Fort No. 5 – King Friedrich Wilhelm III

Fort No. 5

, built in Kaliningrad in the late 19th century, is one of 12 powerful forts located on the perimeter of the ring road around the city and was named “The Night Featherbed of Königsberg”. Now the fortification military structure is not only an object of cultural heritage of federal significance, but also a freestanding exposition of the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art (KOIHM).


Video: Fort No. 5


General Information

‘ Kaliningrad is a city that has always been fought over during significant wars. Its location is all to blame. The history of this European-soaked Russian city is rich in military events, so it’s no wonder there are so many defensive structures here.


Fort No. 5, which was originally named “King Friedrich Wilhelm III” in honor of the King of Prussia who fought Napoleon, is a military-historical memorial complex and a monument of defensive architecture. It occupies an area of 15.5 hectares. The central structure has the shape of an elongated hexagon (360 by 180 meters) and is surrounded by an earthen rampart, a stone wall and a water moat. The latter is 3-5 meters deep and 20-25 meters wide.


From the main entrance covered by a powerful pillbox there is a central gallery that leads inside the fort. The central structure has a symmetrical arrangement. It included officers’ and soldiers’ barracks, food store, guardhouse, infirmary, canteen, kitchen, boiler room and ammunition store. The vaulted ceilings, which are up to 5 meters thick, are made of brick, concrete and sand.


Along the perimeter is an earthen rampart, the height of which reaches 6 meters. In it, trenches were equipped, firing positions were created for mortars, machine guns, artillery pieces and flamethrowers. The trees and shrubs that once lined the fortification were used to camouflage the defensive structure.

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At the entrance to fort #5” alt=””/>

History of Fort #5

‘ Kaliningrad – Svetlogorsk) and was part of the combat zone of the 54th Rifle Corps of the Soviet 43rd Army. This rifle corps was commanded by Lieutenant General A. S. Ksenofontov.


The first time the Soviet troops tried to take the fort was on April 3-5. The Red Army planned to destroy the structure with the help of artillery fire. But the guns of special power did not cope with the task: the fort withstood the test of fire. Having received about 90 direct hits, the fort lost its “earth cushion”. But the breaches and punctures were isolated and, on the whole, its functioning was practically unaffected.


Artillery preparation of the site continued until the fort was approached reinforced by tanks, SAU and powerful guns 801st and 806th Rifle Regiments of the 235th Rifle Division. Under enemy fire the men of the second rifle company of the 806th rifle regiment managed to force the moat and seize the casemate, which was located on the right flank. Sergeant Alexei Kondrutsky and Lieutenant Mirza Dzhabiev hoisted the Red Banner of Victory on this casemate.

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Inside Fort #5” alt=””/>

Second Attack

But the enemy continued to resist. The 550th Infantry Regiment of the 126th Infantry Division had to join the assault on Fort No. 5. The siege and assault of this defensive structure, alternating with each other, persistently continued the first battalion of the 732nd Infantry Regiment and the second battalion of the 550th Infantry Regiment. Led the assault senior lieutenant R.R. Babushkin.


Fearless sappers, despite the incessant fire from the enemy, blew up the second casemate, which was located already on the left flank. Three sappers – Petty Officer Merenkov, Staff Sergeant Malygin and Private Polupanov – under the cover of night managed to successfully carry out two directional explosions. Thanks to these explosions to the water moat was provided the descent of improvised means for the crossing. Forcing the moat, the sappers managed to organize the explosion of the floor polygonal front (caponier).


Thanks to the brave and selfless actions of three sappers, the assault squads had the opportunity to cross the water moat and get inside the fort by going through the resulting breach. A fierce battle inside the fort went on all night from April 7 to April 8. The remnants of the German garrison reported the surrender on the morning of April 8.


The Red Army had to spend about 24 hours to storm Fort No. 5. Is that a lot or a little? By comparison, it took Soviet assault units only a few hours to capture Fort #6 and Fort #7. In the process of storming Fort No. 5, 200 enemy officers and soldiers were eliminated and more than 100 men were taken prisoner. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the siege and capture of the fifth fort was awarded to 15 officers and soldiers.

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Fort Park #5” alt=””/>

Fort #5 these days

Fort No. 5 was heavily damaged during World War II as it put up fierce resistance to Soviet troops. The already deplorable situation was aggravated by the fact that after the war sappers in the left wing of the fort exploded ammunition collected in the area.


The status of the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War Fort No. 5 received in 1979. At the same time it became a branch of KOIHM. On the basis of the defensive structure in 2001 was created a non-state museum of military equipment and fortification.


Part of the fort has been open to the public since 2010, and inside there is an exposition “The Storming of Königsberg” – an exhibition of rare documents, photographs and items from the war years. In memory of the Soviet soldiers who died during the storming of the fortification, a war memorial has been created in the area surrounding the fort. The names of fifteen Heroes of the Soviet Union are immortalized on the memorial stone.


What to see

Military-historical exhibitions related to the Napoleonic Wars and the Seven Years’ War are constantly held on the territory of Fort No. 5. On April 6-9 and May 9, military-historical reconstructions dedicated to the storming of Königsberg are organized. On these days Fort No. 5 becomes especially attractive for history buffs and lovers of original photographs.


Both residents of Kaliningrad and guests of the city have the opportunity to visit Fort No. 5 on any day of the week to see the defensive structure from the inside, visit the exhibition of military equipment, plunge into different periods of history, take a leisurely walk through the cool corridors of its underground part and enjoy the special atmosphere.


And visitors can also take part in a thrilling quest: to master Fort No. 5 together with the Soviet army assault group or to unravel a German secret cipher. Useful and interesting pastime is guaranteed, so neither children nor adults will be bored!

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Exhibition of Soviet agit-posters

Useful information

The museum “Fort #5” is open without weekends and breaks from 10:00 to 19:00. The ticket office is open until 18:00. Ticket costs 200 p., audio guide – 150 p. (you will need to leave any document as a pledge).


Phone number for excursions and inquiries: 8 (952) 058-83-53.


Additional services: movie room or lecture hall.


How to get there

The museum “Fort No. 5” is located at the address: Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad city, Bulatova Street. The landmark is the sign “Kaliningrad”, located at the entrance to the city.


You can get to the destination by your own car, cab or public transport: bus or trolleybus. Bus No. 36 and trolleybus No. 1 run to the stop “Fort No. 5”.
