are spread out. This marvelous exposition of northern Russia began to take shape in 1968. Five years later, the museum itself appeared on the banks of the Northern Dvina River – a gem of cultural heritage and a quiet place for walks away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


Travelers come here for various reasons. Some need the silence of northern nature, others are warmed by the coziness of wooden walls, and others want to join in the fun of peasant festivals. But what will not leave any tourist indifferent is the realization of the titanic efforts that it cost to preserve the national treasure of the Russian North. Restorers, artists, ethnographers and architects worked tirelessly to preserve more than a hundred monuments of folk wooden architecture. Authentic culture and traditions of ancient peoples make up the expressive image of Malye Korel, harmoniously intertwined into the surrounding landscape. By the way, it plays no less important role in the formation of the museum exposition.


Video: Malye Korely


“Koreli” or “Kareli”?

Discussions about the correct spelling of the word did not subside for a long time. The fact that the museum is located not far from the village of Malye Karely, and a little higher up is the village of Bolshiye Karely also added fuel to the fire. The origin of the toponyms owes to the White Sea tribe of Korels, who lived on the territory of modern Arkhangelsk in the XII-XIV centuries. In favor of the vowel “o” speaks and Nikolo-Korely Monastery (located 60 kilometers from it), and the river Korely, formerly called Korelka by the locals. Chronicles are documentary evidence, as they reflect the spelling of the Korela tribe with the letter “o.”


Akanje transformed the stressless vowel into “a”, thus reflected in the names of the villages. Associations with Karelia and the nearby tourist complex “Malye Karely” created additional confusion and created new disputes.

In the end, the law fixed the names “Malye Karely” and “Bolshiye Karely” for the villages, while the state museum still remained with the vowel “o.”

History of Malye Korely

Speaking about the beginning of the construction of the museum, it is impossible not to mention 1963. It was then that Valentin Lapin – chief architect of the Arkhangelsk Special Scientific Restoration Production Workshop – took the initiative to create a unique collection of wooden architecture monuments, the number of which was decreasing every year for various reasons: fires, frequent thunderstorms, rapid rotting of walls. The ancient buildings were collected and carefully transported from many villages and hamlets of the Arkhangelsk region to the place where it was planned to create the museum. If before 1973 tourists would have to travel a lot in order to form an opinion about the craftsmanship of ancient peoples, with the appearance of Malye Korel their route was limited to one walk through the picturesque area. Distinctive features of the Arkhangelsk carpentry art, historical spirit and ethnographic value – this is how the cult buildings of the museum complex can be described.


Museum Exposition

The Malye Korely Museum is formed by four sectors: Pinezhsky, Dvinsky, Kargopolsko-Onezhsky and Mezensky. On their territory are concentrated 120 examples of wooden architecture. Among them are churches and public and civil buildings. Their location repeats the traditional layout of villages of that time. The museum management plans to open two more sectors in the future – Vazhsky and Pomorsky.


The oldest buildings on the territory of the museum are the Church of the Ascension and St. George, as well as the bell tower from the village called Kuliga-Drakovanovo.


Church of the Ascension

This cube-shaped church was built in 1669. The shape of the building served as the architect’s creative response to the prohibition of tent construction by Patriarch Nikon. The Church of the Ascension has an altar and a porch, to which a porch leads.


Initially, the church, erected by “the care of peasants”, was located in the village of Kushereka, Onega District. A year before the opening of the Malye Korely Museum it was moved, and since then the Church of the Ascension of the Lord has been the main attraction of the square of the Kargopolsko-Onega sector.


St. George’s Church

In 1672, a church was erected in the village of Vershina in the ancient way. It represented an octahedral topped with a tent. In the XVII century such buildings were considered the pinnacle of architecture. Contrary to the mentioned prohibition of Patriarch Nikon, taking advantage of the remoteness of the village from the church authorities, the church was erected not “about five tops”. The material basis was the funds collected by the peasants.

Now St. George’s Church can be seen in the Dvinsky sector of Maly Korel.


Bell tower from the village of Kuliga-Drakovanovo

The end of the 16th century was marked by the appearance of a unique structure – a tent bell tower made of wood. The restrained forms and rough log cabin bring associations with an impregnable watchtower, which were characteristic of the fortresses of that time.


The bell tower is also noteworthy for being the oldest among similar buildings in Russia. You will definitely feel its uniqueness walking around the Dvinsky sector of the museum.


What else to do in Maly Koreli

No year in the “walls” of this amazing museum is without traditional Russian festivities. Religious holidays: Easter, Ascension of the Lord, Christmas and others are also celebrated with special reverence in Maly Koreli. Such unusual celebrations as the Bread Festival, Horse Festival and Haymaking Festival make an indelible impression on tourists. The entertainment program will amaze with its variety: horseback riding, competition in making the biggest sandwich, competition for the most beautiful loaf, performances of folklore groups, re-creation of the ancient ritual of haymaking… The idea that the Malye Korely Museum is limited to only one exposition is the biggest misconception of tourists heading here!


In addition to the opportunity to take part in numerous festivities, visitors book a sightseeing or thematic excursion. It is possible to get acquainted with only one of the sectors of Maly Korel or choose a longer option, covering the entire territory of the museum. Thematic excursions are not so much of cognitive value as they allow travelers to fully immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of the Russian land. If the guide’s monologue bores you, join a game program or take part in an ethnographic class. For reservations it is possible to go sledding in a horse-drawn carriage under the cheerful tinkling of bells, aromatic tea and pancakes in wooden huts and much more.


What to buy as a souvenir of the Malye Korely Museum

The best gift is a book. It will help to refresh your memories of your visit to the open-air museum. Choose a subject close to your heart: animal and plant life, patterned knitting, items of Old Russian life, elements of national costumes, patchwork, the main attractions of Malye Koreli. The main advantage is that you do not have to stand in line: the official website of the museum allows you to place an order online. Prices range from 30 to 1000 rubles.


Tourists who prefer original products of folk artisans can look in the souvenir shop. There is sure to find something unusual, for which it is not a pity to part with a couple or three hundred rubles.


Tourist Information

You can visit the Malye Korely Museum from 10:00 to 18:00 (from October to May inclusive) and from 10:00 to 20:00 (from June to September). Compared to many museums in Russia, the ticket price is not high. For citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus it will cost 200 rubles from Monday to Friday and 250 rubles from Saturday to Sunday. Visitors of retirement age, children over 16 years old and full-time students can buy a ticket cheaper: for 100 and 150 rubles respectively. For a single ticket you will have to pay 500 rubles regardless of the day of the week.


The cost of visiting exhibitions and excursions is specified separately on the official website. In addition, you can order a wedding ceremony, traditional greeting with bread and salt, as well as professional photography and videography.


Does the Maly Korel program seem so attractive that you are ready to literally settle here for a few days? Fortunately, 200 meters from the museum is the tourist complex “Malye Karely”. Tourists can check in to a cottage or a hotel room. After coming into contact with the history of Russian architecture as well as modern entertainment: paintball, billiards, bowling, restaurant and traditional Russian bath.


How to get there

The Malye Korely Museum can be found at the address: Malye Karely village, Pravda Street, 15. In this direction there are buses № 104 and № 108. The point of departure is the railway station and bus station, respectively. Transport runs every 20-30 minutes, so you will have enough time to prepare yourself for a fascinating journey through the pages of Russian architecture!
