Kul Sharif Mosque

Kul Sharif Mosque, located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin, in the western part of this museum-reserve, is the main juma mosque of Tatarstan and one of the symbols of the Tatar people. This building, known far beyond the borders of the republic, is its visiting card. The eyes of not only faithful Muslims, but also all those who are interested in the traditions of Islam and history in general, as well as understand architectural styles are drawn here. Of course, the Kul Sharif Mosque is visited with pleasure by those who are not directly related to religion, but in the soul feels aesthete and connoisseur of beauty.


Video: Kul Sharif Mosque



Inside the Kul Sharif Mosque there can be one and a half thousand people at a time, and on the adjoining square even more – 10 thousand. And even assuming that for some reason you can not get inside, you will not leave here disappointed. This religious building is so beautiful and expressive that once you see it at least once, you will never forget it again.


The mosque is a symmetrical composition. In the center of the courtyard is the actual building Kul Sharif, and on the sides – two pavilions. They connect the mosque complex and the building that once housed the Junkers’ School, giving the whole ensemble of city-wide significance and thus enriching the panorama of the historical, architectural and artistic museum-reserve “Kazan Kremlin.”


In Kul Sharif some rituals of religious nature are performed. Here you can consult and on theological issues, but it should be remembered that imams practically do not have free time, so they can not always give the believers due attention. Many people are saddened by this circumstance, but they should not despair. The Kul Sharif Mosque occasionally holds meetings-lectures covering various areas of Islam, where you can get answers to questions that you would like to ask the imam in a personal consultation.


Meetings with prominent figures of Islam from different countries are organized here every year. Such events usually have a wide resonance and gather a large number of participants not only from among Muslims. This amazing place, where the spiritual heart of the Tatar people beats, can be visited by anyone by signing up for an individual or group tour.
