Curonian Spit

The attraction is related to the countries:RussiaLithuania

Curonian Spit is a unique natural phenomenon. This narrow strip of sand (width from 400 meters to 3.8 km), covered with dunes and forest, separates the huge Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. The length of the spit is 98 km, of which Russia owns 46 km and Lithuania 52 km. The Lithuanian part stretches from Semba Peninsula in the south to Klaipeda in the north. At its widest part, the spit is 4 km wide, and at its narrowest, only 400 meters of sand separates the Baltic Sea from the Gulf of Kursh.


On the one hand, the Curonian Spit is a land of fishermen, pristine nature and sand dunes, on the other hand, it is a sophisticated resort. In the last decade, many new hotels have appeared here, and the old ones have been renovated. Every year the flow of tourists increases, not only from Lithuania, but also from abroad.



Curonian Spit Dune
A settlement on the coast
Spit shore in winter

Muller’s height is the highest point of the Bolotnaya dune, the largest of those located near the village of Rybachy. The height itself is named after Müller, the chief forester of the Königsberg Forest Department, who secured state funding for forest planting work.


Palanga Beach
The pier in Palanga
Palanga Resort. Rental point

Two tourist information centers in Neringa will give you all the information you need about local events. Here you will find promotional booklets and other materials. It is possible to reserve a room in a hotel or private guesthouse, which you will also be informed about at the tourist office.


General information

  • Full name of the national park “Curonian Spit”.
  • IUCN Category: Ia (strict nature reserve).
  • Date of foundation: November 6, 1987. Region: Kaliningrad Oblast, Zelenogradsky District.
  • .
  • Area: 6621 hectares
  • .
  • Relief: plain.
  • .
  • Climate: maritime.
  • .
  • Official website:
  • .
  • E-mail:

Visitor Information

Plan of the Curonian Spit

Reserve regime

On the Curonian Spit you can vacation from May to November. It is the third most visited national park in Russia and a visiting card of the Kaliningrad region. It was here in 1982 that the shooting of the famous Soviet movie “Treasure Island” took place. The recreational and health-improving zone is well developed.


Where to stay

On the territory of the national park there are more than 30 hotels, campgrounds and campsites. Most of them are concentrated in the settlements of Lesnoye, Rybachiy and Morskoye.


How to get there

The easiest way to get to the Curonian Spit is from Kaliningrad, from where regular shuttle and tourist buses run.


You can get to the Lithuanian part of the Curonian Spit by ferry. Only the Russian part is connected to the mainland.

There are two ferries from Klaipeda to the Spit, which take on board not only passengers, but also cars and bicycles. The northern ferry is met by mini-buses that go all around the spit. You will have to pay less than 10 litas for the 50-kilometer route, but your own car will allow you to get to know the Curonian Spit better. If you arrive at the Spit without transportation, stop any mini-bus that will take you to the main beaches. Traveling around Neringa requires a permit, which can be purchased at the municipality border. No permit is required to visit the northern beach towns of Kopgalis or Smiltine.


History of creation

The Curonian Spit originated more than 5000 years ago under the influence of waves and wind. The formation of the spit began when a narrow strip of sand separated the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. Over time, the sand gradually shifted to the east and was deposited in the bay, which formed the spit.


The name of this place comes from the ancient tribes of the Kursh, who lived in the area even before the Germans colonized Prussia.


Since the XVII century, the Curonian Spit was a favorite place for royal hunting. The unique Royal Forest, where no trees have ever been cut down, has been preserved here until our time. At the beginning of the last century an ornithological station “Fringilla” was organized here. Its purpose was to monitor the routes of migratory birds and to ring them. Nowadays a part of the Curonian Spit belongs to the Kaliningrad region of Russia, and the other part belongs to Lithuania. National parks were established on both parts, only on the Russian half the protected area was created in 1987, and on the Lithuanian half – in 1991. In 2000, the Curonian Spit Park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is the smallest national park in Russia.

Morning on the dune

Dancing Forest

There is an amazing place on the Curonian Spit – the Dancing Forest. Bending and twisting, tree trunks take absolutely fantastic shapes, as if dancing. To find a scientific justification for such an anomaly scientists can not to this day. Some experts suggest that such a bizarre shape of trunks may be associated with soil contamination with chemicals. There is evidence that the Dancing Forest existed in former times and was considered sacred by local tribes. People believed that if one climbed through the twisted ring of the tree, one could get rid of all diseases. Unfortunately, many tourists rip the bark off the trees to take away a piece of this miracle.

