Dylan Thomas Boathouse
Dylan Thomas’s Boathouse is the house in Locharn where the poet Dylan Thomas lived from 1949 to 1953, the last four years of his life, where he created many of his most famous works. The cottage is half an hour by bus from Cartmartin.

General Information
The house sits on a cliff in the bay, it has been kept intact in memory of the poet, you can see many manuscripts, letters, photographs, even listen to recordings of Thomas reading his poems. The only additions to the house are a bookstore, a tea salon and an observation deck. Look through the windows of the “closet,” as the writer called the wooden shed-garage above the house, where he also wrote his most famous play, “Under Milk Wood,”
“It is spring, and there is no moon at night, and the town is quiet as in the olden days” is how the poet Lowgharney was praised in this poem. The poet’s patroness, Margaret Taylor, bought the house for Thomas in 1949, and he lyrically referred to it as “the spoils of the sea on the ruins of the cliffs.” Windows on three sides of the “closet” allow views of the sea of the writer’s favorite Wales..