
Gaspra is a friendly and cordial resort, which lurks 12 kilometers from Yalta. Here it is customary to enjoy tranquility and appreciate every minute of a long-awaited vacation! The village will not quench the thirst for excursions, but will be remembered by tourists with sunny weather and the atmosphere of serene rest.

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General Information

Gaspra is a Crimean village located on the southern coast of the peninsula. It stretches westward from Cape Ai-Todor and the famous “Swallow’s Nest”. Miskhor and Koreiz villages adjoin the resort. Since the boundaries between them are conditional, these settlements are often considered one large town for tourist vacation.


Delightful landscapes, mountain peaks, landscaped sidewalks and parks – this is all about Gaspra. These advantages are successfully complemented by a mild climate and healing sea air, which have a health-improving effect, so tourists coming to Gaspra often stay in numerous sanatoriums and health resorts.


Interesting origin of the name of the village. Toponym came from the Greek adjective “aspros”, which characterized the white color. Probably, the settlement had another name, which was further reduced to the modern version. This idea is suggested by the proximity of the rock Gaspra-Isar (“white fortress”) in the northern part of the resort. Some local historians believe that it was she who awarded the village the name “Gaspra.”


History of Gaspra

According to documentary sources, the territory of the settlement was partially inhabited in the VIII century. Here were located Taurian necropolises. The dead were buried together with valuable things: horse harness, weapons, bronze jewelry, cowrie shells, beads. Fifty stone tombs have survived to this day, but, unfortunately, were looted in the XIX-XX centuries.


In the era of the Roman Empire near the future Gaspra towered near the fortress Haraks, laid in the I century and was the largest defensive structure of the peninsula. Near Mount Mogabi partially preserved medieval military forts.


Gaspra developed as an independent settlement, starting from the second half of the XVIII century. In 1784 it was mentioned in the “Chamber Description of Crimea” under the name “Gaspura”. October decree of 1802, the town was attached to the Simferopol district. At that time its territory had less than a hundred inhabitants, mostly of Tatar origin.


At the end of the XVIII century falls the first literary mention of the village. It is found in a diary kept by the German encyclopedist Peter Simon Pallas while traveling in the Crimea.


Topographical map of 1817 shows Gaspra as a small settlement with 16 yards. By the middle of the XIX century, their number increased to twenty. On the territory of the settlement operated a mosque, an Orthodox church and merchant shops. In 1915 Gaspra belonged to Derekoy volost and had 176 yards. The number of Tatar population was 1723 people.


During the Soviet era, the village was part of the Yalta district, numbering about 144 yards, of which more than half belonged to peasants. The number of residents decreased to 696 people.


The settlement acquired the status of urban-type settlement in 1930. Once modest Gaspra became a famous all-union health resort, where rested not only representatives of the working class, but also the powerful. It was said that the residents of the settlement have only two spheres of activity: agriculture and sanatoriums.


In 1980 in Gaspra unfolded large-scale construction work. The settlement acquired new roads, high-rise buildings, stores and village council. Crimean resort is being improved to this day. The number of atmospheric restaurants and cafes is increasing, in summer there are numerous attractions for children. Along with peaceful rest in Gaspra, guests choose the resort and exciting excursions, in the organization of which help travel agencies and local guides.


Climate and weather

The climatic conditions of the Crimea are inherently heterogeneous. Most of the peninsula is under the influence of temperate climate: in the mountains – with increased humidity, on the plains – milder, reminiscent of the steppe. The southern coast of Crimea, where Gaspra is located, is part of the zone of subtropical climate belt.


Winter in Gaspra

During the cold season, the northwestern part of Crimea is affected by Mediterranean cyclones, while Gaspra on the southern coast is under the influence of warm air. Winter here is humid, with frequent precipitation. There are regular thaws: snow drifts do not linger. Daytime temperatures vary between +3…+5 °C, while nighttime temperatures drop to +1…+3 °C. The winter season has about 15-17 days with precipitation.


Spring in Gaspra

Compared to the mainland of Crimea, spring on the coast can be delayed by 3-4 weeks. This is due to the proximity of the sea, which cools the resorts. The territory near the foot of the mountains is subject to night and morning frosts. The air temperature in March reaches +6 °C, at night it drops to +3 °C. In April there is a noticeable warming. The mercury reads +11 °C and +7 °C respectively. May is the warmest month. At this time, the air warms up to +17 °C and cools down to +13 °C after sunset. The number of days with precipitation reaches 11-12 per season.


Summer in Gaspra

Conditionally summer season begins in mid-May. Hot and cloudless weather reigns in Gaspra. Storms rarely form, despite the breezes and winds from the mountains or valleys. Precipitation is frequent but short-lived: it falls for a week each month, mostly in the morning. At the beginning of the season, temperatures reach +22 °C during the day and +18 °C at night. The heat peaks in the second half of July and August: the mercury thermometer reads +28 °C and +22 °C. The sea warms up to +23…+25 °C: perfect bathing conditions!


