
Lapland is a rugged land of snow and Finland’s most unique region, most of which lies above the Arctic Circle. It is one of the country’s 19 regions, the largest in terms of territory. In the south Lapland borders with the province of Northern Pohjanmaa or Northern Ostrobothnia, in the west it neighbors with Sweden, in the north and east, respectively, with Norway and Russia. The nature of the region is wild and pristine, there are bogs and lakes, and the vast expanses of tundra are riddled with fast running rivers. The administrative center of Lapland is the city of Rovaniemi, the largest city in Europe by area.


Video: Lapland



‘ Colors of Lapland

The winter reindeer herd gathering is still one of the most spectacular spectacles in Lapland today, organized not only to check the number of animals and vaccinations. During this colorful event there are reindeer sled races and lasso throwing competitions. It is very similar to scenes from American westerns, which have taken root on the Arctic soil. Everyone has a unique chance to see reindeer with their own eyes. If, of course, you get together and go on vacation to this snow-white, at first glance not very hospitable, but very interesting and enchanting region.


Nature and climate

The peculiarities of the Lapland climate are that the differences between the seasons are sharply delineated, and this is what makes it different from other regions of Finland. Winter here is so “northern” (in the truest sense) that it can seem endless. The thermometer drops to the most severe marks, 40-50 degrees below zero. However, this circumstance does not prevent thousands of tourists to come here, the birthplace of Santa Claus, just for the New Year and Christmas holidays.


Winter in Lapland is also the time of polar night, the magical flashes of lights which allow you to admire the winter landscapes not only by the light of the moon. The ancient Sámi people associated the appearance of the northern lights with foxes moving among the snow-covered hills. Local legend says that these bright celestial lights are nothing but sparks carved out of these peaks by the simple movements of the foxes’ tails.

‘ Winter in Lapland” alt=””/>

Snowfalls are common in winter Lapland, and they start as early as the first days of October. This month actually opens the winter resort season. In November, the snow blanket covers the land even more densely, not letting go of its “embrace” until late spring. The first snow is a real delight for tourists: the slow and measured swirling of snowflakes, slowly, millimeter by millimeter covering the ground, literally mesmerizes – this magical dance can be watched endlessly!


Summer in the Finnish possessions of the Snow Queen is quite “summer” in our usual sense. The air at this time can warm up to +30 ° C, although usually the temperature fluctuates within 10-20 degrees Celsius. Water temperature in local rivers and lakes is also quite comfortable and allows you to swim. In June, more precisely at the end of the month, white nights begin in Lapland. Those who live far from the northern latitudes can hardly imagine, until they see with their own eyes, what it is like when the sun does not set over the horizon for 24 hours. The warmest month in Lapland is July.

Summer in Lapland

As autumn arrives, local nature renews its colors. Grass and leaves turn golden, in some places scarlet. Walks among the hills against the background of nature preparing for winter sleep soothe, bring peace and encourage you to think about something light, sublime and deeply personal.

Autumn in Lapland

A special mention should be made of the ski season in Lapland, which goes beyond the traditional seasons. It starts at the end of October and peaks in February. You can ski until May, when the snow starts to melt. Experienced skiers note that the most suitable month for skiing is April, which is characterized by clear, sunny weather.

Ski season

Cities and ski resorts in Lapland

Despite the harsh climate, this unique region in the northern latitudes of Suomi has been beckoning tourists for years, regardless of age. It may be hard to imagine, but there are many travelers from 60 and older who are not afraid of temperature fluctuations. According to a local belief, the land of Lapland is favorable to all who step on it with a pure heart.


The population of the province, as we have already noted above, is small, but there are dozens of settlements here. The largest and most popular among them is, of course, the administrative center – Rovaniemi. Regardless of whether you just like to see the sights or are an adherent of active recreation, you will definitely find something to your liking and interests here. Tourists who prefer to go on vacation as a family with children will not be disappointed. After all, it is in Lapland, not far from Rovaniemi, is located Santa Claus Village – a world-famous amusement park dedicated to the Finnish Christmas Father, who is called Joulupukki.

Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi

The rivers and lakes surrounding the small town of Kemijärvi in Eastern Lapland are teeming with fish – trout, perch, pike and the northernmost population of pikeperch in the country. It is also the northernmost in Finland. The local nature has preserved its pristine appearance here – dense, luxuriant forests, inimitable in its beauty northern waterfalls. There are many historical and cultural sights in the city: architectural monuments, ancient chapels.

