
Arkaim is a unique archaeological monument, interesting not only to a narrow circle of specialists, but also to numerous tourists. This fortified settlement, dating back to the Bronze Age (late III – early II millennium BC), attracts travelers from all over the world, first of all, its extraordinary energy, numerous mysteries and legends. Yogis, followers of various esoteric teachings and astrology often come here.


Video: Unknown Arkaim

  • Highlights
  • ‘ How Arkaim was discovered

    This archaeological site was discovered by archaeologists S. G. Batalov and V. S. Mosin, as well as several archaeology students and a few schoolchildren – participants of the Ural-Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition – relatively recently, in the late 1980s. The Bolshekaragan reservoir was planned to be built in this place, and the archaeologists were supposed to survey the territory, which would then be under water. However, during the research expedition, the remains of an ancient civilization were unexpectedly discovered and Soviet scientists, first of all, the director of the Hermitage, academician B. V. Piotrovsky, the head of the Ural branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician G. A. Mesyats and other archaeological specialists, did their best to prevent the project of building the reservoir, which was disastrous for Arkaim, from being implemented.

    Partially reconstructed excavation site
    Finds of archaeologists

    This struggle of Soviet scientists with the agency “Giprovodkhoz” was unprecedented for those times, because they managed to postpone the flooding of the settlement for two whole years. But it turned out to be only the beginning of the way. In April 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the battle for the preservation of Arkaim as an architectural and historical monument ended with a complete victory. The construction of the dam was officially closed, and the entire territory, which is nothing less than 3300 hectares, the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation allocated to the experimental natural-landscape and historical-archaeological reserve – a branch of the Ilmensky State Reserve named after V. I. Lenin.


    Features and attractions

    Arkaim, as we said above, is part of the so-called “Land of Cities”, which is spread out in the watershed of the Ural and Tobol rivers, south of the Uy River and includes dozens of ancient settlements.


    In translation from Old Slavic, “Arkaim” means “the city of the bear-Veles”. It is widely believed that the settlement 4 thousand years ago was founded by the Slavic goddess Slavunya, daughter of the god Man and wife of Bogumir. She was even the granddaughter of the god of prayers Barma and great-granddaughter of Rod himself – the only God of the Slavs. Of course, none of us can check the reliability of this fact, but, we think, everyone is pleased to realize that he walks through such significant places, soaked in history, time and legends.

    The area around Arkaim nowadays

    The Arkaim burial ground is located on the left bank of the Bolshaya Karaganka River and occupies a territory almost one and a half kilometers northeast of the settlement itself. To date, scientists have examined only five barrows, but the archaeological material found in them is impressive: it is a huge amount of inventory, household items, jewelry, made of bronze and bone tools, tools and pottery potters, anvils, fragments of chariots and even water supply and sewage. Human remains were also found in Arkaim, in particular, infants buried in the walls of dwellings, including pets. From this we can conclude that the population (it is assumed that there were about 2 thousand people living in the city), was engaged in cattle breeding, smelting copper ore and even studying the starry sky.


    Familiarization with the unique historical monument usually begins with the Museum of Nature and Man, built not far from the settlement. In this museum, which has four small halls, you will get a comprehensive idea of what tribes and peoples inhabited the southern regions of the Chelyabinsk region in different historical epochs, what was their material and spiritual culture. And, of course, you will get acquainted with the natural riches of the Southern Urals.

    The hall dedicated to the Stone and Bronze Age presents exhibits related to the history of the discovery and study of the Arkaim settlement and its necropolis. In another hall – it covers the Early Iron Age and Middle Ages – you will come into contact with the two thousand years of history of the nomadic peoples of the Southern Urals.

    In the halls of the museum

    The expositions of the Nature Hall are of no less interest. Here you will learn a lot of interesting things about how for many millennia man adapted to local natural conditions. Such areas as geology, soil science and mineralogy, as well as modern flora and fauna of the protected area are not left out.


    Be sure to look in the ethnography hall, which in all its beauty and originality presents the interior of the Orenburg Cossack house, where specialists conduct exclusive master classes on molding, clay firing and other ancient crafts.


    It will be interesting to get acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum of ancient industries on the territory of the tourist camp “Arkaim”. On its covered experimental platform reconstructed a fragment of the interior of a typical house of an ancient settlement, where a weaving loom, metallurgical furnaces and kiln for firing clay products, as well as a well. Museum specialists will also help you to experience the perfection of ancient technologies during practical classes, the names of which speak for themselves: “Vine weaving”, “Pottery making technologies”, “Reed weaving” and others.

    Monument “Waking Russia”
    Tree of Wishes

    In the future, the reserve plans to reconstruct the life of late nomads and Cossack stanitsa belonging to the period of Russian colonization of the region. It is planned to restore, for example, Kazakh and Bashkir flying and wintering camps. The house of a mining industrialist and a windmill, both dating back to the XIX century, have already been moved here. Also created Museum of the culture of the Nagaybaks – a small nationality (ethno-religious group of Tatars) living in the south of the Chelyabinsk region.


