Jebel Marra

Jebel Marra is a large extinct volcano and the highest point of Sudan, located on the Dafur Plateau, in the western part of the African country. Jebel Marra is shaped like a volcanic field and covers an area of 1,500 km². The height of the volcanic mountains ranges from 1,500 to 3,088 meters. In the center of the huge crater are two picturesque Deriba lakes. According to scientists, the Jebel Marra volcano last erupted more than 4,000 years ago.


General Information

The mountains are surrounded by a stony desert dominated by an equatorial monsoon climate. The dry season here lasts from 8 to 9 months of the year, with only 500-600 mm of rainfall per year. It is no coincidence that Jebel Marra means “bad mountains” in the language of the African Fur people.”


Years of hostilities in Sudan have prevented tourism from developing in the Jebel Marra volcano area, but the hilly stone desert is an excellent trekking area. In addition to climbing to the volcano’s crater, travelers can explore the scenic waterfall near the village of Kuaila, and visit hot springs near the crater itself.


How to get there

Jebel Marra is located between the Sudanese town of El Fasher and the border with the Republic of Chad, 110 kilometers northwest of Nyala, the capital of South Dafur State. It can be accessed by rented vehicle.
