Blue Grotto
Blue Grotto is a sea cave washed by seawater in the rocky shores of the island of Capri in southern Italy. The Blue Grotto is known for its remarkably blue waters. Rocks of various minerals, reflecting sunlight, give the water all sorts of bright and saturated shades, absolutely unearthly purple, pink, orange and other bizarre highlights. White sand, fantastically shaped stalactites, coral walls, phosphorescent water. The multicolor mineral rocks below make you feel as if the whole bottom is dotted with deposits of precious stones. The water, reflecting their light, is colored in the same shades. In the caves, the water takes on an unnaturally rich blue-turquoise color. The deepest and darkest grotto goes into the depth of the rock for 45 meters. This natural wonder is declared a national treasure, and you can get here on one of the private boats.

General information
This cave is only accessible in calm weather and only by ducking or lying down in a boat due to the low ceilings. Alas, in cloudy weather the grotto is unremarkable, all the beauty and splendor is revealed in sunny weather. The light is refracted, and then the water and the grotto becomes blue in color, and objects immersed in the water become silvery.
The ecosystem is also unusual: the salts contained in the underwater streams create living conditions that are comparable only to the Galapagos Islands. In the grotto and in the waters near it grow corals of exceptional beauty, there are mussels, lobsters and giant sponges.
.Mention of the Blue Grotto on the island of Capri can be found in ancient documents, legends and legends. Thanks to its extraordinary beauty, which touched Tiberius to the core even in the beginning of our era, 12 magnificent villas were built here at once, where the emperor together with his cronies organized multi-day orgies. By the way, the Blue Grotto of Capri became a bathing place where only the emperor could swim. These days to visit the amazing cave filled with sea water, can every tourist who has the patience to stand in a huge queue.
Every connoisseur of beauty must visit this grotto, and behold the splendor of spilled light and shadow play. Go on an excursion, and hire a boatman is best early in the morning, when many tourists are still asleep, because it is not quite pleasant to crowd and is in line to swim. To immortalize your visit to this place, you can leave a plaque with your name in the Hall of Names.
.Unfortunately, every year this cave and others like it suffer irreparable damage due to pollution. Sometimes it is necessary to close the cave to tourists. For example, in 2009 the cave was closed because of sewage poured into the sea, which led to the destruction of living creatures living in the grotto, the appearance of harmful air and the appearance of a layer of film on the water. It was very difficult to eliminate the consequences.