Blue Lagoon
Blue Lagoon is a popular geothermal resort in southwestern Iceland, located on the Reykjanes Peninsula, 38 from the capital Reykjavík. The geothermal complex consists of several pools of bright blue-colored water and is one of Iceland’s main attractions.
The picturesque Blue Lagoon is surrounded by lava fields and fantastic landscapes covered with gray-black clumps. In places, the lava piles are covered with cushions of green moss, and in the distance you can see the outline of the Svartsenga geothermal station. The Blue Lagoon is the only natural monument of its kind on the planet, and 300,000 people from all over the world come here every year.

Video: Blue Lagoon
Contents- Highlights
- History of the Blue Lagoon Resort
- Treatment and recovery
Goluba Lagoon today - Useful information for tourists
- How to get there
So how was this unusual thermal reservoir formed? Seawater escapes to the depths through porous lava. In the thickness of the earth are geothermal underground reservoirs consisting of sea water (65%) and fresh water (35%), heated to a temperature of +100 ° C. As the water rises to the surface of the earth, it cools to +37…+40 °C. Silicon dioxide, which is very abundant in the Blue Lagoon, refracts the sun rays, due to which the natural water body acquires its amazing color. Depending on the light and time of day, it varies from bright turquoise to greenish and milky blue.
It is noteworthy that both in summer and winter the water in the Blue Lagoon has a comfortable temperature for swimming, so the resort is open all year round. Many people enjoy bathing in the hot water on frosty days and watching the flashes of the northern lights. In Iceland, which is completely covered in snow in winter, hot baths allow you to relax and forget about the cold.
People come to the Blue Lagoon not only for relaxation, but also for treatment. The water contains many mineral compounds and blue-green algae. The mineral salts have a strong relaxing and therapeutic effect.
The water in the Blue Lagoon is renewed every two days and the purity of the thermal reservoir is ensured by daily water sampling. The prestigious status of the spa is confirmed by the Blue Flag. This international award is given only to those beaches whose level of cleanliness, service and safety meets the highest international standards.
.History of the Blue Lagoon Resort
The Reykjanes Peninsula is formed by porous lava and has high geothermal activity. The last eruptions here occurred about 800 years ago. In 1976, the Svartsengi geothermal station (Svartsengi) was built on the peninsula. It was the first station in Iceland where steam from underground reservoirs 2 km deep was used to generate electricity and heat buildings. Around Svartsengi, a large lagoon of 8.7 thousand m² was formed naturally, with a depth of 1 to 3 meters.
As time passed, the station workers began to notice that the water in the Blue Lagoon had healing properties. Those who bathed in the hot waters were cured of skin diseases, joint diseases, and their well-being significantly improved.
In the 1980s, the first equipped baths were built on the Blue Lagoon, which gradually grew into a modern resort complex. Nowadays there is a hotel near the thermal reservoir. The price includes a visit to the thermal pools and breakfast. However, most tourists come here for one day.
.Treatment and recovery
Bathing and white clay from the bottom of the reservoir are used for therapeutic effect. Many vacationers bathe by applying a clay mask to the face. Included in the water and clay blue-green algae have a favorable effect on the skin, softening and nourishing it. Healing clay is used for cosmetic procedures and for applications for skin diseases. After it, the skin is cleaned, gaining elasticity and elasticity.
.Travelers arriving in the Blue Lagoon should know that a long bath in highly mineralized hot water dehydrates the body. All those taking warm baths are advised to drink plenty of plain water before and during the procedure. In addition, the water in the lagoon dries out the hair, so after bathing it is worth using a conditioner. Moreover, shower gel and shampoo-conditioner are provided free of charge in the showers of the resort complex.
.One and a half to two hours in hot water is enough for a state of complete relaxation. After visiting the Blue Lagoon, you should not plan a lot of motor activity and long walks. It will be difficult for a relaxed body to cope.
.Blue Lagoon today
The main part of the Blue Lagoon resort complex is the spacious outdoor thermal pools. These are warm bathing pools surrounded by black fields of solidified lava. For vacationers in the lagoon are equipped with bridges, comfortable passages and small waterfalls, with which you can massage the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
There is a modern spa complex “Blue Lagoon” built near the reservoirs, the road to which is cut through the lava. In front of the buildings is a large free parking lot, which leads to a paved walkway.
From afar, the reservoir looks blue, but on close inspection the color of the water appears white. Smooth clay bottom and average depth of 1.5 meters make swimming here very comfortable. The water is opaque, so you should move along the bottom of the reservoir without hurrying.
.When the temperature of the Blue Lagoon drops to +37 ° C, on its surface forms a white mush. This happens because the composition of the water includes a lot of silicon salts. The concentration of this mineral reaches 140 mg/kg. The viscous mush sinks to the bottom of the Blue Lagoon and plugs the lava, making it watertight. From this, the reservoir is constantly enlarging. Today it reaches several kilometers in length and is up to 200 m wide.
In the Blue Lagoon you can not only swim. Several steam baths and a sauna have been built on the shore. There is also a clinic here, where specialist doctors provide consultations. For visitors are open “Blue Café” and restaurant “Lava.”
.In addition, the resort opened a store where they sell natural cosmetics – masks and creams of the popular brand “Blue Lagoon”. The store also sells beautiful jewelry made of lava and knitted items made of warm and soft Icelandic wool.
Useful tourist information
The resort is open all year round. It opens at 8.00 am and finishes welcoming guests between 15.00 and 24.00, depending on the day of the week and the season. If a tour group of 11 or more who do not plan to swim comes to the Blue Lagoon, they can book a guided sightseeing tour. This tour is conducted in English and costs 15 euros per person.
. There is a fee to enter the Blue Lagoon. The price depends on the time of day, season and the requested package. On average, a visit to the resort costs 33-40 euros for adults and 15 euros for children 14-15 years old. Children under 13 years old can swim in the lagoon for free..Visitors are given a plastic bracelet with a magnetic chip, which is used to open a private locker. The bracelet is water-resistant and can be safely worn for swimming. Locker rooms are divided into men’s and women’s. At them there are showers and toilets. On the territory of the Blue Lagoon there is a luggage room where you can leave bulky luggage. The cost of storing one piece of luggage is 4 euros.
.Guests of the Blue Lagoon should not forget a swimsuit/swimwear, towel and bathrobe. No special footwear is needed here, other than regular flip-flops, as there is nowhere to hurt your feet. Conveniently, towels, bathrobes and flip-flops can be rented on site. Visiting time is not limited, but due to the high mineralization in the hot water is difficult to withstand more than two hours.
.Thermal water spoils jewelry, especially silverware, so it is better to remove them before bathing. On a clear day it is worth using dark glasses, as the surface of the milky blue reservoir strongly reflects sunlight.
Visitors to the Blue Lagoon are asked to take care of the hard-to-restore northern nature. All tourists are advised to travel only on paved paths, not to climb lava ledges or trample green moss.
How to get there
Blue Lagoon is 38 kilometers from Reykjavík. You can reach the resort by cab or by shuttle buses departing from the city bus station. The journey takes 40-50 minutes.
.At 15 km northwest of the Blue Lagoon is the largest in Iceland international airport Keflavík. There are no direct flights there from Russia. You can get to this airport with connections in Oslo, Riga, Helsinki, Copenhagen and other European cities. The drive from the airport to the Blue Lagoon takes 20-25 minutes.
.Most Icelandic tour operators organize bus tours to the popular thermal body of water. As a rule, children under the age of 11 travel for free, while children between 12 and 17 years old receive a 50% discount. Residents of Iceland prefer to come to the Blue Lagoon in private cars.