Palace of Knossos
Knossos Palace (Knosses) is a unique monument of the Minoan civilization (the oldest in Europe), located on the north coast of Crete and is its main attraction. Millions of tourists come here every year to touch the history that dates back some four millennia.

Video: 3D reconstruction of the Palace of Knossos
Contents- Highlights
- Archaeological excavations
- From the history of the Palace of Knossos
- Myths, related to the Palace of Knossos
- Palace furnishings and interesting finds
- Practical information for tourists

Many scholars are skeptical and disapproving of Arthur Evans’ work on the grounds of the Palace of Knossos. He was more often guided by fantasy than historical accuracy in his restoration. In addition, the British were more interested in the “New Palace” period, and priceless traces of earlier history disappeared without a trace.
Despite the controversy surrounding the archaeologist’s persona, it is thanks to him that today we can touch the history of the oldest civilization in Europe.

From the history of the Palace of Knossos
The ancient Greeks mentioned Knossos as the most important city of the island of Crete. During excavations of Roman settlements, coins with inscriptions “Knossos” or “Knossion” were found, with images of a minotaur and a labyrinth. And, in fact, the Knossos Palace is not the first construction on this territory. Scientists have proved that in the period 2000-1700 B.C. there was already a palace here. It was destroyed by an earthquake (around 1700 BC). This was the so-called “Old Palace” period.
.The “Novodvortsovy” period (1700-1450 BC) coincides with the blossoming of civilization. Knossos had about 90,000 inhabitants, and the palace was the heart of the city, the administrative and cultural center.
Interestingly, Minoan structures are not characterized by fortifications and defenses. It is reasonable to conclude that the locals felt safe and were not afraid of attack. Knossos is located at the crossroads of maritime trade routes. There is evidence that the Minoans were engaged in piracy, they had friendly relations with Ancient Egypt.
Palace furnishings and interesting findings
The principle of erecting palaces of the time on the island of Crete was roughly the same for all. The rooms were built around a central courtyard. The palace of Knossos was the most impressive, it was the residence of the rulers of the island. The size of the structure is impressive: 180 by 130 meters. In some places, the structure occupies five floors. The palace had a water and sewage system, and more! There were many other things that we presumptuously consider to be achievements of exclusively modern civilization: flush toilets and even acoustic systems.
The central courtyard is lined with huge slabs. This is where, according to scholars, rituals, ceremonies and initiations were held. A staircase leads to the upper floors. Here presumably were the reception and ceremonial halls, decorated with columns and pilasters. Narrow oblong rooms are visible from the main floor. Scientists are inclined to the version that these are storerooms. There is also a number of square pits. According to the main version, olive oil was stored in them, as there are more intense traces of the fire. On the walls of the hall – images of symbols, stars, labrys. The latter was not only a double-edged axe, but also a symbol of the ruler’s power.
.The most popular with tourists is the Throne Hall of the Knossos Palace. Here you can see a stone throne, in front of it is a round bowl, along the walls – stone benches. The room is designed for about 16 people. It served, as it seems today, for audiences. It is interesting that during excavations in the hall were found scattered clay vessels. What happened here will forever remain a mystery.
A must-see is the Hall of Frescoes. It houses copies, many of the originals were found in deplorable condition. They have been restored and are in the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion. Minoan frescoes are distinguished by their realism and rich colors. The most famous ones are “Games with Bulls”, “Prince with Lilies”, “Lady in Blue”, “Blue Monkey”, “Blue Bird”, “Bull”, “Riton Bearer” and many others. Popular image characters include bulls, griffins, and humans.

The Three-Part Sanctuary is famous because clay tablets with the so-called “B writing” were found here. Two types of writing are distinguished: linear A and B writing. Neither one has been deciphered. Next to the Sanctuary are two dark rooms with recesses in the floor. Statuettes, clay vases have been found in similar vaults.
.Arthur Evans believed that the Western part of the Palace of Knossos – ceremonial, and the East Wing – royal chambers. Many historians have disputed this. The hall of the two axes is recognizable because of the corner portico with six columns. The queen’s bathroom is separated by a wall with a window. One can admire the beautiful fresco “Dolphins”. Here were found jewelry, ivory products. Next to the cosmetic room and a room with a hole (presumably sewage). The ablution pools have no drainage system.

The Craftsman’s Workshop, the Pottery, the warehouse of giant pythos, the theater – all of these are especially impressive to tourists visiting the Knossos Palace, as some of the exhibits are about 4,000 years old. The human-high vessels are skillfully decorated with reliefs.

A game similar to backgammon or checkers, decorated with ivory, gold, silver, and rock crystal, was found on the grounds of the Palace of Knossos. Sculptures and jewelry are characterized by skillful execution. On frescoes there are finely drawn characters. Not surprisingly, Minoan culture had a huge influence on the eastern Mediterranean, and after the invasion of the Achaean Greeks – on the island of Crete and the rest of Greece.
.Practical information for tourists

Knossos Palace is located 4 kilometers from the city of Heraklion. It can be reached by car, there are free and paid parking lots near the palace. Near the bus station, you can buy bus tickets (2-2.5 euros) at a kiosk. Transportation runs regularly. As you approach the city, you can already see this architectural monument from the bus. The scenery is breathtaking. The ruins of monumental ancient buildings, as if scattered among huge pine trees, stun the imagination. Knossos Palace is surrounded by majestic mountains, clearly visible against the blue sky.
.When going on a tour, don’t forget to take hats, as the temperature here is always higher than by the sea. Be sure to bring plenty of water. Take care of comfortable shoes – you will have to walk a lot.
You can book a tour or get acquainted with the attraction yourself. Everywhere there are signs with descriptions of the Knossos Palace. However, experienced tourists who have already been here, advise you to take a guidebook, because the territory of the Knossos Palace is huge and many people find the information on the signs insufficient.
Near the attraction there are souvenir shops and cafes, where you can buy something to remember and have a snack.
.There are always a lot of tourists here, orient yourself on a small signpost.
Entrance ticket costs 6 euros.
Opening hours: May through October, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; November through March, until 3 p.m.