Konstantinovsky Palace

Konstantinovsky Palace is a spectacular architectural monument located in Strelna. The landmark has now become a major tourist attraction in this area of St. Petersburg – Strelna is now officially part of the city, rather than the Leningrad Region. The Konstantinovsky Palace has a very rich history; its construction was fraught with a lot of difficulties. And yet today we can enjoy a beautiful view of typical Petrine architecture.


Video: Konstantinovsky Palace


History of Konstantinovsky Palace

Interesting fact: the world-famous Peterhof fountains were originally supposed to appear in Strelna! When Peter the Great planned the construction of the Konstantinovsky Palace, he paid attention to the height differences and decided that they would be enough to create “water extravaganzas” – this was the name given to interesting fountain complexes. The emperor summoned Italian masters, and they began construction of fountains in Strelna. But the launch of the fountains failed – it turned out that the height difference was still not enough for an intense water pressure. To achieve the necessary pressure, it was necessary to build dams. This would have been very expensive, so Peter I abandoned the idea of building a fountain complex in Strelna. Subsequently, this idea came to him again when building a complex in Peterhof. There the terrain was more suitable. The fountains we see in Strelna today are a modern work, completed only in the early 2000s.


After the fiasco with the fountains, architect Michetti left back to Italy. The emperor was going to continue the construction of the palace, but soon discovered that the drawings of the master took with him. They were found only in the middle of the XX century in Rome – many years after the completion of the construction of the Constantine Palace.


When Peter the Great was disappointed in the Strelninsky fountains, the construction faded for a while. However, it finally stopped only after the emperor’s death. At that time he was completely absorbed in his Peterhof residence. The pipes from the fountains were moved to a new place. And while the construction of the future marvelous fountain complex was actively going on there, the unfinished palace in Strelna stood with boarded-up windows and a temporary boarded-up roof.

Konstantinovsky Palace in winter

What to see in the complex

Apart from the Konstantinovsky Palace itself, the surrounding landscape, which once attracted Peter the Great, is of great interest. Now there is a spacious multi-level park, divided into Lower and Upper parts. The total area of the park is more than 200 hectares.


On the shore of the Gulf of Finland is located consular village. Visitors with excursions are not allowed there, but tourists have the opportunity to look at the cottages from afar. Political and cultural figures who participate in events held in the Konstantinovsky Palace stay here.


Tickets and tours

The palace complex, being an important cultural and political center, is very strictly guarded. You can only get inside as part of a tour group. There are no free visits to the Konstantinovsky Palace!

In summer, thousands of tourists, including foreign guests, come to Strelna, so it is better to buy tickets not at the palace ticket office, but on the official website. Otherwise, you risk losing your planned visit – as a rule, on weather days visitors buy up all available tickets. The ticket office is open from 10:00 to 16:00 every day except Wednesday. The complex does not receive visitors on Wednesdays.


On the official website of the Konstantinovsky Palace you can find a full list of excursions.

  • If you are interested mainly in the architectural component, then pay attention to the excursion “The Revived Design of the Great Peter”. The ticket costs 460 rubles, for privileged categories of visitors – 300 rubles. This is the only excursion for which preferential prices apply.
  • To get acquainted with the collection of Russian paintings and graphics, which is stored in the Konstantinovsky Palace, go on a tour “Masterpieces of the Konstantinovsky Palace”. The ticket will cost 500 rubles.
  • To see the modern use of the Konstantinovsky Palace, you can sign up for the excursion “Century of the present and century past”. It will cost 550 rubles.
  • For young visitors there are exciting interactive excursions, during which various games and contests are held. Such tours are conducted in groups of up to 12 people (including chaperones), the cost of a separate ticket is not set, there is only the price for the whole group – from 4500 to 5500 rubles.
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  • Since Elizabethan times, the Konstantinovsky Palace has been famous for its wine collection. This tradition has survived to this day, and visitors have the opportunity to participate in wine tasting. The cost of visiting the cellar will be from 1000 rubles per person. You can visit the cellar as part of an organized group of 6 people.
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How to get there

It is quite easy to get to the Konstantinovsky Palace by private car: the attraction is adjacent to the St. Petersburg highway, which can be accessed via the Ring Road.


If you go by public transportation, then the routes that depart from the metro stations “Avtovo” (buses № 200, 201, 204, 210, 401A) and “Prospekt Veteranov” (buses № 103, 162, 329, 343, 359) will be suitable. You need the stop “Ulitsa Glinka.”


From Peterhof or Lomonosov you can get by buses № 103, 200, 201, 204, 210, 329, 343, 359, 401A. You should get off at the stop “Konstantinovsky Palace”.
