Biserovo Lake
Biserovo or Biserovo Lake is a favorite leisure spot for many Muscovites, as well as guests of the region. Located in the Moscow region, 20 kilometers east of the capital, it allows you to disconnect from all the problems of the metropolis, its noise and dust, to truly enjoy a vacation in nature. Relict origin is what distinguishes Biserovo Lake from other water bodies. Scientists date the formation of the amazing natural attraction to the Ice Age. The unique place is the closest to Moscow object of this type. The area of the lake is about 100 hectares, the maximum depth does not exceed 5 meters. Due to its rich history and ancient origin, Biserovo Lake has earned the title of a natural monument of regional significance.

Video: Biserovo Lake
Contents- Highlights
- History
- Recreation on the lake
- Fishing
Active and healthy water recreation - Environmental
- How to get there
Biserovo Lake is deservedly one of the most popular bodies of water in the region. Active fishing, beach recreation, healing springs – many advantages attract guests from the capital, the Moscow region and neighboring regions to these edges. Developed infrastructure is a fair response to the large number of visitors. Despite the possibility of resting here “savages”, without the necessary amenities tourists will definitely not be left without.
The lake is fed by three streams, two of them flow from its western part, and the third – near the village of Biserovo. From the reservoir flows the river Shalovka, which, passing the villages of Shulgino and Obukhovo, flows into the Klyazma. Local places are characterized by strikingly favorable ecological situation, which makes them a suitable option for a long seasonal rest, especially with children.
Biserovo Lake is rightly famous for its rich history, which dates back to the times of primitive man. In the vicinity of the reservoir repeatedly conducted archaeological excavations, which showed that in ancient times there was a fairly large settlement on the eastern shore.
Among the artifacts found, scientists were able to identify dishes, household utensils and household items. Also about historical finds quite often reported by local residents, on the shore of Lake Biserov periodically appear washed out by water from the bowels of the earth flint implements and shards of ancient dishes.
.The Moscow Regional Museum in 1939 conducted a full-scale archaeological research, as a result of which ancient ceramics, remains of stone tools were extracted from the bowels, which testified to the presence of several settlements on the shores of the lake. In total, according to the researchers, there are seven places of ancient man’s stay on this territory, belonging to the Early Neolithic period.
According to legend, Biserovo Lake got its name thanks to Empress Catherine II, who was interested in the natural beauty of the coast. Walking along the reservoir, she accidentally dropped a piece of jewelry made of beads. They could not find the trinket at the bottom, so such an unusual name appeared on the map.
Another important milestone in the history of Biserovo was the period when the Don Monastery was located here. The novices of this holy place lived very secluded and were engaged in breeding sterlet. Already then, several centuries ago, the lake was famous for its clear water and a solid amount of fish.
.Vacation on the lake
A small remoteness from the city and picturesque nature every year attract vacationers to the shores of Biserov Lake. There is a fairly solid infrastructure: several recreation centers, there is a year-round fishery, working mud treatment and recovery centers.
Among fans of fishing, Biserovo is an honorable and very popular location. The lake is home to many popular species: gudgeon, crucian carp, perch, pike, roach, carp, trout and others. The population is supported by annual stocking, which is engaged in the nearby farm “Biserovsky fish factory.”
Private fishing is held here all year round, but you can get the right to it only for a fee. Depending on the season, volume of catch and type of equipment varies the range of prices. The license also stipulates the maximum weight that can be caught and carried away by a lucky fisherman. Exceeding the specified norm will have to pay extra.
.The cost of access to a body of water with a fishing rod starts at 250 p. and can reach 3000 rubles. The service includes a certain number of hours of fishing, the price may also include the rental of a boat and equipment.
Near Biserov Lake there are several ponds, which are also at the disposal of the local farm and abound in wildlife, so if you want to change positions, fishing can be continued in a new place. Note that nearby ponds differ in the species that are found there: carp, trout, etc..
There are strict fishing rules on the lake. The use of float rod and spinning rod is approved for sport fishing, ordinary rod and donkey are tools for amateurs. Bugging of fish is prohibited.
.After the end of the paid time each visitor is obliged to provide the catch for control weighing, in case of exceeding the norm stipulated in the license, an additional payment is made.
Fishing is carried out from the shore, from specially equipped bridges, as well as from watercraft. Only boats rented from the fishery are allowed on Biserovo lake and ponds.
Active and useful recreation on the water
Picturesque nature and sandy beaches attract families from nearby villages and towns, Muscovites and even guests from more remote regions. The lake is shallow, quickly warms up in the sun, so its coast has become a great place for children to swim.
On the reservoir is located recreation center “Biserovo”, it is represented by the hotel of the same name and cottage “Merchant”. Rooms are equipped with all the necessary equipment, on the territory of the cottage work mini-pool and sauna. Additional services include spa procedures, gym, jacuzzi. You will not get bored from passive pastime here: horseback riding is very popular among tourists, in winter there are excursions on snowmobiles. The base has a hall for 80 people and is ready to host retreats, corporate events, family celebrations.
Biserovo Lake is also famous for its healing sapropelic mud. They are successfully used for rheumatism, nervous system disorders, gynecological diseases, dermatological disorders and many other ailments. The excavation of the lake is filled with a solid layer of sapropelic silt, therapeutic mud is successfully used in sanatorium treatment near Moscow health resorts and resorts.
Forest massif almost closely approaches the coastline, providing all the conditions for a wilderness vacation, with a tent. Located nearby sand quarry forms a long spit, which divides the reservoir into two parts. There is the possibility of automobile access, which allows you to quickly and conveniently position for swimming almost near the edge of the lake.
.Ecological situation
The ecological situation on Lake Biserov varies depending on the anthropogenic load. At the beginning of the season the territory is unclogged, at the end of summer there is an accumulation of garbage. There are paid beaches, which are constantly cleaned.
.In 2012, a mass fish kill was recorded, to date, regular preventive measures allow to maintain the species diversity of the reservoir.
.As for the general situation in the region – it will definitely please all guests. Biserovo Lake is located away from industrial enterprises, sewage, polluted areas, so both the water and the area around here are surprisingly clean.
How to get there
Biserovo Lake is located in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. From the Kursk station there is an electric train to the station Kupavna, then to Biserovo will have to walk half a kilometer.
If you get there by car, you need to enter the Gorkovskoe highway and follow it to the station Kupavna, then turn right to the village of Biserovo.