Colca Canyon

Colca Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world, located in southern Peru, 160 kilometers northwest of Arequipa. Its maximum depth is 4,160 meters and its length is more than 100 km.



It was previously thought that the maximum depth of Colca Canyon was 3269 meters, but during the 2005 expedition, more accurate measurements were made and now, after all the data has been clarified, its depth is 4160 meters on the north side and 3600 meters on the south side.


Thus, Colca Canyon is more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in North America, which has a maximum depth of 1800 meters. Colca Canyon differs from the Grand Canyon in that its walls are not as vertical and it is suitable for farming, so it has been inhabited by humans for over 1,500 years.


The name “Colca” is translated from the Quechua language and means “grain barn”. And it makes sense, because in the canyon since ancient times there is a complex system of agricultural stepped terraces, cultivated by the locals, who to this day have preserved the traditions of their ancestors.


What to see

Colca Canyon is one of the most visited destinations in Peru by tourists who come here for the magnificent nature, unique landscapes and colorful settlements that still adhere to the rich cultural traditions of the region.


On one of the highest points of Colca Canyon is the Cruz del Condor lookout, from where you can watch the largest birds in the world, the condors, often called the masters of the Andes.


There are numerous Andean villages and terraced farming areas on both sides of the canyon. The plant and animal life in this region is very diverse, but it is particularly interesting to watch condors soaring over the abyss. The Andean condor is the largest of modern birds of prey. Its wingspan reaches 3.3 meters! You can see condors from the highest point of the Canyon, La Cruz del Condor, which is a 1.5 hour drive from the city of Chivay.


In the gorge of Colca Canyon, in an area called Sangalle, there is a plateau with an almost tropical climate. Palm trees grow here and the water in the river is crystal clear. This place is called Oasis. The Oasis is surrounded by glaciers, cliffs and mountains over 4500 meters high. To get here, you have to walk for more than 3 hours from Cabanaconde, an area located in the northernmost part of the canyon. The descent to the Oasis follows a narrow horseshoe-shaped path where travelers bump into each other because of the fog that shrouds everything around them. To understand how difficult this descent is, it is enough to say that the Oasis is located at an altitude of only 1900 meters above sea level, while the starting point of the Cabanaconde trail is at an altitude of 3500 meters! The path to the Oasis crosses several seasons – from winter, travelers descend into summer. No matter how difficult the descent, this paradise is worth all the effort.


How to get there

To get to the canyon, you need to get to Arequipa. This can be done by bus from Cusco (10-12 hours travel time, 520 km) or Lima (16 hours travel time, 1010 km) or by plane from Cusco or Lima.


You can stop in Arequipa, or a little closer to the Canyon in the town of Chivay.


Colca Canyon is high up in the mountains, so you should acclimatize before going out hiking.

It is quite cold in the mountains. Wear a few long sleeve t-shirts and sweatshirts so that you can gradually take them off if it gets hot.