India Gate

India Gate is one of the symbols of New Delhi, it is located at the eastern end of Rajpath Avenue. This 42-meter stone arch designed by Lachens is a memorial to the 90,000 Indian soldiers who died in World War I, during the North-West operations of that time, and in the Anglo-Afghan War of 1919


Video: India Gate


The Gateway of India was built in 1931 under the direction of architect Edwin Lachens, using Bharatpur stone as the material.


An eternal flame burns at the foot of the gate, as in other cities and countries in memory of those who died. Initially, it was planned that the eternal flame would burn at the very top of the gate, in a specially made niche for this purpose. But for some reasons this idea was never realized. On the arch of the India Gate the names of all the fallen soldiers are carved.

In the evening, the gate is beautifully illuminated, so it is recommended to see it at this time.


Not far from the India Gate is a dome supported by four columns, also designed by Lachens. Originally, a statue of British King George V stood under the dome, but after India’s independence, the statue was moved to Coronation Park. At the moment, there are discussions about installing a monument to Indira Gandhi at this site.


There is a large park around the India Gate and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which has become a very popular place for picnics of all kinds.
