Kolomna Kremlin

Kolomna Kremlin is the main attraction of the Moscow Region town of Kolomna. Its territory is not closed, but is one of the city districts. The Kolomna Kremlin occupies an area of 24 hectares and is located in the center of the city, near the place where the Kolomenka River flows into the Moscow River. Its territory is surrounded by fragments of the fortress wall, along which seven towers have been preserved.


Video: Kolomensky Kremlin



Bird’s-eye view of the Kremlin in Kolomna

The dominant architectural ensemble of the Kolomna Kremlin is the Dormition Cathedral, which became a monument to the Russian victory on the Kulikovo Field. Nowadays this ancient temple has the status of a cathedral. In addition, in the Kremlin there is a high tent bell tower, several churches, civil buildings and monuments, as well as two women’s monasteries – Trinity Novo-Golutvina and Brusenskaya.


Tourists arriving in Kolomna can explore the Kremlin on their own or with a guide. There are many interesting tours and interactive programs for everyone.


History of the Kolomna Kremlin

The first Kremlin in Kolomna appeared in the middle of the XII century. It was built, thanks to the Ryazan princes, and, according to the assumptions of historians, occupied a territory of 3 to 5 hectares. In those days, the city was regularly raided by Tatar troops, and the Golden Horde several times completely destroyed the Kolomna Kremlin. The fortifications made of wood also suffered greatly from frequent fires. But the city played an important role in the defense of the southern borders of the Moscow principality, so the fortress was rebuilt every time.

%’ Kolomenskoye Tower

The Kolomenskaya Tower is often spoken of as the “Marinkina Tower”. According to one of the legends, it was here that the “Russian Tsarina” and wife of False Dmitry I – the Polish woman Marina Mnishek and her young son – were imprisoned. The silhouette of the ancient tower with an expressive “crown” on top is one of the recognizable symbols of Kolomna. That is why the Marinkina Tower is depicted on tourist booklets, advertising photos and souvenirs.


In the east of the Kolomna Kremlin, the grand entrance – Pyatnitsky Gate – has been preserved. It is a wide two-story tower. In the old days on the upper tier of the Pyatnitsky Gate hung a bell, the ringing of which the inhabitants learned about the approach of the enemy. Not far from the Granovitaya Tower is another entrance to the Kremlin – the restored Mikhailovsky Gate, leading to the churches of the Brusenskaya female monastery.

Pyatnitskie Vorota
Icon over Pyatnitskii gate
Mikhailovskie Vorota


In the center of the ancient fortress stands the large Assumption Cathedral. Its history begins in the second half of the XIV century. The temple appeared in 1382 and became a monument to the victory of Russia on the Kulikovo field. Three centuries later a new temple was built instead of the old one. Its upper part was made of bricks, and for the foundation and white stone base used stones left from the old cathedral.


The Cathedral of the Assumption is very beautiful. The snow-white two-light quatrefoil is crowned by a powerful five-domed dome. The main dome is covered with gilding, and the side domes are painted in bright green. Nowadays the cathedral is well restored and church services are regularly held there.

Assumption Cathedral
Interiors of the Cathedral of the Assumption
Frescoes in the Assumption Cathedral
Carved platbands of the Assumption Cathedral

The tallest building of the Kolomna Kremlin is the bell tower of the Trinity Novo-Golutvina Monastery (1825). The empire building is very different in style from the nearby strict Assumption Cathedral, and at the same time they create a harmonious architectural ensemble.


In the 70s of the XVIII century on Sobornaya Square appeared a single-domed Tikhvin church, used for services in the winter months, that is, the church was heated. In 1861 it was rebuilt again, consecrating three altars. In the 1990s, the old church was restored, and the interiors and iconostases lost in the last century were restored.

Bell Tower
ikhvinskiy temple

To the north of the Tikhvin Church stands a small but very elegant church of the Resurrection of the Evangelist – the oldest of the buildings of the Kolomenskij Kremlin. It is the house church of the not preserved princely palace, which was located in the Kolomensky Kremlin in the XIV-XVI centuries. It is known that the church was connected to the princely chambers by a passage.


