Hierarch’s podvorye

Archbishop’s palace is one of the oldest buildings of the Astrakhan Kremlin, located to the south of the majestic Uspensky Cathedral. Wooden chambers appeared here in 1617, and 60 years later they were replaced by stone ones. Today the Archbishop’s palace has the status of a historical and architectural monument of federal significance and is being restored.


General information

Originally, the house where the head of the Astrakhan diocese lived consisted of living rooms, the Bishop’s Chambers and the house church. Over several centuries, the ancient building survived a severe fire and underwent many reconstructions. Two floors were added to it, and the Archbishop’s palace became a rectangular four-story house stretching from east to west.


The facade of the ancient building is decorated with tiles, on which one can see the image of Alexander the Great sitting on a horse with a saber in his hand, a lion guarding the royal palace and a winged monster. Since 2015, plans have been underway to restore the old house to its original appearance. To do this, restorers want to demolish all the late superstructures, reconstruct architectural elements of the XVII century, as well as fully restore the covered passage that used to connect the Archbishop’s palace and the Assumption Cathedral.


History of the Archbishop’s Palace

When Theodosius was Archbishop of Astrakhan, the first wooden Bishop’s Chambers appeared in the Kremlin. At the same time, in the early 17th century, the Church of the Cross was built next to them, which was used as a house church.


As time went by, the wooden buildings deteriorated, and under the Astrakhan Metropolitan Joseph, in 1677, the construction of stone chambers began. There is a testimony left by Cornelis de Bruyn (1652-1727), a traveler and artist who came from Holland. He describes the Metropolitan’s chambers as the most important building of Astrakhan. The overseas visitor was very surprised by its large size and height.

In 1709, when church affairs in the city were managed by Metropolitan Samson, a two-story Cross Church was erected in the Hierarch’s House, consecrated in honor of the Unbroken Savior. The premises where the Metropolitan lived and the Cathedral Church of the Assumption were connected by a two-tiered covered brick passage, which was decorated with a graceful tower with a weathervane depicting a trumpeting angel. Through this gallery on Sundays the head of the church went to the Assumption Cathedral for divine service.

In 1778 there was a strong fire in the center of the city, and the old building was badly damaged by the fire. It was reconstructed in 1779, at the same time adding another floor to the Bishop’s Chambers. And the fourth floor of the stone building appeared in the XIX century.


During the years of Soviet power the Archbishop’s palace was exploited by different departments. In 1918 it housed the headquarters of the 11th Army and the commandant of the Astrakhan Kremlin. Ten years later the half-destroyed house was used as the Red Corner. The former church altar was converted into a stage, and an assembly hall was made in the house church. Later, the historic building housed various military and civilian organizations of the city.


How to get there

The Archbishop’s palace is located on the territory of the Astrakhan Kremlin – one of the most beautiful and well-maintained places of the city. You can get here by city buses and shuttle buses (stops “Kremlin”, “Lenin Square” and “Oktyabrskaya Square (Ulyanov Square)”).