The dancing forest on the Curonian Spit is a unique natural phenomenon. Bending in different directions and twisting in rings, the trees take the most bizarre shape.


There are 632 species of higher vascular plants on the Curonian Spit, 24 of which are rare. There are 348 species of lichens, 196 species of mosses and 300 species of fungi. The main tree species are pine (Pinus sylvestris), spruce (Picea abies), birch (Betula pendula) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa). The undergrowth is dominated by sagebrush (Oxalis acetosella), meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) and dicot nettle (Urtica dioica).


A very important role in the formation of the vegetation cover of the Curonian Spit is played by those plant species that prefer sandy soils. These are giant spikegrass (Elymus giganteus), seaside chyna (Lathyrus maritimus), reed (Phragmites australis), sand hairgrass (Leymus arenarius), sand sedge (Carex arenaria), sand lily (Ammophila arenaria), sand violet (Viola arenaria).


Animal life

There are 46 species of mammals, 262 species of birds, 8 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles and 11 species of fish on the territory of the Curonian Spit. There are moose (Alces alces), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), wild boars (Sus scrofa) and even lynx (Lynx lynx). Two species of rare bats can also be seen in the reserve – pond nightjar (Myotis dasycneme) and European wide-eared bat (Barbastella barbastellus).

The male peregrine falcon is usually more brightly colored than the female

One of the world’s first and Europe’s oldest ornithological station operates in Rybachy settlement. It was founded by the German theologian and bird lover Johann Tinemann on January 1, 1901. Especially numerous are the yellow-headed kingfisher (Regulus regulus), the spring warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus), the siskin (Spinus spinus), the skylark (Fringilla montifringilla), the cirl bunting (Erithacus rubecula) and the song thrush (Turdus philomelos).


One of the most interesting butterflies of the Curonian Spit National Park is the willow moth (Apatura iris). Its Latin name comes from the name of Irida, the goddess of the rainbow, daughter of Tawmant and the oceanid Elektra.


What to see on the Lithuanian side


It is the longest city in Lithuania – it is 50 kilometers long. Now only 2700 people live in Neringa. The town was formed in 1961, when the villages of Nida, Preila, Pervalka and Juodkrante were united into a single administrative unit.


Dunes of Nerigi

You won’t be bored here, even if you don’t like swimming and sunbathing on the beach. Curonian Bay is a great place for fishing, rowing or sailing. Tourists can walk through forests rich in berries and mushrooms. Lithuanians love to pick mushrooms. If you get there at the right time, you will see many people with baskets full of forest delicacies. The Spit is an ideal place for mushroom pickers, and Lithuanians know this very well. In the mornings on the beach you can find pieces of amber taken out by the waves (especially after strong storms).


Very interesting architecture of seaside settlements on the Curonian Spit. Nowhere else you will not see such beautiful and richly decorated houses. Brightly colored weathervanes are installed on almost every roof, as it has been practiced since ancient times. It is very important for fishermen to know the direction of the wind. In the evenings in Neringa you can smell smoked fish. Fishing on the Curonian Spit is not just a job, but a way of life.



This is the largest and most popular settlement on the Curonian Spit. In high season it is quite crowded. Over 50,000 tourists visit Nida per year. Nida is surrounded by pine groves, so it is very beautiful here in winter, when the bay freezes over. If you want peace and quiet, go to the spit in winter. You will always find something to do. Many museums await lovers of antiquity.

Houses in Nida
Nida Lighthouse

Nida’s main attractions are the dunes and the beach. Just south of the town, a path starts that will lead you to a wooden staircase that leads to the top of the Parnidzis dune (Parnidzio Kopa). The dune is 50 meters high. It is one of the biggest dunes on the Curonian Spit. From its top you can enjoy beautiful views. You can get to the snow-white beach directly from here or from the town itself.


Evangelical Lutheran Church (Fvangeliku-Liuteronu Baznycia)

The neo-Gothic red brick church was built in 1888. Its main attraction is the krikstai, i.e. tombstones. Their shape and size indicate the sex and age of the deceased. In the summer, classical music concerts are organized in the church.

Pamario, 43.


Amber Gallery (Gintaro Galerija)

This museum displays unique works of amber collected in Juodkranta and Nida over a period of 20 years. The largest piece of amber weighs more than three kilograms. Pieces weighing 1.5 and 1 kilogram are also on display here. In the gallery you can see amber of various colors and shades, as well as antique jewelry and works of Lithuanian artists.


