Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Church of the Resurrection) is the main holy site of Jerusalem and the entire Christian world. It is a complex of buildings that are believed to have been erected on the site of Jesus’ execution, burial and resurrection. The temple is located in the old part of the city, in the Christian Quarter. Already since the IV century AD it became an object of mass pilgrimage of believers. The complex of religious buildings also serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, which is based here in administrative buildings.
At the same time, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is administered by several Christian denominations at once, according to a complex scheme established centuries ago. Also, it is here that the rite of the descent of the Holy Fire takes place every year, which is televised all over the world and is of great importance to all believers.

Video: The Descent of the Blessed Fire – 2016
Contents- History
- Exterior decoration of the modern Temple
- Interior, distribution between confessions
- The descent of the Holy Fire
- The main parts of the shrine
- Opening hours and order of visit
- Cost of visit
- How to get there
The original Church of the Holy Sepulchre was laid out on the site of all these finds. In particular, the Rotunda of the Resurrection called Anastasis, the Basilica Martirium, and the garden of Joseph of Arimathea, where Golgotha is believed to be located, were erected. The consecration of the temple complex took place in 335 in the presence of the emperor, his family, and envoys of clergy from several countries.
Already in 636 the city suffered a new misfortune – the Arab conquest, but Caliph Umar ibn Khatab did not destroy the temple and even allowed there regular Christian services. At the beginning of XI century another ruler, giving in to anti-Christian plots, ordered to completely destroy the shrine. As a result, the tomb and basilica were badly damaged. By 1050 the temple again passed to the Byzantine rulers – Constantine Monomachus ordered to rebuild it.
.It was now a much more modest building that only returned to its former splendor after the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem in the 12th century. The temple complex was remodeled in Romanesque style, and all its buildings were united under one roof. The Pillars of Helena, the main pillars in the rotunda, were also reconstructed.
In later years, when Jerusalem periodically passed to Muslim invaders, the temple was not damaged. But the earthquakes in 1545 and 1927, the fire of 1808 caused serious damage to all the buildings, which in the XX century were further strengthened with steel structures, as well as decorated with new frescoes. It is in this form that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre can be seen today..href=’/upload/iblock/d87/molitvy-v-khrame-groba-gospodnya.jpg” alt=””/>‘ Prayers at the Church of the Holy SepulchreExterior decoration of the modern Temple” alt=””/>‘ Immovable staircase, temple facadeOn the right side of the active door is the tomb of Philippe d’Aubigné, a knight who accompanied Frederick II on his journey to the shrine in the 13th century.

In addition, the keys to the main entrance of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre have been in the permanent custody of the Arab Judi dynasty since 638, and the right to unlock the entrance every day with these keys has been given to the Nusseib family. This privilege has been handed down from father to son for centuries. Thus the Arabs also take part in the life of the temple.
The Catholic administration includes the Altar of Nails, the Church of the Apparition of the Risen Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the northern part of the Rotunda’s second tier and gallery, the southern limit of Golgotha, the Magdalene Throne, the Chapel of the Finding of the Cross, and the Franciscan Monastery.
.The Temple of Helen, the 8 columns of the Rotunda, the southern part of its second tier, the altar of the Myrrh-bearing Women, as well as the aisle of the Three Marys, the chapel of Vardan, the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea belong to the Armenians.
The main parts of the shrine

Additionally, there are several Christian monasteries, many galleries, auxiliary and utility rooms. All of this actually exists under one roof.
Right near the entrance a few steps away is the first attraction of the shrine, the anointing stone. It is believed that this is where Nicodemus and Joseph covered the body of the executed Christ with aloes and humblebrag. Behind it is the masonry wall of the Cathedral of the Resurrection. To the left of the stone is the entrance to the central rotunda of the temple. It is here that the marble Kulukwiya – a small chapel that divides the space of the rotunda into the Angel’s Aisle and the Holy Sepulchre – stays in the center. On the side of the first part there are two inconspicuous windows through which the Holy Fire is transferred to the faithful.
.” alt=””/>‘ A modern view of GolgothaThe Holy Sepulchre is the final resting place of Christ. This small room contains the Bed cut into the rock where the body was placed. Today, the surface is covered with a marble slab to prevent visitors from chipping off pieces of the holy stone for souvenirs.
The Bible says that the site of the crucifixion was formerly the grave of Adam, whose skull was buried here by Noah after the Great Flood. The blood of Christ seeped into the ground and washed the remains, thereby atoning for original human sin.
In the Church of the Resurrection you can see the symbolic “navel of the earth”, in place of which a stone vase is embedded in the floor. Nearby is the entrance to the site of the finding of the Cross. It is believed that this is where Empress Helen found the authentic crucifix with nails. You can descend to this basement room by stone steps.

During Christian holidays, it can be extremely difficult to get here due to the large number of pilgrims. All are allowed to attend the daily services as long as they observe the rules of proper behavior. The schedule of services can be found on site.
When visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre it is necessary to dress appropriately: no tight or too bright outfits, short skirts and shortened sleeves, shorts, deep necklines, heels. Women are required to have a head covering.
.” alt=””/>%’ A pilgrim may kneel and kiss the place where the Cross of Christ was enshrined.” alt=””/>‘ Rooms under the temple” alt=””/>‘ ‘
Cost of admission
Free, free photography is also allowed.
.Address and contacts:Address: 1 Helena Str., Old City, P.O.B.. 186, Jerusalem.Phone: 972-2-6273314; 972-2-6284203.Fax: 972-2-6276601
How to get there
To get to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one must arrive in the Old City of Jerusalem, enter the site from Suq Khan al-Zeit Street, turn to Suq al-Dabbagh, or from the Christian Quarter.