    What else interesting awaits you during the tour? You will definitely be shown a life-size model of the Arkaim house, you can even visit inside. In addition, you will get in touch with the Scythian-Sarmatian era – you will visit the burial chamber of the “royal” burial mound (of course, reconstructed). And you will also see stone sculptures, medieval burial mounds, models of ancient burials.

    Restored house of the Arkaimtsev
    Tent camp in Arkaim
    Ancient Burial

    Natural landscape of Arkaim

    Separately I would like to say about the mountains of Arkaim. On Shamanka, which is called the sacred mountain of the settlement, everyone can try to “establish” communication with the spiritual guardians of this place. Esotericists even compete with each other, practicing a “journey” into the spiritual dimension of the ancient settlement. A recognized place to purify yourself and repent of your imperfections is the Penitence Escarpment – it is the western slope of the mountain, it is also called the Mountain of the Ancestors. Here you will also see a spiral made of stones. It is believed that if you walk on it barefoot, you can be cleansed of sins.


    But the most important place where all the forces of Arkaim are concentrated, is considered the mountain of the same name, rising 4 km from the ancient settlement, it is also called the Mountain of Revelation. For its conquest it is necessary to overcome 2 km from the tourist camp. Part of the way runs along the asphalt road, then you will have to walk through the woods. This distance may seem the most pleasing to the eye, because the natural landscape around is simply delightful.

    Mount Shamankahttps://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Arkaimreterte/15_Spiral-iz-kamney.jpg” alt=””/>Spiral of stones

    Speaking in general, the natural environment of the whole reserve is unique, because in ancient times there was a mountainous country here. Archaeologists have found in Arkaim remains of fossilized corals and sea shells, which indicates only one thing – once in these parts splashed warm sea. There is much evidence that about 300-350 million years ago there was also a volcanic ridge here. On the slopes of the same Shaman Mountain (it is also called the paleovolcano Ogolnenny) remnants of frozen lava and the so-called “volcanic bombs.”


    It is impossible not to mention that the amazing nature of the valley creates an equally impressive microclimate, which, together with a variety of soils favor the growth of a huge number of plants. In Arkaim scientists have recorded over – just imagine! – 600 species of plants. Rare bird species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, such as the Imperial Eagle and the Fluttering Eagle, have also made their home in the reserve. Hares and badgers, foxes, steppe marmots and light-footed roe deer, which have taken a fancy to the territory of the settlement, feel at ease here.

    Flowering Steppe

    Mysteries of Arkaim

    By historical standards, Arkaim did not last long at all, about two centuries. How did its fate develop further? It seems that researchers have found the answer to this question. According to one of the most widespread versions, the inhabitants one day their city … burned to the ground, and themselves left in an unknown direction.


    However, as for who were those who erected in the Ural steppes mysterious city in the shape of a circle, versions differ. Some scientists believe that Arkaim was something like a cult temple, others believe that it was specially erected in a place where they found a lot of ore. But the most interesting version says that the ancient settlement is an astronomical object. Some experts believe that the ancient settlement is the homeland of the Aryans. This version was even expressed during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Arkaim in 2005.


    At the same time, interestingly enough, in the settlement scientists did not find any samples of writing, there were no masterpieces of ancient art, not to mention jewelry in the usual sense. What can this say? Is it about the fact that the ancient inhabitants could not read and write in their own language, were ascetic and cool to art? Be that as it may, Arkaim was and remains one of the most mysterious historical sites in our country.

    What Arkaim might have looked like 4000 years ago, artist’s drawing

    Such a number of mysteries could not help but attract the attention of the same astrologers to the settlement. In the early 90’s in Arkaim visited Tamara Globa, who said after the trip that the city will open to people only before the coming of the Age of Aquarius, and that here, in the place where Europe and Asia touch, will accumulate the energy of good, and that the start of positive changes in the fate of not only Russia, but the whole world will also begin here.

    True, many followers of esotericism believe that the Age of Aquarius has already come and even name the date (some believe that it happened in 2003, others – in 2012), but Globa’s prediction, given the situation in the world, is difficult to call true. Others believe that the new era has not yet entered its rights and, accordingly, Arkaim has not yet played its key role in the fate of the planet.

    Tourists on Mount Shamanka meet the dawn
    Rising Sun over Arkaim

    Where to stay

    There are a lot of sunny days in Arkaim, and the air is surprisingly clean. It seems that even the winds “know” where and how to blow, so that from early spring until deep fall, everything around was filled with the fragrance of blooming steppe grasses. And in summer the weather in the territory of the reserve is so hot that it can be compared only with African weather. Tourists escape from the heat, refreshing themselves in the river Bolshaya Karaganka.


    Tourists should be very careful with the local flora and fauna during their stay in the museum-reserve. In summer there is an abundance of urchins and snakes, but it is strictly forbidden to kill them. It is strictly forbidden to cut trees and tear lilies.


    How to get there

    It is most convenient to get to Arkaim from Magnitogorsk, the distance between which is only 250 kilometers. Twice a day, at 9:00 and 16:30, a bus leaves the city. The morning flight you can get to the reserve itself, and the afternoon bus usually takes tourists to the highway near the turn to Arkaim.


    Regular bus service to Arkaim is also available from the regional center. Buses go to the reserve from the southern bus station of Chelyabinsk.