Autumn in Gaspra

September and early October – velvet season for vacation in Gaspra and other Crimean resorts. Weather conditions please tourists: strong winds are absent, there is warm and sunny weather. The air warms up to +21 °C during the day, and at night cools down to +16 °C. There are still many bathers in the sea: the water temperature reaches +23 °C. From the second half of October the real fall begins. The thermometer reads +9 °C and +6 °C respectively. There are more than 10 rainy days per season. Precipitation is abundant, often heavy.


Gaspra Sights

Despite its modest size, the territory of the resort united many iconic sights. They are headed by the famous “Swallow’s Nest”, which crowns Cape Ai-Todor on the Aurorina Rock. This architectural monument has long been a symbol of the Southern coast of Crimea. The history of the “Nest” began in the second half of the XIX century. At that time on the site of the landmark was a wooden building erected for a retired general.


After his death, the building passed into the possession of Adalberg Tobin – a doctor who monitored the health of the inhabitants of Livadia Palace. After being widowed, his wife sold the plot to a merchant, who built a wooden castle on its territory. The Nest owes its modern appearance to Pavel Steingel, an oil industrialist who was inspired by the medieval castles of the Rhine.


The attraction is located at the address: Alupka highway, 9A. Vacationers can get there by buses № 36 and 102 to the stop of the same name (the latter also goes to the stop of the sanatorium “Pearl”). After getting off the transport, go on one of the pedestrian paths leading to the coast. Not far from the “Swallow’s Nest” is a pier, where boats dock daily.


On the territory of the sanatorium “Dnipro” nestles villa Haraks. Contrary to the misconceptions of tourists, this building is not a legacy of the Roman Empire, and the creation of Russian architect Nicholas Krasnov. The estate belonged to the younger son of the Emperor Mikhail Nikolaevich. The building was built in the late Art Nouveau style, which was characterized by a bias towards more decorative and artistic motifs. Even Nicholas II was impressed by the appearance of the villa.


Since 1922, Haraks has played the role of a sanatorium. The restoration of the building after the Great Patriotic War did not return it to its former grandeur. Now the estate is used as a residential building for guests of the sanatorium “Dnipro”.


Villa Haraks is located at the address: Alupka highway, 13P. In her direction follows the bus number 102. Getting off at the stop of the sanatorium, pass by the second building diagonally. The estate rises near picturesque terraces and fountains.


At 500 meters from the villa are the ruins of the Roman fortress Haraks, which gave its name to Krasnov’s masterpiece. During archaeological excavations revealed: the structure was used not only as a military fortification, but also as a point to control land and sea trade routes.


The Romans were forced to abandon the fortress after regular raids by the Goths. Harax fell into disrepair, but its foundations and walls have been partially preserved. Although conditionally the ruins belong to the sanatorium “Dnipro”, anyone can walk to them.


Not far from the Roman Haraksa installed Ai-Todorsky lighthouse – one of the oldest on the Black Sea coast. It was erected in 1835 with the participation of Admiral Mikhail Lazarev. The structure acquired its modern appearance 41 years later.


The lighthouse did not function during the Crimean, Russian-Turkish and Great Patriotic Wars. The latter caused the building impressive damage. During the reconstruction of the building, new radio beacons were installed in it. They cover the territory in a radius of 240 kilometers.


Ai-Todor lighthouse rises on the cape of the same name. Guests of Gaspra can take bus number 102 to the stop of the sanatorium “Pearl” and, passing the house of the manager, turn right to the ruins of Haraksa. The lighthouse is 120 meters away from them.


Gaspra has its own “Yasnaya Polyana”. This ancient estate embodies the features of classic medieval castles. The name is explained by the fact that Leo Tolstoy stayed here in 1901. Although other writers – Bunin, Kuprin, Chekhov – were among the guests, the figure of the author of “War and Peace” is considered the most significant.


At the time, the building was owned by Olga Panina. The enterprising countess ennobled the estate and turned it into one of the famous hotels. Under her leadership, the walls of the building were clad, its roof was strengthened, a new greenhouse was laid out and the park was expanded. During the Soviet era, a sanatorium was established near the estate, which also received a “literary” name.


The attraction is located at the address: Sevastopol highway, 52A. You can reach it by buses number 36, 115 and 171. Coming out at the stop of the sanatorium “Yasnaya Polyana”, it is necessary to turn to the path among the trees. From the fountain and the Romantic Alexandria estate, the path turns left. Stick to this direction until the path makes a loop. The Panina estate will show itself after 150 meters.


Among other attractions of Gaspra are the Church of St. Nina and Transfiguration of the Lord, Haraksky Park and Tsar’s (Sun) trail leading to Livadia Palace.


Gaspra beaches

The territory of the resort is heterogeneous: steep slopes alternate with flat areas. Gaspra has neither a picturesque promenade, nor an equipped coastal zone. Despite this, the village has five beaches, which are popular among tourists.


