Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was erected under Andrei Bogolyubek in 1165 near Bogolyubove in a lowland, on a flood meadow, on an artificial hill. Earlier near the temple there was a place of confluence of Klyazma and Nerl, but since then the riverbeds have changed their position. On the low-lying floodplain bank the hollow water would rise at overflow by more than 3 meters, that is why at first a foundation of cobblestone on lime mortar was laid 1.6 meters deep to the layer of mainland clay. On the foundation, the base of the walls was erected in two steps to a height of 3.7 meters from carefully hewn, tightly fitted stone. Outside and inside the walls were filled with clay loamy soil and tightly tamped. Thus, the underground part of the church is 5.3 meters. A gallery surrounded the temple, and the hill was faced with stone with gutters and stairs running down to the pier.

General information

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerli-a single-domed cross-domed four-pillar church. On all facades and under the cornice of the apse is an arcature-columnar belt, the walls above it are decorated with reliefs. The temple is crowned with a semicircle of the head-bulb, which used to be helmet-shaped.
.In 1919, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was taken under the protection of the Vladimir provincial board of museums.
.Interesting facts

- In 1784, the abbot of Bogolyubovsky monastery asked permission to dismantle the Church of the Intercession for stone for the construction of new holy gates in the monastery.
- The establishment of the Feast of the Intercession is associated with the name of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky: it is believed that it was established in Russia in the 1 160s. .
- The meadow, on which the church is located, is recognized as a specially protected natural area and declared a historical-landscape complex of regional significance.
- The walls of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl are decorated with carved reliefs. The central figure of the composition of the facade is King David sitting on a throne. Lions, birds and women’s masks are also used in the design of the facade. .
- In the early 1990s, the church was transferred to the Vogolyubsky monastery, and then to the local parish of Joachim and Anna, with subordination to the bishop. .
- In 1992, the church was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. .
- At present, the Church of the Intercession of the Intercession on the Nerl is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. .
- Now the church holds regular services, at other times the church is open as a museum exposition.