Blue Lakes in Kazan
Blue Lakes in Kazan is a system of lakes in the Vysokogorsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as a nature reserve located in the adjacent to the reservoirs wetland and forest area. There are three Blue Lakes in total: Big, Protochnoe and Maloe. Their total area is 0.3 hectares, and the reserve occupies 1910 hectares. The water bodies got their name due to the blue salt mud lying at the bottom. This feature attracts people to the Blue Lakes who want to improve their health and, in particular, get rid of skin diseases. The water here is absolutely clear and clean, and it keeps the temperature around +4 °C all year round. Big Goluboe, Small Goluboe and Protochnoe lakes are reservoirs of karst origin, formed here about two centuries ago. The light of flashlights easily shines through the water to great depths, which makes the lakes an attractive place for fans of night diving. Due to the fact that the water temperature in the Blue Lakes does not exceed +8 °C, hardening lovers also love these places.