Kemiyarvi’s surroundings
Julläs Ski Resort

In total, there are approximately 75 ski resorts in Finland. High level of service, maintenance of slopes in working condition, proper operation of elevators until the evening and illumination with lights in the evening – their calling card. The atmosphere is created and maintained in every possible way, which disposes to a pleasant and relaxing vacation. Tourists who are used to busy and noisy resorts of Central Europe, on arrival here invariably note the striking contrast with the latter. In Lapland you won’t have to stand at the elevators for a long time waiting for your turn. And certainly in the back will not breathe some desperate skier, at all costs trying to overtake you.


Sights of Lapland

Museum of Gold in Tankavaara

Once in Rovaniemi, be sure to visit the Arctic Center “Arktikum”, which is engaged in scientific research of all regions of the High North. It is located near the center of the Lapland capital, right on the coast of the river Ounasjoki. It is also home to a museum with permanent exhibitions devoted to the history and ethno-cultural heritage of the northern peoples.

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Not far from the town of Ranua is the zoo of the same name, the northernmost in the world. And not just a zoo, but a real oasis of wildlife, surrounded on all sides by dense coniferous forest. Opened in 1983, today it has become one of the hallmarks of Lapland, a place that tourists visit with great interest. More than 60 species of northern fauna and about 30 species of birds live here in the natural environment. Among them are reindeer and polar bears, wolves, roe deer and even a real lynx. You can combine your acquaintance with the inhabitants of the northern latitudes with reindeer or dog sledding. If you come here in the summer, you can ride horses.

Zoopark Ranua

The Sirmakko reindeer farm can also be called a real nature reserve in Lapland. Reindeer live here in a natural environment. During the tour you will be told a lot of interesting things about their lifestyle and habits. You will also get acquainted with the peculiarities of Sami life. A visit to the reindeer farm will undoubtedly give the brightest emotions to both children and adults. Another reindeer farm is located 30 km from Saariselk, its name is “Purnumukan Porofarmi”. The owners will offer guests a fascinating reindeer safari, which promises to be remembered as one of the most exotic entertainment in Lapland.

Sirmakko Reindeer Farm
Purnumukan Porofarmi Farm
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Santa Claus Village


Lapland, as we have already said, is quite a large province, in terms of area it surpasses entire European countries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia, slightly inferior to Hungary. The settlements of the region are a decent distance from each other.

Sledding with Huskies

Holidays and entertainment

Arctic Rally
Smoked reindeer meat
Deer stew
Deer Steak
Whale meat
Cooking ukha” alt=””/>Loonas lunch

Every Lapland town has restaurants that serve not only national but also European cuisine. Prices in establishments are quite high, for breakfast in a cafe you will have to pay at least 20 euros. Lunch for two persons in a regular restaurant costs from 70 to 90 €. Deciding to dine in an expensive fashionable establishment, where you can order to the dishes and excellent wine, be prepared for the fact that in the check brought by the waiter will be put the amount up to 200 EUR.


Tourists who cannot afford such expenses or who are simply used to saving money will certainly not go hungry. In many places you can eat fast food. In other cafes you will be offered inexpensive lunches “lowas” costing only 10-15 euros. You should keep in mind that they are served only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.


What to bring back as a souvenir

Souvenir store in Lapland

Hotels and accommodation

Tourist centers and ski resorts are the most visited places in Lapland, so most of the hotels are concentrated here. The choice for visitors is very wide: hotels, hostels, bungalows, campsites, apartments, chalets, lodges. The cost of accommodation is not low: even the most inexpensive room will cost a tourist 30 euros. Accommodation in luxury hotels of VIP class can reach 650 EUR. Through the specially equipped roof of some of them you can even admire the flashes of the northern lights.


How to get there

Despite the fact that Lapland is geographically very close to our country, many Russians believe that it is quite difficult to get to these lands because of the Arctic climate (snowfalls, drifts, ice on the roads), not to mention a comfortable journey through the region. In fact, it is not so difficult to move around Lapland: there are good highways between settlements, many cities have their own railway stations and even airports. In addition to rail and air transportation, road transportation is also available.


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