
Bavaria is usually identified with the rest of the federal states of Germany, but formally it has a special status – a free state. This title does not give any actual advantages, except that it allows the local population to once again feel their own exclusivity. But geographically, the region is really lucky. Bavaria boasts proud Alps in neat snow caps, lakes enchanting with their transparency and the famous “green crown” – the Franconian Forest.


Video: Bavaria


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href=’/upload/iblock/c7d/Raspolozhenie-Bavarii-na-karte-Germanii.png’ Oktoberfest with an ocean of beer and record-breaking waitresses lifting beer mugs, and the jousting tournament in Kaltenberg, more reminiscent of a medieval carnival. And of course, what is Bavaria without an Alpine Christmas fairy tale, which is preceded by wonderful winter markets with mulled wine and mind-blowingly delicious glazed gingerbread.
