Laviyani Atoll

Laviyani Atoll is considered to be one of the most picturesque atolls in the Maldives. It is located about 120 kilometers from the capital of the archipelago, the city of Male, and includes more than sixty islands. Most of them are tiny pieces of land, which are scattered in a chaotic order within the atoll. Dense tropical vegetation and dazzling white beaches of fine sand, combined with numerous coral reefs, have formed a bright and saturated appearance of the resort.


To the west of Kuredu Island over the reef is a long sand spit. One of the main local pastimes is to walk along it at sunset and chase glowing plankton particles with bare feet. Kuredu is also the only island in the Maldives with 9 golf courses.


Due to the small number of both local and imported population, the atoll is full of places where secluded tents are set up for romantics for a day or two. Inside the atoll there are many shallow reefs, on which you can “snorkel” for hours.”


What to see and do

One of the features of these places is the almost complete absence of flowers with a huge number of coconut palms. There are crabs of different sizes, lizards, exotic birds of motley colors, as well as other rare wildlife. Among the marine inhabitants are often found reef sharks, clams, parrot fish, stingrays. Particular caution should be observed by novice divers, as in local waters there is a large number of moray eels, carefully protecting their homes from uninvited guests.


Apart from One & Only, Laviani Atoll has Komandhoo Island Resort 4*, Kuredu 4*+ and Palm Beach 5*. They also belong to the highest category and have on their territory everything necessary for a comfortable vacation. Local islands are not only distinguished by the richness of the underwater world and high quality of the tourist industry, but also have a wide range of activities for leisure. One of the favorite ways of pastime, for tourists visiting Laviani, has long been fishing. Fish here can be caught at any time of day, morning, afternoon, evening, the amount of catch from this almost does not depend. Fish in the Maldives, is the main trade for locals and one of the most profitable articles of the state budget, along with tourism. Such an abundance of seafood, perhaps, there is nowhere else in the Indian Ocean, so fishermen always return from their voyages with a rich catch.


Another of the most popular activities on the atoll is walking along the sand spit during sunset. In the evenings, you can enjoy a fabulous view of the sun setting behind the sea horizon. Thanks to this amazing sight, the Maldives remains in the memory forever. Many romantically inclined couples, going on long journeys through the waters of Laviani Atoll, prefer to take with them special tents or tents, which play the role of temporary housing on small islands that become a shelter for such romantics. Also in this part of the archipelago is widespread the famous in the southern countries of the world amusement – crab races. Not those ostentatious ones, which are organized in hotels, but real ones, held in local villages. There are few locals living on the atoll, so when large-scale competitions are organized on the islands, it becomes known to all the natives of Laviani. Among the people who gather at the races, it is customary to bet, so any such event quickly turns into a real, full of adrenaline and emotions, the event. To get to it, a great luck. After all, it is not only an opportunity to appreciate the rare physical qualities of sea crabs, but also a chance to plunge into the peculiar world of Maldivian culture and traditions.


There are caves on Kuredu Island, where turtles rest. There is also a large, rich reef where you can see big game from the open sea and view all the reef wildlife. And at the corner of the Kuredu Express reef, even sharks are caught in the channel where the current is very strong.


Very often, on weekends, in the hotels-islands of Laviani Atoll come folk ensembles of the Maldives, delighting and entertaining the many guests of the resort with their art. For those who love the underwater world, but have not yet mastered the technique of scuba diving, diving centers regularly organize a kind of exhibition of unique photographs, which depict the inhabitants of the depths of the sea in different minutes of their daily lives. On the island of Naifaru, lovers of jewelry and rare souvenirs can buy products made of coral and pearls. Actually, there are plenty of these things on other inhabited islands, but here the choice is wider and prices are more flexible.


Laviani is one of those atolls where people of all passions and hobbies find something to do. Diving, snorkeling, sailing, windsurfing and other water sports are very popular here. The atoll is located 40 minutes from the Maldives International Airport and has long had a reputation as one of the most romantic vacation spots in the country. Despite the small number of hotels and remoteness from civilization, Laviyani annually attracts thousands of exotic lovers who fly here in search of unforgettable experiences.


Not far from Lavianti is Nunu Atoll, near which there is a reef underwater, resembling the shape of a Christmas tree. Because of this, and also because of the colorful coloring of soft corals, divers call it Christmas Rock. “Under the Christmas tree” are big game (even sharks are found), and there are no strong currents – so you can dive and not the most experienced divers.”


How to get there

Getting to Laviani Atoll from Male’ is possible by air cab (40 minute flight) or by boat (depending on the season, 4-6 hours travel time).
