
Lazarevskoye is one of the most popular resort areas of Greater Sochi. The village stands on the coast, halfway from Tuapse to Sochi, in the place where the mountainous river Psezuapse flows into the Black Sea. Vacationers often call it home – “Lazarevka”. Lazarevskoye has the status of the largest district center of Sochi. It includes all coastal settlements in the west of the resort region, starting from Shepsie to the central quarters of the resort town itself. The southern border of the Lazarevsky district runs along the coast, and the northern border runs along the Main Caucasus Ridge. The resort village itself is home to about 30,000 people, and most of them are employed in the tourist and recreational sector.


Video: Flight over the resort Lazarevskoye



View of Lazarevskoye from the sea
Sailing schooner
Guest houses on the hillside
Green foothills near Lazarevskoye
Sunset on the Black Sea

History of the settlement

According to the results of archaeological excavations it is known that the first settlements on the site of Lazarevsky appeared about 4000 years ago. The people who lived here were hunters and fishermen, and at the beginning of the II millennium BC they switched to agriculture and began to breed cattle. After the extremely developed Maikop and dolmen cultures, several archaeological monuments remained in the Lazarevsky district.

Blossoming Lazarevskoye

The resort lies in the humid climate zone of the subtropics. For the year here falls 1400 mm of precipitation, and most of it falls on winter time. Tourists begin to arrive in Lazarevskoye in the second half of May, when the Black Sea village is already warm +21…+22 ° C. The hottest months are July and August, which are the peak of the tourist season. At the height of summer, the air temperature stays at +28…+30 ° C, and the sea water warms up to a comfortable +23…+25 ° C.

Sea in Lazarevsko

Beaches in Lazarevskoye

Lazarevskoye stretches along the coastline for 7 km. Almost the same distance stretched and local pebble beaches. The width of the beach strip varies from 20 to 50 meters, and sometimes on it pebbles alternate with areas of load sand. Most beaches in Lazarevsky belong to hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, children’s camps, rest houses and tourist centers, and some of them are closed.


The central beach is often called “Azure”. It is spread behind Lazarevsky Park, at the end of Kalarash Street. It is a free municipal beach with a well-developed infrastructure. The abundance of amenities and entertainment contributes to the fact that it is always crowded here.

Resort in peak tourist season
Lazarevskoe in September

A lot of tourists like to rest and on the popular beach “Laguna”, located on the territory of the fishing village, east of the mouth of the river Psesuapse. It stretches for 100 meters and has a width of 20 to 25 meters. In addition to water entertainment, from this beach you can make interesting boat and yacht trips.


Between Lazarevsky and Soloniki lies Wild Beach, popular with nudists. It does not have any benefits of civilization, but the place is well closed from prying eyes, so people who want to get as close to nature as possible like to sunbathe and swim here.

The sea during a storm
On the pier in the evening
Riding a jet ski

Water parks

During the summer tourist season in Lazarevskoye there are two centers of water entertainment – “Sea Star” and “Nautilus”. Both of them open in early June and close at the end of September, receiving visitors every day, without weekends, from morning until late evening.


The Sea Star water park is larger. It occupies an area of 1 hectare and is located in the central part of the village, 200 m from the railway station (Pobeda Street, 153). It is one of the few places on the Black Sea coast, where there are heated pools filled with sea water.

Sea Star Water Park

“Sea Star” was built according to modern European standards, so its infrastructure can satisfy even the most demanding tourists. Visitors to the water park have the opportunity to ride on 11 slides, swim in the pools, sunbathe and spend time in cafes and restaurants. For children there is a specially equipped children’s town with attractions and shallow pools, near which animators and swimming instructors are always working. The territory of Sea Star is also impressive. It is planted with exotic trees, so that even in hot weather in the water park is always enough shade.


“Nautilus” is located 300 meters from the sea, on the right bank of Psezuapse (Pobeda Street, 2/1). In this water park Lazarevsky has four pools, the water in which is constantly heated to +26 ° C. This is a very comfortable temperature for swimming, so on cool days, when the sea storms, there are always a lot of people in “Nautilus”. For adult visitors, in addition to pools, the water park has high slides, and for kids there is a game center “Fantasia”, the highlight of which are unusual fountains.

Nautilus Water Park

Oceanarium and Dolphinarium


Churches and Museum

Museum building in Lazarevskoye
Museum Expositions

Natural sights of Lazarevsky

In the very center of Lazarevsky spreads a park, laid in the resort village in 1975. The picturesque green zone is very popular with locals and visitors. Magnolias and eucalyptus trees grow on the park alleys, there are a lot of flowerbeds and comfortable places for rest. There are also cafes and a children’s amusement park.