In 1366 Dmitry Donskoy got married here with Evdokia of Suzdal. A legitimate question arises – why such a momentous event took place not in the Moscow grand-ducal residence? It turns out that a year earlier Moscow suffered greatly from fires. In the ancient chronicle about the terrible consequences of the Moscow fires it is written: “pogore without a trace”. That is why the wedding of the prince was moved to the Moscow suburbs.

The Church of the Resurrection of the Slovushchego

The picturesque Trinity Church can be seen in the Trinity Novo-Golutvina Monastery. The single-domed church appeared in the XVIII century and now serves as the main monastery church. Next to it rises the older Pokrovsky church, which was built in the late 17th century.


In the west of the Kolomna Kremlin is the Brusenskaya nunnery, founded in honor of the capture of the city of Kazan by decree of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. In it you can see two ancient churches. The red-and-white Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross appeared in the middle of the XIX century, by the 300th anniversary of the Orthodox monastery. In the 30s of the last century, when there was an active anti-religious campaign in the country, the ancient church was beheaded. During the Great Patriotic War it was used as a bomb shelter, and then – as a warehouse. Now the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross has been restored, and next to it you can see the Dormition Monastery Church with a beautiful hipped bell tower.

Trinity Church
Krestovozdvizhenskiy Cathedral

In the other direction, near the Pyatnitskiye Gate, rises the Empire Church of the Holy Cross. A few centuries ago on this place there was a city market, there was a wooden church. The stone church replaced it in 1764.


Nearby there is an interesting architectural monument – the temple of Nikola Gostiny, one of the first Russian temples built of brick (1501). Its unusual name is explained simply. The church was built on the money of a wealthy merchant – Vasily Ivanovich Yuriev, who bore the title of “Kolomna guest”. Curiously, the services here were held one hour earlier than in other Kolomna churches, so that merchants could pray and start trading in time.

Krestovozdvizhenskaya church
Church of Nikola Gostinogo


Nowadays, the Kolomna Kremlin has become a large museum and exhibition site. Several museums and exhibitions are housed here, the central place among which is occupied by the Museum of Local Lore. It is located in a two-story merchant’s mansion built in the XIX century (15 Lazhechnikova St.) and is dedicated to nature, archeology, history and culture of Kolomna.


Coming to Kolomna, you can visit the museums of Russian photography (19 Isaeva St.), organic culture (10 Kazakova St.) and the history of housing. Year-round exhibitions and art projects take place at the Brusensky Exhibition Hall (31 Brusensky Lane), the Kremlin Court and the Liga Art Gallery (5 Lazhechnikova Street).

Kremlin courtyard
Brusenskiy Exhibition Hall

Information for visitors

The Kolomna Kremlin is open around the clock, and one walks around it without buying tickets. Each museum has its own schedule, usually they open at 10.00 – 11.00 and finish work at 16.30 – 18.00. Some of them can be accessed only by prior arrangement.


Individual and group excursions are held for tourists, as well as in interesting interactive programs. Especially for guests of Kolomna developed thematic, pilgrimage and family tours, which allow you to get acquainted with the Kremlin history and monuments in detail.

Audio guide on the territory of the Kolomenskij Kremlin
Ratobortsev Tournament
Horse-drawn omnibus rides

How to get there

The Kolomna Kremlin is located in the city center – between Lazhechnikov, October Revolution and Lazarev streets. You can enter it from Lazhechnikov Street and near the Yamskaya Tower.

There are different ways to get from the capital to Kolomna. These two cities are separated by 131 kilometers. The road by car along the Novobiazanskoye highway takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes. From the Moscow metro station “Vykhino” to Kolomna runs bus number 460. Get off at the stop “Square of Two Revolutions.”


From Kazansky station to Golutvin there are electric trains – direct to Golutvin, as well as passing this station electric trains going to Ryazan or Lukhovitsy. The journey by train takes 1.50-2.20 hours. From the platform “Golutvin” to the Kolomna Kremlin go streetcar № 3 and route cabs № 10U and 18. You need to ride to the stop “Square of two revolutions”. In addition, there are buses from the railway station to the Old Town.