Central Beach

The central beach is the only municipal beach in Gaspra: the rest belong to hotels and sanatoriums. Entrance is free, so in the summer hundreds of vacationers gather here. The central beach can not be called clean: it does not have time to clean completely because of the huge number of tourists. But this disadvantage is imperceptible against the background of advantages. Among them – a long length and a gentle entrance to the water. The shore is covered with sand and small pebbles.


Of entertainment popular walks on a scooter or “banana”. You can order a sea excursion on the water area of Gaspra.


Beach sanatorium “Yasnaya Polyana”

This place is ideal for families with children. Near the beach there are no sharp drops in depth, so young guests Gaspra can safely frolic in shallow water. The bottom is covered with sand, sometimes there are “islands” pebbles.


Vacationers do not have to pay for the use of beach amenities. Among other advantages can be highlighted the presence of a lifeguard post and a medical center.


The beach of the sanatorium “Parus”

The beach is notable for the fact that it is hospitable to both guests of the sanatorium, and to outsiders. Entrance is free, the use of shower stalls and deck chairs for free. The coast is covered with small pebbles, sand is almost never found.


Along the coast are scattered numerous cafes. Here you can try Tatar cuisine and enjoy the taste of Crimean wines.


The beach of the sanatorium “Rodina”

As in the previous case, the beach “Rodina” is open to all comers. There is one exception: sunbeds and terraces for sunbathing are available only for guests of the sanatorium, so other tourists are placed on blankets directly on the pebble beach.


Entertainment in the form of catamarans, “bananas” and pleasure boats are absent. Young people are better to look for another place to rest.


The beach of the hotel “Marat”

The territory of the beach is divided into zones for guests and strangers. Their conditions are practically not different from each other. Both there and there the shore is covered with small pebbles, has a smooth descent into the water. The depth gradually increases, so families with small children like to come here.


Near the shore there are water rides, “bananas” and boats for boat trips. Beach restaurants serve a variety of food from ice cream to a full three-course lunch. Souvenir stores can also be found near the beach.


Where to stay in Gaspra

A popular housing option in Gaspra – boarding houses and sanatoriums, located along the sea coast. They offer tourists picturesque landscapes, beaches and a list of health procedures included in the price of accommodation. The main specialization – treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, respiratory and circulatory organs.


Vacationers can stay in hotels that have comfortable rooms (including family rooms), swimming pools and private beaches. Sun loungers, umbrellas and towels are provided free of charge.


Connoisseurs of home vacations will find guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere, fully close to the family hearth.


Prices for vacation

Accommodation in Gaspra is within the framework of budget vacation. Tourists who choose a sanatorium will pay about 1200-1300 rubles for a double room without a balcony. A vacation in a middle-class boarding house will cost 2700 rubles per night. For a room in a high-class sanatorium will have to pay a minimum of 6500 rubles, depending on the services included.


Lunch for one person costs about 350 rubles. It includes a medium-sized pizza and carbonated water. A candlelit dinner for two will cost 1500 rubles and up.


Local cuisine

The menu of Gaspra’s establishments includes European and Crimean-Tatar dishes. Fans of hearty food will like chebureks, yantyki, kebab, tatar-ash (analog of Russian dumplings), dolma, sary burma. No less appetite cause and meat pies – kubate, sarburma.


A special place in Tatar cuisine is occupied by hot dishes: broths and soups. They can be vegetarian, lean, meat and dairy, and the variety of “dressing” is not worth talking about! In Gaspra’s cafes you can try vegetable, cereal-vegetable, flour-vegetable, cereal and flour soups. The most popular options are tokmach, solyanka, kullama, uha.


Desserts are insanely delicious and caloric. Among them are chak-chak, gubadiya, talkysh keliave, katlama, laasida and baklava. The menu also includes more familiar variants: “horsetail”, almond cake, baked apples.


Lunch in the best Tatar traditions will be perfectly complemented with tea with milk. More refreshing options are katyk, ayran and koumiss.


Popular establishments in Gaspra are considered to be “Knyazha Kitchen” and “U Tescha”. Tasty pizza according to Italian recipes is prepared in “Little Italy”.


How to get there

The easiest way to get to Gaspra from two settlements:


  • from Simferopol: through the village pass shuttle buses that go to Koreiz and Simeiz. They depart from the railway station from the bus station “Kurortnaya-2”. The cost of a ticket – 160 rubles;
  • from Yalta: on buses “Yalta – Gaspra”. The place of departure – the city bus station. Fare will cost 30 rubles.


Tourists can get to the village with transfers: from Simferopol to Yalta, and then – to Gaspra. In all cases, the duration of the journey is the same.


Less budget option – to use the services of a cab. A trip to Gaspra will cost 1600 rubles and more, depending on the selected fare. The road from Simferopol will take about 2 hours, from Yalta – no more than 20 minutes.
