Fish Village

Fish Village is a quarter in the historical center of Kaliningrad, the area of which is occupied by a complex of commercial and handicraft buildings imitating the look of pre-war Koenigsberg. The attraction is located on the bank of the Pregolya River, on the stretch between the Vysokiy and Medoviy bridges.


Video: Fish Village


General Information

Fish Village in Kaliningrad is a location that can be used both as an authentic photo backdrop and as a place where it is nice to bet money. In the buildings stylized “under the olden days” all sorts of pleasures await the tourist, from the Baltic specialties offered by local restaurants to spa relaxation. The budget traveler will enjoy less expensive entertainment: walks along the Pregolya embankment, group excursions on motorboats cruising along the river and the opportunity to take a thousand and one photos against the backdrop of neat German-style houses.


History of Fish Village

The historical and ethnographic complex Fish Village is one of the new and sensational sights of the city, the construction of which began in 2006. The construction of the object was repeatedly “frozen” because the territory of the future village could not be divided between the Ministry of Defense and the administration of Kaliningrad for a long time. Eventually, after several lawsuits and an appeal to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the plot on the Pregolya embankment was finally transferred to the city.


Now the construction of the Fish Village is at the stage of completion – the work is being carried out mainly on the territory adjacent to the historical ensemble of the housing estate. The style of future apartment buildings is “adjusted” to Königsberg architectural features, but taking into account modern design trends. The final delivery of the object is planned for 2022, and this date is relevant only for those who plan to move into the real estate purchased here. As for tourists, for them the doors of observation decks and souvenir shops of Fish Village are already open now.


What to see and do

The historical and ethnographic complex is a number of buildings lined up in a row along the Pregolya river embankment and pleasantly harmonizing with the surrounding landscape. The facades of the buildings evoke associations with old postcards and streets of German cities, which is no coincidence: the main idea in the construction of the ensemble was to convey the architectural atmosphere of medieval Koenigsberg.


Today, the Fish Village in Kaliningrad consists of the buildings of the Information Center and the River Station, the Skiperskaya Hotel, the Lighthouse Tower, and the Fish Exchange administrative and business center.


Part of this pseudo-historical district is the Jubilee Bridge, built on the site of the bridge called Kaiserbrücke, built in 1905 and destroyed during World War II. Local newlyweds and guests of Kaliningrad love to organize photo shoots on it. Interesting fact: despite the fact that the bridge is considered pedestrian, the strength of the structure was tested by machinery – after the completion of work on its decking drove two KamAZ trucks. Walking along Jubilee, it is also recommended to pay attention to the neighboring house – it is in it there are the mechanisms responsible for lifting and raising the bridge.


Perhaps the most visited location of the Fish Village is the Lighthouse Tower. In fact, the building has nothing to do with navigation and, except for the external resemblance, there is nothing to relate it to real lighthouses. Nevertheless, tourists are drawn here, as there is a viewpoint at the top, from which you can take a look at the whole Kaliningrad and snap a lot of unique panoramic photos. By the way, travel-bloggers recommend dark time of the day for climbing: in the evening the historical center of the city looks more mysterious and authentic.


Apart from buildings stylized as “postcard” Middle Ages, in the Fish Village of Kaliningrad you can find funny sculptures to be photographed with them in an embrace or just to study them in detail. For example, on the bench at the entrance to the tower there is a bronze sailor with a monkey, near which someone always sits down to take a couple of funny selfies.


On the observation deck of the “Lighthouse” tourists first rush to the “Bird of Happiness” – a formidable seagull with an egg in its paws. It is easy to guess what part of the metal figure should be rubbed to fulfill wishes: the egg polished by thousands of hands glistens in the sun so that it is impossible not to pay attention to it. But the bronze “Tavernkeeper”, inviting guests to her tavern, will be hard to find. The figure is located not far from the “Lighthouse”, but it is not so conspicuous, which makes the art object easy to miss.


In summer, there is an opportunity to change the viewpoint and admire the buildings of the Fish Village from the Pregolya side. Before the onset of frost to the pier embankment regularly docked pleasure boats, taking on board all those wishing to make a river excursion. The cost of the trip – 500-530 rubles, depending on the organizer of the entertainment.


Very close to the ethnographic complex is an elegant building of the New Synagogue. The structure was erected at the end of the XIX century, but during the Second World War it left no stone unturned, so that today in place of the old house of worship is a spectacular new building, near which it is also worth staying. If you walk a little north from Fish Village and cross the Honey Bridge, you will find yourself on Kant’s Island, which has an interesting history and is worthy of a separate walk.


Restaurants and cafes

The average bill in the coffee houses of Fish Village will be an order of magnitude higher than in similar establishments located in non-tourist areas of Kaliningrad. This is the very case when the price includes the atmosphere combined with a mesmerizing view from the window, for which mostly romantically inclined food bloggers and foreigners are ready to pay. Proper French cuisine is offered by Madame Bouchet restaurant, where a beef steak and a glass of wine will free up your card account from 1000-1300 rubles.


The Hofburg, part of the Kaiserhof hotel complex and positioning itself as a restaurant of new Baltic cuisine, remains a rather status place. For picky gastronomists the institution offers dinners on the summer veranda and even marriage registration in the hall with a giant stained-glass window: the bill for the first, second and salad – from 1400 rubles.


For fish delicacies it is recommended to look at the cafe-bar “Verf”. Here you should also try the legendary Lübeck marzipan, if you want a sweet treat. Invigorating breakfasts and light vegetable salads can be found at Magic Coffee, a small, stylish coffee house with a summer terrace.


Where to stay

The neighborhood’s No. 1 hotel is a “foursquare” called the Kaiserhof, located next door to the historical and ethnographic complex. Here, as in the case of restaurants, everything is designed for the tourist wealthy, generous and predominantly foreign. A day’s stay in the cheapest double room of “Kaiserhof” will cost 6260 rubles. In addition to the already mentioned restaurant, the hotel has its own spa complex “Amber Spa”, where you can relax body and soul at any time of year.


Seekers of less status options for accommodation should book a place in the hotel “Shkiperskaya”. The hotel is located in a building that is part of the architectural complex Rybnaya village, and offers standard rooms costing from 3900 rubles.


How to get there

Fish Village is actually the historical center of Kaliningrad. The exact address of the object is Oktyabrskaya Street, 8. A landmark showing the way to the sight can serve as Kant’s Island (Kneiphof) with the Königsberg Cathedral. If you prefer public transportation, take buses No. 21 and 40 or minibus No. 72 – get off at the stop called “Fish Village”. Kaliningrad streetcar route 5 stops here as well.
