Harvard University
The green campus of Harvard University lies along Massachusetts Ave, across from the Harvard “T” station. The university’s alumni include dozens of Nobel laureates and eight U.S. presidents. Other interesting information can be learned during a free campus tour given by students from the Harvard University Information Center (Tel: 617-495-1573; www.harvard.edu/visitors; 1350 Massachusetts Ave; hourly tours 10 a.m., 12 noon, and 2 p.m. Mon-Sat).
.The university is home to the Harvard Art Museums (Harvard Art Museums; Tel: 617-495-9400; www.harvardartmuseum.org; 485 Broadway; adult/child $9/free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues-Sat) It’s hardly surprising that the nation’s oldest (1636) and richest university houses a fantastic art collection, ranging from Picasso to Islamic art.