Giant Baobabs

Baobabs are some of the thickest trees in the world, with a large circumference of the trunk (9 – 10 meters in the average baobab) their height is relatively small (18 – 25 meters). Thick branches form a large (up to 38 meters in diameter) crown. To save moisture in the dry season, baobabs shed their leaves, making their branches look like roots. This is why baobabs are sometimes referred to as “the tree that grows upside down.”

According to various estimates, baobabs live from 1,000 to 5,500 years.


In Mozambique, in the small village of Cobue, there is a grove of giant baobabs. One of them is about 2000 years old, the thickness of its trunk in diameter – 29 meters! It has a whole ecosystem: birds, butterflies, even monkeys sometimes come here to eat fresh fruit. Baobab fruits are loved not only by them: in the neighboring village, almost all the children carry these big rough fruits. It’s not the tastiest thing in the world, but if you’re offered it, don’t refuse – maybe the little man is giving you his breakfast or lunch.