Angel Falls

Angel is the world’s highest waterfall, with a total height of 979 meters. The length from the cliff to the first obstacle in the water’s path is 807 meters, after which the stream traverses another 172 meters. For comparison, Angel is 3 times larger than the Eiffel Tower and 20 times the size of Niagara Falls.


The unique creation of nature is nestled in the dense forests of Venezuela and is a treasure of the Canaima National Park, on the territory of which it is located. A stream of water fills the Kerep River and partially disperses as fine particles that form a mist. The moisture in the air can be felt within a few kilometers.


Video: Angel Falls

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Location of the waterfall

Panorama of Angel Falls” alt=””/>Flow of Water

History of discovery

Since time immemorial, the local Indians knew about the existence of the water stream, they called it Churun Meru – “the waterfall of the deepest place”. It was only at the dawn of the 20th century that the world became aware of it. The first to stumble upon the attraction was explorer Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, but the discoverer is considered to be American pilot James Angel.


In 1937, an expedition consisting of the pilot himself, his wife Maria, and two colleagues, Gustavo Henie and Miguel Delgado, set out in search of ore deposits. Local guides claim that they could also have planned to find diamonds – their existence was told about by the natives in those days. In reality, the “precious” stones were quartz rocks, which abound on Mount Huyantepui. There is also a theory that the group was in search of gold.

The miners planned to spend several days on the plateau, but they were unable to realize their plans. James Angel wanted to land on the very top of the elevation, but the attempt was unsuccessful. According to various sources, the landing gear burst or a fuel line was damaged during the landing. The accident did not harm the passengers, but they were completely isolated from the outside world. As a result, the group descended the mountain on their own, their journey down taking a week and a half.

Under the Waterfall.

In December 2009, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez announced that the name of the waterfall had been changed to Querepacupai Meru. This was done because the natural attraction is the property of the state and cannot be named after a citizen of another country. In addition, the place was known among the locals long before it was discovered by James Angel. Such a statement of the president is fair for Venezuelans, but the waterfall is known in the world as Angel. Most likely, on the maps of all countries its name will remain unchanged, the innovation will affect only Venezuela.


Tourist Information

Angel Waterfall
Road to the waterfall