If from Lazarevsky Park along Kalarash Street go 2.2 km deep into the village, you can go to another natural attraction – Crab Gorge. It got this name because of its inhabitants – freshwater crabs, which found shelter in the clear waters of the creek. The hiking trail along the gorge is marked and stretches along the rocks for a little over 1 km. The greenish potholes in the creek bed are called “Mermaid’s Font” and “Adam’s Font”. There are in Crab Canyon Canyon of Wishes and Karst Canyon, a cascade of small waterfalls and water bowls, in which it is pleasant to bathe during a hot day.

In Crab Canyon.

On the north-western outskirts of the resort village, in the valley of the small river Svirka, is the famous Svirskoe Gorge. It is so beautiful that the gorge is visited not only by vacationers from Lazarevskoye, but also from other resort places in Greater Sochi.


There is a good marked path along the natural monument, equipped with ladders and railings. During the tour you can see picturesque waterfalls – Svirsky, “Mother-in-law’s Tears” and “Adam and Eve”, an old dolmen and a large block of sandstone, which is called “Moonstone”. The gorge is overgrown with old trees and evergreen ivy. It is home to many birds, and when there are no crowds of tourists, there is a chance of encountering a fox or badger.

‘ Berendeev’s Kingdom.” This is the name of the protected area of the Colchian forest and waterfalls on the unnamed tributary of the mountain river Kuapse. From Lazarevsky there are buses № 68 and 152.


There is an equipped tourist route of 1.2 km along the “Berendee Kingdom”. Everything interesting that meets on the way, bear the names of fairy tale characters – waterfall “Kupava”, bridge Mezgirya … The largest waterfall “Beard of Berendei” has a height of 27 meters. Besides the rocky slopes of the gorge and endemic plants, the route passes by an ancient megalithic complex, which consists of a trough-shaped dolmen and a sanctuary. And not far from them there are burial places of Adyg-Shapsugs, which appeared during the Middle Ages.


In 10 minutes from Lazarevsky, near the resort village of Soloniki, in the mountains goes Samshitovaya Gorge. You can get to it by any bus going towards Sochi. The Green Gorge is a unique corner of nature, where there are preserved plants that have survived since the Tertiary period, when dinosaurs lived on Earth. The valley of the mountain river is overgrown with Caucasian boxwood, lianas and ferns. However, not only clean mountain air, birdsong and rich flora attract tourists here. Many come to Samshitovoye Gorge for the sake of the two-cascade waterfall, which is called “Miracle-Krasotka.”


Nearby is located Volkonskoe Gorge, where you can see a monolithic dolmen, carved in a large block of sandstone. Next to it, a hydrogen sulfide spring, the water from which has healing properties, flows out of the ground. The shady Volkonskoe Gorge was formed in the valley of the Godlik River. If you walk along it above the dolmen, you can find yourself near the stone grotto “Two Brothers”, formed by the collision of two blocks of sandstone.

Berendeevo kingdom
Miracle-Krasotka Waterfall
Volkonskiy dolmen

Treatment options

‘ class=”fancybox” >Swimming pool in the sanatorium

Lazarevsky sanatoriums and boarding houses accept resort guests all year round. All of them have indoor pools, so despite the weather, here you can fully relax at any time of the year. Since accommodation in sanatoriums and resorts is not cheap, many tourists prefer to rent accommodation in the private sector or stay in budget hotels, while receiving in medical and recreational institutions Lazarevsky all the necessary medical procedures.


Local sanatoriums and resorts are focused on helping those who suffer from nervous and gynecological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and circulatory system, has problems with digestive and respiratory organs, as well as with metabolism. In Lazarevsky use mineral water, mud treatment, sunbathing, hiking, swimming in sea water, massages and various physiotherapeutic procedures.


How to get there

‘ class=”fancybox” >Lazarevskaya railway station

The closest airport to Lazarevskaya is in Adler (Sochi). From here you can get to the resort village by cab (65 km). The road takes 2.5 hours. Those who use public transportation, reach Lazarevsky by buses, shuttle buses or suburban trains.


It is convenient to get to the resort by rail. All trains going to Sochi and Adler, make a stop at the station “Lazarevskaya.”

The federal highway A147 also runs through Lazarevskoye, so it is not difficult to reach it by car. The distance from Moscow to the resort is 1554 km, and from Tuapse – 51 km.
