Kumysnaya Polyana
Kumysnaya Polyana is a forest park, which is located on the undulating surface of the Lysogorsky plateau and its slopes. A kind of natural monument spreads to the west of Saratov, occupying an area of about 4.5 thousand hectares, half of which are forests. “Kumyska” – this is how the locals call the park – plays an important ecological, health-improving and aesthetic role in the existence of the city, making up about a tenth of it.”

Video: Kumysnaya Polyana
ContentsHistory of Kumysnaya Polyana
The park acquired the name “Kumysnaya Polyana” back in the 19th century. At that time on its leased territory the Tatars grazed horses, producing a large amount of horse milk – koumiss. At the dawn of the XX century, work was started on the improvement of the forest, the arrangement of springs, the construction of summer houses around the park, roads.
During the Great Patriotic War, a battery of anti-aircraft guns was located here, covering the sky above Saratov. To this day in the forest you can still come across dugouts and trenches, overgrown with grass.
In 1991, in order to preserve the natural wealth, a decision was made to create a forest park in place of the Kumysna glade, which was left the historical name of the area.
The park is home to both deciduous and coniferous trees. Walking through the pine forest, you can get to a light birch grove, and then through a section with larches to pass into a mixed forest. Mighty petiole oaks, sycamore maples, slender aspen and linden trees grow in it in the neighborhood with fluffy pines. The lower tier is covered with numerous shrubs, the most common of which are beanberry, cherry, birch bark, and blackthorn.
In summer, on the edges and glades between trees and shrubs will please the eye pinkish-purple and blue flowers of forest geranium and Veronica broadleaf, which are medicinal plants and help with many diseases. There are also lily of the valley, wheatgrass, bluegrass and other herbaceous representatives of the flora. Mushroom hunters can return from a walk in the Kumysna glade with a bow filled with mushrooms, depending on the season, mushrooms, pears, and mochoviks (the closest relatives of white mushrooms).
The formed fauna of the park is very peculiar. Among mammals, there are foxes, two species of martens and weasels. White-breasted hedgehog and brown-toothed urchin hunt for insects in the grass. There are larger animals: Siberian roe deer, wild boar, elk. The bird “company” of the Kumysna glade is represented by finches, buntings, tits, magpies, cuckoos and other species. One can hear the singing of the black-headed chirp or the thumping of the spotted woodpecker. Less common are sparrowhawk, goshawk, finch, cobbler, buzzard.
.Amphibians are represented by a wide range of species: green toads, newts, red-bellied gerbils, sharp-footed frogs, garlic frogs. Among reptiles, one can see a stripe, a copperhead, an urchin, a bog turtle, and a common lizard.
.Living water
Rainwater, seeping through the plateau rocks, is naturally filtered and weakly mineralized. Then it comes to the surface in the form of numerous springs, feeding the ponds at the foot of the plateau and providing clean water to all those in need. There are 18 arranged springs on the territory of the forest park.
The most famous spring of Kumysnaya Polyana is located near the Svyato-Alexievsky Monastery. Every day dozens of people come to draw water from it. Here rise two church buildings resembling small chapels with gilded domes. The area around is arranged, and the spring itself is equipped with a reservoir accumulating underground water and a pipe for the convenience of filling containers.
One of the no less popular springs, “Silver”, was put in order at the expense of the administration. It is decorated with a stone sculpture, very reminiscent of a storyteller.
Spring “October Gorge” is located near the road that leads to the sanatorium of the same name. The source is popular due to the possibility of getting here by private transportation. Here runs one of the walking routes, so tourists often quench their thirst with a couple of sips of the purest and coolest water.
There is an interesting architectural design at the Tatar spring: it is a bas-relief with the image of a horse feeding its foal. “Frame” bas-relief is presented in the form of a large horseshoe – so in 1995, father and son Belozerovs improved this spring.
Almost all the work to clear the territory around the springs of Kumysnaya Glade – the merit of ordinary citizens, who are alien to indifference to nature. In addition, these measures have made the springs more accessible, and their water – suitable for drinking.
