Berendeyevo Tsarstvo Park in Lazarevsky
Park “Berendeevo Tsarstvo” is considered one of the most beautiful natural attractions of the Sochi region. The recreational facility is located in the northern part of the popular tourist resort village of Lazarevskoye, on Rucheynaya Street, laid along the valley of the Kuapse River. The territory of the park is a little more than 1 km away from the Black Sea coast.

- Highlights
- Who is Berendei?
- Natural attractions of the “Berendey Kingdom” in Lazarevskoye
- Ancient dolmens
- Cafe and trout farm
- How to get there

Who is Berendey?

In the gorge there is also an altar of the patroness of family comfort – the goddess Lada and a small lake “Happiness”, in which, if you want, you can bathe. According to local belief, such bathing gives a person health and vigor of spirit.
The second part of the pedestrian route through the “Berendey Kingdom” begins from the viewing platform near the waterfall “Berendey’s Beard”. Although this platform and called “observation deck” special view of the surroundings from it is not, but there are benches on which it is nice to rest.
From here 2-kilometer climb leads to the mountain Bezymyannaya, to the ancient megalithic complex. The path to the dolmens is steeper, but walk through the forest along the left tributary of the Kudepsta River – Lel Creek is very pleasant. Birds singing around, and the air in the mountains is clean and transparent. Under the trees grow typical for the Caucasus evergreen lianas, ferns and honeysuckle.
On the way there are beautiful panoramas of forested slopes. To the left along the way you can see tea plantations, which are considered one of the most northerly in the world. Tea has been grown there for over 100 years.

Ancient dolmens
The megalithic complex is located on the slopes of Mount Bezymyannaya. Tourists who come here can see the stone Sanctuary and a large trough-shaped dolmen. Menhirs stand next to it. The construction of these megaliths scientists attribute to the time of the Egyptian pyramids – 2000-3000 years BC.
On one of the menhirs preserved carved on the stone petroglyphs – a trace that left for descendants of the inhabitants of the Bronze Age. Not far from the sanctuary, on the slope one can see traces of burial places of Adyg-Shapsugs who once lived on this land.

Cafe and trout farm
Those who are hungry can stop by the cafe “Berendeeva Tsarstvo”. Here guests are treated with traditional Adyghe cuisine, kebabs, chebureks, wine, fragrant Lazarev tea and ice cream. In the cafe you can taste delicious mountain honey and see performances of Adyghe national ensemble.
From Lazarevsky to the “Berendeya Kingdom” locals get by shuttle buses and cabs № 68 and 69, to the stop “Sanatorium “Yantar””. From here you need to walk 5 minutes up the asphalted road and at the sign “Berendeyevo Tsarstvo” turn to the park through the hanging bridge. Besides, from Lazarevsky to the park there are buses and marshrutkas №№ 159-163. Ride to the stop “Mamedovo Gorge – Berendeevo Tsarstvo.”