Lomonosov Museum
Lomonosov Museum is the oldest center for studying the legacy of the Russian scientist, located in the building of the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera. The museum was founded in 1947 on the initiative of the President of the Academy of Sciences Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov and opened to the public two years later. To date, the Lomonosov Museum is considered the only museum of the history of science in the country, and about 100 thousand tourists visit it every year.

The museum collections are housed in the Kunstkamera tower, where M. V. Lomonosov worked for 24 years. The museum exhibits historical documents telling about the birth of domestic science and the instruments used by researchers in the 18th century.
The halls of the Lomonosov Museum also display rare instruments of the XVIII-XIX centuries, designed for astronomical observations, engravings of the XVI-XIX centuries, rare books, ancient atlases and a large collection of decorative and applied arts. A unique exhibit of the Lomonosov Museum is one of the largest globes in the world – a huge Gotthorpe globe-planetarium, the diameter of which is 3.1 meters. Of great interest are several things that belonged to Lomonosov.
.Information for tourists
For visitors to the Lomonosov Museum in St. Petersburg, there are sightseeing and thematic excursions. During them you can learn about the life and scientific activity of M. V. Lomonosov, the history of the Astronomical Observatory of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the history of the Great Gotthorpe Globe.
The doors of the museum are open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; weekends are Monday and the last Tuesday of each month. Note that the ticket booths stop operating at 17.00. An adult ticket costs 200 rubles; for schoolchildren and pensioners – 50 rubles; students, preschoolers, disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War visit the Lomonosov Museum for free.
.How to get there
The Lomonosov Museum is located on the arrow of Vasilievsky Island, in the building of the Kunstkamera – in house No. 3 on Universitetskaya Embankment. It is easy to walk here from Vasileostrovskaya, Sportivnaya and Admiralteyskaya metro stations. Besides, buses № 3M, 7, 10, 11 and 24 go to Kunstkamera. The buses go to the stop “Universitetskaya Embankment”.