What to do in the park
The forest park “Kumysnaya Polyana” is a favorite place for residents and guests of Saratov, who enjoy spending their weekends here, enjoying communion with nature. Some come here just to sit on the glade with friends and fry a kebab; there are fans of wandering through the forest with a basket to then treat themselves to a dish of mushrooms; someone likes active recreation. It all depends on the time of year and preferences.
.Bicycle rides
Taking a bicycle excursion along the forest paths of Kumysnaya Polyana is an excellent way to spend a weekend with friends. You can ride in the breeze among the twinkling green trees or, leisurely pedaling, admire the beauty of flower meadows, enjoying the aroma of fresh air. The landscaped paths of the park are perfect for any option.
If you do not have a bicycle, it can be taken in one of the rental points on the territory of Kumyska: in the adventure park ZaDoor, near the camps “Dubki” and “Beryozka”. The cost is 200 rubles per hour. Keep in mind that you need to leave some document as a deposit. The instructor will tell you which route to choose, and will also tell you on the way about the history of the park, its inhabitants, plants and their medicinal properties. Together with him you can visit springs and viewpoints, from which you can see a marvelous panorama of the city and the surrounding area.
The fee for a bicycle excursion – 400 rubles for three people for an hour of riding. There are discounts depending on the number of participants and the time of the ride.
Traveling on quad bikes
Quadrotourism – a new, rapidly developing direction of tourism. It is about walking through the park on electric quad bikes. This is a very interesting and comfortable kind of vacation, as driving an electric vehicle does not require special skills and physical effort. Experienced instructors will teach you how to drive an ATV and accompany you on the trip, introducing you to the sights of Kumysnaya Glade: shaman’s town, giant oak, cork tree and others. Quadrotourism is a great way to spend time with friends, to celebrate a birthday or, for example, to surprise a loved one.
.The ride starts from ZaDoor Park by appointment. There are three routes, which differ in length and duration of the journey (from fifty minutes to two hours). The cost is from 800 to 2200 rubles.
.Ski Adventures
In winter, the Kumysnaya glade turns into a real fairy tale. This is the time of skiing walks among the trees covered with sparkling frost or breathtaking descents on specially prepared slopes. Many city dwellers try to get away from the gloomy city for a weekend. Walking on skis is a great way to shed calories and a great cure for winter malaise. In ZaDoor Park you can rent skis, paying 200 rubles for an hour and a half. At the end of the walk you will have a hot warming herbal tea. Near the rental parking lot operates all year round, which makes the rest more comfortable: you can get here by private vehicle, and it will safely await the return of its owner.
Various winter contests are held among visitors to the park. One of them is “Saratov igloo”, during which you can compete in building an Eskimo dwelling. If you are going to do it for the first time, it will take about three hours to build an igloo, but you will feel the spirit of competition..
Active recreation area
On the territory of Kumysnaya Polyana there are preventoriums of enterprises and educational institutions, several children’s health camps, ski bases. There is also a whole network of asphalted tracks for fans of roller skis. The park is perfect for joggers. Many paths do not have a hard surface, which contributes to greater cushioning when running and reduces unwanted strain on the spine. There are several routes (terrencours) designed for different physical preparation. Beginners will be suitable for treadmills that have a smaller height difference (in the area of the camp “Beryozka”).
.How to get there
In the forest park “Kumysnaya Polyana” can be reached by private motor transport. To do this, you need to get from the center of Saratov to 50-letiya Oktyabrya Avenue, and there on one of the streets departing in a westerly direction to head towards the park. The second way: from Bolshaya Sadovaya Street (continuation of 50th Anniversary of October Avenue) go along Novouzenskaya Street, and then along Kumysnaya Street to get to the sports and entertainment center ZaDoor.
Another option is public transportation. On the streetcar, which follows the route № 3, you need to go to the stop “6th Dachnaya”, then on the streetcar № 4 – to “10th Dachnaya”. On the terrenekur passing through the Oktyabrskoye Gorge, you will ascend to the Lysogorskoe Plateau, where the Kumysnaya Glade is located.