
Kudepsta is a popular resort microdistrict of Greater Sochi, which is located south of Khosta, in the place where the Kudepsta River flows into the Black Sea. The resort village is known for its healing mineral waters and mud, which are widely used in Sochi sanatoriums and resorts. Vacationers come to Kudepsta because of the clean air, warm sea, picturesque nature and good resort infrastructure.


Video: Kudepsta



Kudepsta is similar to nearby Khosta, but is characterized by a less mountainous terrain. Its territory is crossed by several streets, on which 17 thousand people live. There is more space here, and the beaches are noticeably wider than in Khosta. More flat terrain is ideal for the elderly, parents with young children, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system.


Compared to the rapidly developing neighborhoods of Sochi and Adler Kudepsta resembles an oasis of peace and tranquility. For vacationers built a lot of small private hotels, which can be accommodated much cheaper than in the central quarters of the resort city.


For vacationers in Kudepsta work cafes and restaurants, and their prices are lower than Sochi. In the neighborhood there are several outlets, where in open stone ovens bake fragrant pita. In addition, there is always an opportunity to order pizza from Sochi or Adler.


Two chain “Magnet”, “Pyaterochka”, several small stores and markets, pharmacies, hairdressers, sauna, service stations and post office are open on the territory of the neighborhood. In the evening, the main entertainment is concentrated in the cafe-bar “Bereg” and nightclub “Flash”. Although, of course, in Kudepsta there are no such noisy hangouts, which are famous for the central districts of Sochi.


History of the neighborhood

In translation from Ubykh “Kudepsta” means “black oily water”. Why the area received such a name is not known. Nowadays, Kudepsta is no different from other Caucasian rivers.


Finds made by archaeologists in Vorontsov Cave, in the upper reaches of the Kudepsta River, allow us to conclude that this part of the coast was inhabited since the Stone Age. In the times of the Russian Empire the settlement was called Nizhnenikolaevsky or Nizhny Nikolaevka, and its very first inhabitants were settlers from Podolsk province. According to documents it is known that at the end of the XIX century there were 80 people living here, and at the beginning of the last century the number of residents increased to 170 people.


Like many settlements on the Black Sea coast, Kudepsta was included in Sochi in 1961. Since that time it has been developing as a resort district of the city.


Kudepsta beaches

The coastal strip is covered with pebble beaches, which are separated by breakwaters. All beaches are regularly cleaned. North of the mouth of the river Kudepsta stretches closed landscaped beach sanatorium “Kudepsta”. Next to it is the beach area of the boarding house “Automobilist”, where everyone can rest. The beach has a length of 400 meters and a width of 10 to 30 meters. Here you can rent deck chairs and sun umbrellas, ride on jet skis and catamarans, go parachuting behind a speedboat and do amateur diving. Along the entire length of the beach adjoins a landscaped promenade with changing rooms, showers and toilets. Near the beach there are cafes and snack bars, as well as stores selling resort goods and souvenirs.


The main beach of the resort microdistrict is called “central”. It begins 300 meters south of the mouth of the river Kudepsta, near the pension “Burgas”. The central beach of Kudepsta stretches for 200 meters and has a width of 7 to 20 meters. The coast is covered with fine pebbles alternating with sandy deposits. For tourists to get to the beach area, under the railroad bed is equipped with a special descent. Conveniently, it can be used by wheelchair users.


On the central beach Kudepsta has everything you need for a comfortable vacation – rent sun beds and umbrellas from the sun, rental of inflatable mattresses, circles and life jackets, as well as a variety of water attractions. And along the beach there is a landscaped promenade with gazebos.

Wild beach Kudepsta is considered the longest on the coast of Greater Sochi. It stretches for 2 km and has a width of 2 to 25 meters. Despite the fact that this beach does not have any infrastructure, the vast majority of vacationers prefer to take sunbaths and swim here. The fact is that the wild beach is never crowded, and for a measured rest in harmony with nature is quite enough to take towels, mats and products for a small picnic on the shore.


Active recreation and entertainment centers

Sea walks are very popular with travelers coming to Kudepsta, during which you can learn more about the coast, go fishing and swim in the open sea. On the outskirts of the resort – the spurs of Mount Akhun and Tiso-samshitovaya grove – conduct day horseback riding, and lovers of drive can always go on trips on quad bikes or jeeps.


An excellent place for active recreation exists in the center of Kudepsta – rollerdrome, where fans of rollerblading, skateboards and bicycles spend time.


To have fun, it is worth going to neighboring Khosta. During the summer tourist season in this part of the resort city of Sochi operates water park “Breeze”. The popular center of water entertainment is located near the Khosta railway station. A little to the north of it, closer to the center of the resort microdistrict, is located Khostinsky amusement park, focused on children’s and teenage recreation. In the park you can play air hockey, ride on a go-kart track, as well as on various merry-go-rounds and swings.


Sights of Kudepsta and its surroundings

Vacationing in the resort microdistrict of Sochi, many people visit the Kudepsta cult stone. The ancient megalithic monument is also called “Circassian stone”. It is located not far from the residential buildings of Kudepsta, south of the small village of Dubravny, at an altitude of about 160 meters above sea level.


Archaeologists believe that the stone belongs to the local dolmen culture. The sandstone block has a quadrangular shape and measures 4.6 meters by 4 meters. The stone is asymmetrical and rises 1.1-1.6 meters above the ground. On the eastern side of the block there are traces of processing by people – hollows hollowed out in the sandstone, similar to seats. Curiously, several wells of different shapes were found on and around the stone. However, scientists do not have a consensus on what the stone was set for and what role it played in the cults and beliefs of the locals.


There are three museums in neighboring Hosta. One of them is dedicated to the development of resort business in Sochi and the history of the Khostinsky district (ul. 50 years of the USSR, 28). Another presents to the attention of visitors a rich collection of wooden sculptures made by local artist Alexander Sobol (Zvezdnaya St., 1). And the third museum collection is created by the hands of the Bedrak family of artists (Platanova Street, 15). In beautifully decorated halls you can see watercolors, painted boxes, matryoshka dolls and Easter eggs.


Among the excursion trips are popular visits to the unique Tiso-samshit grove and dendrological park “Southern Cultures”, tours to Agur and Zmeykov waterfalls, trips to the Eagle Rocks and the White Rocks Gorge, a trip to the Vorontsov Cave, as well as trips to Krasnaya Polyana and Abkhazia.


Therapeutic opportunities

Among other microdistricts of Sochi, Kudepsta is known as a therapeutic place. To pass examinations in sanatoriums and boarding houses of Kudepsta can all comers, not only those who came to the Black Sea coast on a sanatorium voucher. Many tourists stay during the vacation in the cheaper private sector and almost daily undergo one or another medical procedures in sanatoriums.


Far beyond Sochi, the healing iodine-bromine waters of Kudepsta are popular. They act gently on the body, so the use of local mineral water has almost no contraindications. Kudepsta waters treat heart patients, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys, circulatory system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, skin and subcutaneous tissue.


Great help in treatment and recovery are also natural natural factors – an abundance of solar heat, pleasant sea bathing, walks along the coast and fresh, saturated with sea salts air.


How to get there

The nearest airport to Kudepsta is in Adler. From it to the resort village is reached by cab, shuttle buses or minibuses.


If you get to the Black Sea coast by rail, it is better to take a ticket to Adler, as at the station “Hosta” fast company trains do not stop. From Adler railway station (Lenina Street, 113) to Kudepsta is only 10 km. By bus or cab this distance can be traveled in 15-20 minutes.


Many tourists get to the resort microdistrict by car. This is convenient, as the federal highway A147 passes through Kudepsta.
