Brera Gallery (Pinacoteca di Brera)

Galleria Brera is one of the largest galleries in Milan. It is located in the former Jesuit palace Palazzo di Brera (XVII century), where, in addition to the famous art gallery Pinacoteca di Brera, are located the Academy of Art and the Observatory. In the arcaded courtyard stands a statue of Napoleon by Antonio Canova (1809). Along with the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the Brera Art Gallery is considered the most important in Italy.


General information

The main works in the Brera Gallery are Andrea Mantegna’s “The Dead Christ”, Bellini’s “The Sermon of St. Mark” and “Pietà”, Tintoretto’s “The Miracle of St. Mark”, Raphael’s “The Betrothal of the Virgin Mary”, Piero della Francesca’s “Madonna with the Saints”, Bramante’s “The Scourging of Christ” and Caravaggio’s “Dinner at Emmaus”.


Opening hours:Tues.-Fri. 8.30-17.15.