Pamario, 20. Tel: (469) 52-573. Open: 9.00-21.00.

Entrance fee.

Ethnographic exhibition of the Curonian Spit (Kursiu Nerijos Gyventoju Verslu Ekspozicija)

To learn more about the fishermen’s way of life, we advise you to visit the specialized exhibition. Here you will find models of fishing boats, fishermen’s tools and other interesting exhibits. Here you will also see curious weathervanes, which were used on the Curonian Spit in the olden days. Here you can learn about the history of maritime trade; there are many photographs on display with detailed comments.


Kuverto, 2. Tel: (469) 52-372. Open: 11.00-19.00. Closed: Mon. Admission is paid.


Catholic Church of Our Lady, Protector of Christians (Marijos, Krikscioniu Pagalbos Baznycia)

An unusual modern church with a bright red roof stands out against the skyline. A small art gallery is located in the church.

Taikos, 10. Tel: (469) 52-132.


Neringi Historical Museum (Neringos Istorijos Muziejus)

The museum is housed in a modern building. The exposition presents the traditional occupations of the inhabitants of the Curonian Spit – fishing and crow hunting. In addition, you will see fishing nets, models of fishing boats, including a typical local boat – kurenas. The nets used to catch crows are also on display here. In other galleries you can see archaeological finds dating back to the Neolithic period and other exhibits that tell about the history of Nida and give an idea of the life of the local population in the late 19th century. One of the sections is dedicated to the noble Fresov family, who lived in Nida for several centuries.


Pamario, 53. Tel: (469) 51-162; Open: from June to mid-September daily 10.00-18.00; from mid-September to May watt-saturday 10.00-17.00. There is a fee for admission.


Thomas Mann’s House (Tomo Mano Namelis)

In 1929, the famous writer, Nobel laureate Thomas Mann visited Nida. He was so enchanted by the beauty of the Curonian Spit that he decided to build a summer house here. Thomas Mann’s house is a charming cottage, now turned into a museum of the writer and his family. If you are interested in this writer’s work, be sure to visit his home to see photos, letters, and editions of his books.


Skruzdynes, 17. Tel: (469) 52-260. Open: 10.00-18.00.


Ethnographic Museum “Fisherman’s House” (Zvejo Etnografine Sodyba)


Next to the central square on small narrow streets you will see rows of small brightly colored houses of local fishermen, for which Nida is famous. If you want to familiarize yourself with the way of life of the Kursh fishermen, visit this museum. The museum building is modeled after traditional fishermen’s houses.


Nagliu, 4. Tel: (469) 52-372; Open: from June to mid-September daily 10.00-18.00; from mid-September to May Mon-Sat 10.00-17.00. There is a fee to enter.



The first village, Juodkrante, is located 19 km south of Klaipeda on the shore of the Curonian Bay. It is the second largest settlement in Neringa after Nida. The local beach was awarded the “blue flag” in 2004. Do not spare time to familiarize yourself with this picturesque village. The main attraction is the promenade along the bay, where there is plenty to see and do.


There are always fishing boats lined up near the shore. In general, Juodkrante is a quiet, peaceful place. There is a small pastry shop here, and houses sell smoked fish straight from home smokehouses.


Stop at Witch’s Hill to admire the wooden sculptures. Folk artists created 70 large wooden sculptures for this park between 1979 and 1980. Another attraction is the oldest colony of gray herons and great gulls, which is located on the outskirts of Juodkrante. There are several hotels and inns in the town – it is an inexpensive and convenient way to stay on the Curonian Spit.



This is the smallest settlement of Neringa. Surrounded by dunes Pervalka is located 34 km from Klaipeda. Stop here for a while to visit a local souvenir store or to buy smoked fish.



Preila is located on the shore of the bay between Cape Preila and Cape Ozku, 39 km from Klaipeda. From here you can enjoy fabulously beautiful views of the bay. The dunes are covered with grass and bushes. The village is small, but very cozy. You will be pleasant to take a break here. Locals prefer to rest on the Curonian Spit exactly in Preila.


Cruises on the bay

The local company “Jukunda” offers a day trip around the Curonian Lagoon on a nice ship “Mecklenburg”. The trips run from the end of May to the beginning of October. It is a great way to admire the beauty of the Curonian Spit. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday the ship departs from the cruise terminal in Klaipeda at 10.00 and returns to the city at 21.00. During the cruise you will visit Juodkrante and then spend three hours in Nida, which will give you the opportunity to see this town in all its glory. You can buy food and drinks on board – the yen is surprisingly modest.
